Tang Qi said: "OK, if you find him, everything will be solved. Don't worry about your father-in-law. They are evil doers. They are almost afraid of you. Now I've done it and I know their identity. I don't think they will continue to trouble you."

"Really? You're not kidding me, are you? "

"Trust me. After you go back, let your company's security guard, don't let them go, call again, tell them, continue to harass the police, you're welcome. Now we are the initiative. What are you afraid of? "

Mi Qilin nodded: "OK! I believe you. Then I should go back, too. " Since there is still some money left, it's better to save it back.

Tang Qi nodded with a smile: "OK, I'll go with you to the Expo tomorrow."

"Yes! Then I'll go. by the way! This matter... "

"I won't tell Mickey. Don't worry." Tang Qikou agreed. Tang Yuan picked up his tea cup and thought about what happened. At that time, Xiong Kun and his men went into the grave and took away the things. They didn't know whether they were ordered by his uncle or they wanted to get rich, so they went in and killed more and more people. And seeing that they do things so ferociously and neatly, it should not be the first time to commit a crime. There may have been a lot of bad records long ago. Tang Qi made a phone call to the head of the horse team, and the head of the horse team was very happy when he received his call.

"It's you, Tang Qi. Have you eaten yet?"

Tang Qi doubts a way: "how so happy, be like to win a grand prize?"

The head of the horse team said with a smile: "I'm really close to winning the grand prize now. I found a lot of things, all about the night star stone. Can you come out? I'll treat you to dinner. "

"Come here, I'll have a cup of tea with you."

In this way, Tang Qi didn't move. He was still waiting in the teahouse. Soon, the leader of the horse team came in a hurry. He still had several big lunch boxes in his hand and handed them to Tang Qi. He didn't have time to chat with him and began to eat.

Tang Qi said with a helpless smile: "it's really fresh. It's not elegant to eat in someone's teahouse."

"I can't take care of it. It's too urgent. I haven't eaten yet."

"What did you find out?"

Captain Ma whispered to Tang Qi, "do you know what night star stone can become?"

"Diamond, its nature and appearance are very similar."

"So you already know!" Captain Ma was a little surprised. He thought what he knew was secret. Unexpectedly, there was no secret in Tang Qi. Long Ye's news is always the best, which Captain Ma doesn't know.

Tang Qi sighed, but said: "I know it's useless, everything is useless evidence, and now Yamaguchi and his son have been standing still, we can't catch people."

"The night Star Stone disaster has done a lot of harm to people. You are the chairman of the antiques Association. Can you come up with something?" "It's a waste matter. I'm going to announce it tomorrow. It's better to pay attention to the reaction of these investors. There will be a lot of things starting tomorrow. " Tang Qi was also a little worried. When the common people and those small businesses knew that they had a hard time buying the

night star stone, it was not worth money at all. What would happen? But if the consequences were not more serious, they would have to sacrifice.

The marshal slapped the table and said with a smile, "well done! In fact, I have a new clue here to tell you. I heard that Dingshan, Yamaguchi's son, is going to get married recently, and the wedding is very urgent. After meeting that woman for a few days, we are going to have a wedding

"Is there a problem?"

"It's a big problem! In fact, you know the woman Ding Shan is going to marry. I said you'd better take a deep breath before you go out He took his last bite and pushed the box away.

"You don't have to play the game, will you?" Tang Qi passes over the women he knows. It's impossible for MI Qi and Shen Jiajia. They don't know Ding Shan at all. Besides, it's impossible for Chu Ya and Zhong Yaxin. Who is it?

"Her name is min Qian," said the head of the horse team. "They officially registered and married three days later."

Bang! Shocked, Tang Qi throws the cup out of his hand and smashes it to pieces. The last time he and min Qian went back from the dragon house together, they didn't see each other. Unexpectedly, such a thing happened in a short time!

"Is min Qian crazy? Why marry Yamaguchi's son? "

"Have you forgotten her identity? She is a Japanese. Of course, she has to marry a Japanese. "

Tang Qi is really the three sisters of the ting Ye family. She tells herself that her identity is special. But she is clearly a good person, and this person has just been rescued, the body is estimated to have not recovered, even to get married?! It can be seen that there is no emotional basis.

"Is it something unexpected? But I'm sorry if it's true. " The horses sighed.Tang Qi is very uncomfortable in his heart. How can a smiling man like min Qian marry that man. What's more, they want to make profits from the night star stone. Is it a kind of marriage of interests?

Captain Ma said, "I don't know. The man behind min Qian doesn't know who it is."

