But Chai Lang didn't come out in the end, because he thought of people like eagle eye. They all dare to kill, not to mention me? I don't want to be stupid, so he didn't come out.

Ye Lan said: "in this way, they didn't find you. How could they settle accounts with you?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet..." Chai Lang said with a smile, "because I ran to the edge of the cliff again that night and saw them crawling hard."

"And then what happened to you?" "I I did something Chai Lang's eyes twinkled. At that time, he saw hawk eyes crawling out and thought about it. Then he covered his face with clothes and stretched out his hand to pull them up. But when they stretched out their hand, he asked them for the treasures below. At that time, he was completely poisoned and could not fight. In order to survive, he had to give him a small censer. Moreover, after catching him, he searched his body and got some money from them, as well as a red agate bracelet. At that time, Chai Lang wanted to kill them directly, but eagle eye grabbed his wrist and looked at him fiercely: "if you have the ability, you'd better kill me, otherwise, I won't die, and I'll peel off your skin. Do you believe it?"

Although it had been several years, Chai Lang still shivered when he recalled the scene, because the expression of the eagle eye was so frightening that he didn't have the courage to kill. "At that time, I was so scared that I ran away. Although I didn't show my face, he scratched my wrist. If he saw it, he would recognize it as me! It took two months for the wound to recover He said, pulling up his sleeve. The upper fruit is obviously scratched. It's like being stabbed by an eagle's paw.

He sold 4 million yuan for the censer and 200000 yuan for the bracelet, which made him live freely until now, and these were all given to him by the eagle eye.

"It turns out that if you killed Hawkeye at that time, there would not be so many things," Tang said

"It's true, but I was really afraid of this man at that time. He looked really terrible..."

"Ha ha, eagle eye didn't find such a bastard. It's really cheap for him!" Ye Lan said and kicked him. Chai Lang was very unhappy in his heart, but he could only bear to let you help me solve this man's problem first!

Tang Qixin said, how could a sharp eagle eye not find the wound on chailang's wrist? Or did he deliberately keep this man for another chance?

At this time, the villager's face was also disdainful: "it seems to me that you are going to have bad luck. We are all punished. You haven't been punished yet. It's much worse than those of us who can't help us when we are in danger. "

"So what? At least I let him go! Don't kill me! "

Tang Qi said," cut the crap. Now the fog is getting thicker and thicker. Let's go up and talk about it. "

"So, would you like to help me?"

"I'm willing to help you. I promise you I'll let you live. Naturally, I'll keep my word. Let's go."

Chailang thanks a lot, and then continues to lead the way in front, but the villager is still not willing to go up with them, so Tang Qi sends them a plane to pick them up. Tang Qi ignored it and went on. They were surrounded by fog. Except for half a meter in front of them, they could see nothing around them. Every step was frightening. At first, Chai Lang could walk straight ahead, but at the end of his life, he could only bend down and almost walk on his stomach. Because the road was too wet and slippery, he accidentally fell down. Fortunately, the surrounding vines grew densely, and the trees grew well It's very strong, so it's barely enough for three people to walk up. Finally, an hour later, Chai Lang stood up, took a long breath, pointed to a big stone head in front of him and said, "that's the sign of landing. It's safe there."

"Well, why don't you hurry?"

"But I'm afraid Hawkeye is still waiting for me. Why don't you go up first? "

Tang Qidao: "you are very treacherous, OK, I'll go up. If you dare to play tricks, I won't care about you when you are in danger."

"Don't worry, I already know my mistake now, so I won't think about anything. Don't worry." He said with a smile. Then, standing on the edge of the cliff, he let the road out in front of him and let Tang Qi pass.

Ye Lan thinks about it and decides to stay behind this guy. If he dares to do something bad to Tang Qi, I'll be at the back and throw him down the cliff, so her position doesn't move. She's always at the back. Chai Lang said to Ye Lan with a smile: "little girl, don't believe me. I really didn't want to kill Tang Qi. Otherwise, I will die. I may not tell the truth to others, but I will tell the truth to you, and I will not hide a word. I am willing to give you all my heart

At this time, Chai Lang was still salivating for her beauty. Ye Lan was not happy when she looked at him. She slapped him with her backhand and told him to shut up."If you're talking about useless things, I'll knock them down from the cliff. Don't you think I dare?" Ye Lan said coldly. Chai Lang didn't dare to say anything. He propped up the vine on the edge of the cliff and walked up. Tang Qi was in the front. Although the big stone in front looked very close, the road was more difficult. The road below was more than one foot wide. Now it's less than half a foot, and the mountain wind is getting stronger and stronger, which makes it difficult for people to walk. So this process is really exciting tremble with fear in one 's boots. After walking for half an hour, he was only about 20 meters away. He was also very worried, but he knew that he couldn't make it fast. If he lost his life, he didn't know, so he calmed down and walked step by step.

