Eagle eye sneered: "what a naughty little girl! Do you really think you are capable? Tang Qi, you choose. If you don't want to go in, you go by yourself! I'm not going to make the fruits of my labor cheap to anyone. "

Ye Lan is angry. She is about to rush up to deal with Yingyan. She is stopped by Deng Fei: "forget it! Don't argue with him. I'll just go in. "

"No way!" Ye Lan is in a hurry to pull Tang Qi's hand and won't let him in. With the location of the tomb getting closer, she knew that the eagle eye killed them, and her heart began to move. In case she killed us directly, and then went in and looted them, who would catch him?

But Tang Qi said confidently: "I believe I can succeed. Who am I? Most people will not be my opponent. Well, eagle eye, now tell me how to put out the fire."

Eagle eye is very satisfied. Tang Qi is brave enough. He is not afraid that I will kill him directly. Most people don't have the courage to do so. "Well, I tell you, after you go in, you get to the middle of the flame, where there is a circular eight trigrams sign. Then you turn the turntable clockwise for two times, and there will be automatic fire extinguishing device activated. The fire here will stop naturally, and then you open the door, and I will join you with Ms. Ye Lan. How about it, isn't it easy? "

Ye Lan stares at the eagle's eyes. It's so easy to be there. There's a big fire in it. It's very likely that you will die after you go in. You can't say it's so easy. It's not nice!

"The temperature of the fire here is too high, so I'll give you this thing to make sure it won't burn you after you go in." Hawk Eye throws Tang Qi a golden mesh. It's stacked on top. It looks very light and thin, like sand. But when you touch it, you find that it's very tough. In order to prevent Ye Lan and Tang Qi from disbelieving the function of the clothes, he took out a lighter and put it under the clothes. The clothes gradually began to get hot, but soon a layer of frost was formed on the clothes, and the white frost began to appear. The smoke was filled with smoke, and the surrounding temperature was much lower. Ye Lan couldn't help sneezing.

"It's really cold around this dress!" "Yes, it's called ice cold clothes. It's a special tool for self-protection when entering the land of fire. It can guarantee that there won't be any problems in half an hour." Eagle eye threw the clothes to Tang Qi: "so make sure you can put out the fire on time. You can cover it and go in. Once you get in, you will be OK."

Tang Qi nodded, covered this thing on his body, and then said to Ye Lan, "I'll go in and open the door from inside. Be careful."

"Tang Qi!" Ye Lan wants to catch up with Tang Qi, grabs his collar and refuses to let him go, but Tang Qi hides him. He goes in directly from the hole, and soon disappears.

Ye Lan thumped the ground: "Tang Qi, be careful, you know what? If you can't, leave here as soon as possible, don't try to be brave!"

At this time, the eagle's eye patted her on the shoulder: "you just stand up and we'll wait together. Come here, let's wait for a moment in silence His tone is very frivolous, it seems that Tang Qi is not here now, so he wants to take advantage of the opportunity to kill Ye Lan. Yelan turned around, eagle eye's hand began to grasp yelan's neck, but who knew that his hand touched a kind of cold and sharp things, a tingling feeling entered the body. Painful, he can only draw back his hand temporarily, and then glaring at Ye Lan, what did this woman do? It turns out that there is a gem necklace on yelan's neck. The necklace was originally some ordinary pearls, but just as he reached out, some centimeter long spikes came out of the pearls, which flashed ice blue light. The pistol in yelan's hand was also aimed at his heart, looking at him coldly.

"I advise you to be honest, or I'll kill you!"

Eagle eye looked at the color of his hand began to gradually change purple black, suddenly glaring at Ye Lan: "woman, you are very treacherous, unexpectedly thought of such a way to deal with me!" Ye Lan sneered: "don't forget that we are here to catch you. How can we not know who you are? If I'm not prepared at all, you'd better step back and keep a distance of about one meter. Otherwise, my bullets will not recognize people Eagle eye wanted to rush over, but he found that his injured half of the body had begun to gradually numb. He knew that it must be poisoning, so he had to retreat temporarily. He took out an antidote pill from his body and swallowed it. He said in his heart, you should be rampant for a while, wait a minute, Laozi's poison is better, and then deal with you.

Ye Lan has been very nervous looking at the location of the entrance, worried that Tang Qi would have an accident. It's been a long time. There's no sound. Is there something wrong? She called out Tang Qi's name: "Tang Qi, are you alive? Promise me!"

"Don't worry, I'm still alive. Just be careful with your eagle eye."