"It's not east brother?" "It seems not. Now Dongge should be in the same position as min Qian. They are not superior or subordinate. It seems that this mysterious information providing organization will gradually come to the surface. I want to get involved here. It seems that the profit this time should be very attractive Tang Qi takes out her mobile phone to call min Qian, but her mobile phone is always turned off. There has never been such a phenomenon before. How can we find her and ask her? I can't. I have to look for it. Thinking of this, Tang Qi wanted to leave, but he was stopped by the team leader.

"Wait a minute. I'm done. How about you? Is there anything you want to ask me? "

Tang Qi then remembered that he had not said anything about himself, and immediately nodded: "yes, it's true. I want to help you provide me with a person's information. His name is Xiong Kun."

"Xiong Kun? I caught this man The horse captain said immediately, "he was an old man who entered the palace three times. I'm very impressed with him. "

This Xiong Kun is a person that the suhai police hate very much. Since he was a teenager, he began to fight and rob. At the beginning, he was warned and detained. Later, he was sentenced several times, but every time he got worse.

"When I was a police officer, I arrested this man. At that time, he was in prison for the third time because he threatened to kidnap the son of a rich businessman, but he denied it."

This guy called the rich merchant first, and said that he wanted some money to spend, but he didn't want any more money, so he gave him 30 million.

Of course, the rich businessman didn't want to. He hung up the phone directly. But from then on, Xiong Kun and his friends were waiting outside the school where the rich businessman's son went to school, smoking and strolling. But because he didn't do anything, who could do anything? The rich businessman asked him in person what he wanted to do, but Xiong Kun seemed indifferent and laughed. He said I just looked around and didn't want to do anything. Then the rich businessman couldn't stand it, and let his men fight with them. They went to the Lhasa police station together, but because there was no evidence, they could only be locked up for a few days

and then they were released.

"I've met him. He looks very fierce and is not afraid of us at all. But not long after that, he changed his ways and made a lot of money. Then he set up his own jewelry company, and now he is a big money. I didn't catch him once. "

Tang Qi snorted. That's because they sold the antiques they found in Meng Yuan. The ferocious people won't change.

"What about the rich businessman? Does he continue to threaten you? "

"It's said that he gave 10 million yuan in the end, which can be regarded as a purchase of Ping'an. We guess that he used this sum of money to do his own business."

"I want to meet the rich businessman." "No," said the caravan. Soon after this, he had emigrated to the United States. Before we left, we were scolded, saying that we are scum and stupid. People have settled abroad for a long time now, and even if we find them, we won't come back because of the hard work we did many years ago The marshal was also very angry when he talked about it, but he couldn't help it. He couldn't be convicted only by a dangerous phone call without evidence.

Tang Qi said: "in fact, it's not only the 10 million, he has also done something that makes people feel angry." Tang Qi tells me what happened to MI Qilin. It's said that he and two of his men killed all the bastards in the tomb.

The marshal stood up in shock: "what you said is true! How could so many people have died there? "

It's so vicious, it's going to be shot.

If someone else had done such a thing, I'm afraid he would have run away, but Xiong Kun seemed to be too brave to stay here! "If you take people to dig, you should be able to find their bones. If Meng Yuan agrees. " Originally, Tang Qi speculated that Meng Yuan's greedy uncles might have let them in, but he thought that Xiong Kun was so fierce that he would not be willing to listen to others.

And even if you listen, you will kill each other. From the fact that several of his uncles are alive now, we know that they can't be entrusted by others. It was Xiong Kun who knew there was a baby coming in by himself. And Meng Yuan's death may have something to do with this man. He was afraid that Meng Yuan would have to get back the antiques he had lost at home. What happened in those years was just a matter of fact, and he simply wiped them out.

"What a vicious villain."

The horse captain sighed: "this man is suspected of several lives, but no one has ever testified. I didn't expect such a thing happened at that time! Kill so many people Except for MI Qilin, the rest of the people are all gangsters or unidentified people who don't know where they came from. So after they disappeared quietly, basically no one called the police to look for them. At that time, there were no waves, let alone now.

"Now Xiong Kun is more powerful. He doesn't kill people. He starts to play in business. So many people are controlled by him. I don't think he will be satisfied if he doesn't make a mess of our suhai jewelry market."

Pop! Captain Ma's palm hit the table and said angrily: "it's just too arrogant! I want him to catch him and shoot him! "

Tang Qi said: "don't worry. Mi Qilin is willing to testify. In addition, I will arrest him. Let's take our time with the rest." "Well, tell me what you're going to do next. Is there anything I can do for you? "

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