Chai Lang's brain was sweating, and he wanted to go up quickly. Suddenly, his feet slipped. He grabbed the vine beside him in a panic, and his body tilted toward the back. Tang Qi hurriedly back to seize his heart, behind Ye Lan also put him back.

"My God, I'm scared to death!" His back was all in cold sweat, and the mountain breeze made his whole body cool.

As soon as he looked up and saw Tang Qi's complicated eyes and kept looking at his direction, Chai Lang said with a smile: "why do you look at me like this? I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. Let's go now. "

"Don't worry, I found something." "What is it? Is it antique? Is it valuable? Do you want me to hold it for you? Which dynasty is it As soon as Chai Lang heard this, he became excited. His mouth was like a barrage of questions. He was scared to death just now. As soon as he heard that something had been discovered, he immediately became energetic.

Ye Lan despises in the heart, turned his one eye, he is in front of Ye Lan, also did not see, even if saw also nothing. Chai Lang's personality is just like this. He will not correct it at all. Tang Qi didn't answer his question. He stretched out his hand to tear apart the vines around him. It turned out that there were some very beautiful murals painted on these cliffs, all of which were people, animals and flowers. The surrounding text was also the hieroglyphics of the past. I don't know the dynasty, but it should be very old

, because he was not a shareholder, so there was no hint in his mind. But Tang Qi's hand gently stroked on it, and he was still amazed.

Ye Lan is also very curious. She grabs the vines around her with her hand, which is also an ancient painting. Many people in skirts wear decorations made of animal teeth on their necks, which is very charming.

"It looks very old."

Tang Qi was surprised and said, "I'm thinking that our ancestors' wisdom is great. These paintings have been very artistic for many years. Chailang, look at these things. Do you have anything to say? "

Chai Lang was very disappointed. He was not a valuable thing. Was he so happy? But after hearing Tang Qi's question, he didn't dare to avoid it. He could only reluctantly perfunctory. Chai Lang explained impatiently: "because this Qingsong town was a place for military strategists in ancient times. According to the earliest written records, some people lived here a few years ago. You can see that the colors of these paintings are single, only a few, and they haven't been damaged after so many years. They must have been painted with grass juice with special characteristics."

"Well, I suddenly remember something."

"What's the matter?" They asked together. Tang Qi said: "this time, we were going to look for treasure in the TV station, but the signal was blocked and nothing could be seen. I signed a military order with them, and I didn't know what to shoot. So we handed over the wall painting and started the video recording on our mobile phone. Let's do the live report, Ye Lan It's beautiful, so I'll be the host and give you a good description of the mural. It's also a discovery. "

Ye Lan was stunned: "no way! I haven't learned to be a host. How can I be a host? "

"No? How many girls want to be on TV are not it, you this is luck, but also particularly suitable for you, you come to try, how about? " Tang Qi said with a smile. Ye Lan doesn't want to, but if she wants to do nothing special, Tang Qi is in trouble, and Mi Qilin, who asked Tang Qi to take part in the activity, is also in trouble. Her task is to catch the eagle's eye, but in the end, she doesn't catch it and makes him commit so many cases. If master Qin knows, it's really hard to say. It's going to have to be tough.

Seeing that she agreed, Tang Qi said with a smile: "good. Now let's go down and start shooting slowly from the place where we found the murals. You have to have a feeling of extraordinary atmosphere. " He said he was going back.

But Chai Lang was one hundred and eighty, so he said he had sprained his ankle and wanted to stay here waiting for them.

Tang Qi shrugged: "well, here you are."

Ye Lan is very angry. How can this man be so selfish? When he has the good thing of looking for treasure, he rushes to the front and hides at the critical moment. At this time, he really wants to kick him off the cliff! But Tang Qi waved his hand: "forget it, don't affect our mood, go on!" They went down again. Fortunately, the area of this mural was not large. It took only a few minutes to go down. Then Tang Qi took her mobile phone and ran yelan began to introduce her. Although she was on camera for the first time, she was calm because she was well-informed.

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