Ye Lan was relieved. It's really great. If he died, he would be finished. After Tang Qigang rushed in, he saw the boundless flames coming. The smoke choked Tang Qi's eyes. Fortunately, those wire mesh ones protected his body and didn't have any flames burning. But the time of the clothes was limited, so Tang Qi could only speed up the progressIt's too late. He crossed the flame and went to the middle of the eight trigrams wheel. This room is a large circle, and there seems to be a lot of animal carvings around the walls. In addition, there are many pearls every other time, and the space is also very large. This should be a standard tomb, but there is no coffin. It seems that as the eagle eye said, this tomb should be in other parts. These things should wait until the fire is put out. Tang Qi ran to the vicinity of the eight trigrams plate, which is about one meter in diameter, with black-and-white yin-yang fish on it, carved out of stone. Tang Qi's hand pressed two bulges and began to rotate in the direction he said. No one has been passive for so many years,

so you can imagine the strength needed. Tang Qi only has the strength unceasing rotation. Finally, I heard the creaking sound from the friction of the stones. There was a black hole below. I can't see what was underneath for the moment, but I can feel a damp smell. It should be the fire extinguishing device that the ancient people placed there. Tang Qi didn't wait to be happy,

another accident happened. He found that his clothes were getting smaller and smaller, which was very urgent. He couldn't breathe. Tang Qi pulled the clothes and wanted to loosen them, but who knew that when he tried, the clothes would shrink more quickly.

Tang Qi's heart moved. What's the situation? Did you use such a chain game to tie me up? But now it's hard to ride a tiger. If you don't turn on the lower mechanism quickly, the efficiency of the clothes will lose its function and you will be killed. So you still have to turn it hard. The strength he uses makes the clothes smaller and his body tightly. Later, his

breathing has become a problem. This is really a vicious circle.

And Hawk Eye's strength outside is gradually recovering. There is a sneer on his face. Tang Qi, no matter how smart you are, you will be killed by me in the end. Ha ha!

Ye Lan nervously looked inside and didn't notice that eagle eye's physical condition had gradually improved.

Gragragra! The last few clear sounds were the turning of the mechanism, and Tang Qi finally opened the entrance of the eight trigrams. When the eight trigrams tray here was completely opened, a crane suddenly and slowly rose out of the deep hole. It stood in the middle, and then its mouth opened, and a fountain began to splash out. At first, Tang Qi worried that the water flow was too small to solve the problem of the fire inside, but he saw that the crane's final water flow was very fierce and not very strong It is a general colorless and tasteless water. It is a liquid with light green. All the flame that touches these liquids will instantly become a piece of foam, covering up the nearby flame

, so that they can isolate the air very quickly.

Tang qixindao is really powerful. It seems that ancient people really paid attention to fire prevention.

At this time, the liquid in the crane's mouth had stopped. Tang Qi was strangled and had difficulty breathing. He suddenly fell in front of the crane. He quickly helped the crane with his hand and just put it on its head. Who knows, the hint in his mind rang, and Tang Qi laughed.

I think I'm going to die today. I didn't expect that the LORD would not let me die. I hope I can continue to be carefree here! At this time, Yingyan has come to the back of yelan. Yelan is scared. She is about to shoot, but she is held down by Yingyan's hand. She says with a smile: "calm down, beauty. I don't want to kill people. I want to see if the fire has been killed. You see, it's almost over here.


saw the location of Tang Qi entering the large bubble. He could basically infer that Tang Qi had succeeded, and Ye Lan also relaxed his tone and hurriedly asked Tang Kai if he could do it.

Tang Qi said: "I'm ok. How do I open the door now?"

"See the latch of the gate? Just push to the right. " Eagle eye said while turning his right cuff, wait for a good thing to you!

Tang Qi said, "OK, you're ready. I'm going to put you in."

Ye Lan and Yingyan waited nervously for a while, and finally saw that the door was opened a little bit. At the moment when the width was about two feet, Yingyan raised his arm.

Whew! Two very long black arrows flew directly in the past, and then Tang Qi at the door fell directly on the ground. Ye Lan exclaimed and ran to help Tang Qi.

Tang Qi's fireproof clothes have shrunk to the size of a vest. His expression is very painful. There are two long arrows on his heart. Tang Qi points to the eagle eye and frowns: "what do you want to do?" "Ha ha. Don't do anything, because the next thing, I will do, you are all redundant roles, of course, to get rid of. Hard work. " Hawkeye said, looking around, the flames were gone, the ground was full of bubbles, but after touching the air, all of the

dried up and disappeared.

He began to walk to the middle of the eight trigrams plate. The crane just disappeared. The bottom is still a deep groove that can't be seen. Eagle eye took out a special crossbow and aimed at Tang Qi: "do you have any last words now? After that, I will send you to the West. Oh, no, it's to send you two to the West. It's good to be a couple of dead ghosts, ha ha! "

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