Tang Qi comforted: "it's easy to know that he's in suhai now. Don't be depressed. I'm here."

"I know, but I'm going to report to Yujing. Let me come back." Ye Lan went back to Yujing that day.

Tang Qi went out for several days. Several girls were very worried, especially when they heard that something happened in these places. They were even more nervous. From time to time, they called Mickey to inquire about the news. Mickey was also very worried and complained about her father all the time.

"Why do you want him to sit in such a dangerous thing, dad? If something really happens, I won't let you go, you know?"

"I'm your father. How dare you talk to me like that?" In fact, MI Qilin is also very helpless. He just thought that he was looking for some treasures from the countryside. Who would have thought that there would be such a dangerous thing?

Mi Qi put the phone to MI Qilin: "hurry up, I want to know where and how Tang Qi is. We can't just wait here. I'll go to find him!"

"Stop it. It's so dangerous over there. What if something happens? You wait here for a moment. I'll make a phone call to ask for you. I'll prepare for it and then go to him. "

Mickey pondered for a while and suddenly said, "I'll go with you."

At this time, someone at the door said with a smile, "what's the matter? Do you want to find me?" The father and daughter were surprised. Looking back, Tang Qi had come in. His body was covered with dried up blood, his face was haggard, and his beard was ragged. But after all, he came back well. With a cry of surprise, Mickey ran quickly to Tang Qi and hugged him. The voice was choking.

"Why don't you say a word and even make a phone call?"

Tang Qi gently holding Mickey, said: "sorry, at the beginning there is no phone signal, but behind is the mobile phone to the TV station."

"How did you get hurt, and who hurt you?" Mickey up and down looking at Tang Qi, tears continue to fall down.

Tang Qi a face indifferent said: "nothing, is a little skin trauma."

Mi Qilin is also very concerned. When he asks him what he has experienced, Tang Qi just simply says it again, concealing everything about his distress and not telling them. Of course, MI Qi doesn't believe it and keeps asking, but anyway, Tang Qi just smiles and doesn't say much.

Mi Qilin said helplessly: "you have a rest, change your clothes and have a good sleep. It's hard for you these two days."

"Don't worry, I have something to deal with," Tang said

"What is more important than rest?"

"I want to find Hua Jintao for something. I'll be right back." Tang Qi changed his clothes. Before he left, he asked how his company was progressing and whether those fake jewelry were still flooding in suhai. Mi Qilin said in a hurry: "don't worry about that. After those people died down, the whole suhai has been quiet for a long time, and the business of the jewelry store has been much better. Because we bought a lot of jewelry before, the business is good now. It's true that those people are still happy to buy jewelry."

Tang Qi said: "that's natural. As long as there are young people, there will be a jewelry market. OK, I'm leaving now and I'll be back soon." Mickey also wants to go with her. Tang Qi stops her.

"There is a bar. Many bad people are full of it. Who knows if there are drug addicts or perverts who like to tease girls? You can wait for me here. I promise you will be back soon." Mickey is not willing to leave, Tang Qi has been following him out of the yard, good can't expect him back, unexpectedly so fast to go! But don't want to Tangqi embarrassment, had to agree, Tangqi smile took her hand: "really good, this thing to you as I give you a reward." He

put the taffei stone in his palm, and Mickey felt a chill on her hand. Then she saw the bright purple and pink light flashing out, and she couldn't help exclaiming.

"Ah! What is this? "

"This is a very good baby. Just ask your father. It's my harvest this time. All right, I'm going. " Tang Qi said and went straight to the bar street to find Hua Jintao. Mi Qi takes the taffei stone and asks Mi Qilin how it is. Mi Qilin is very excited. There are almost no such gems in China. They are usually produced in Europe and Russia, and the reserves are very small. The places where they are produced are very difficult to exploit. Therefore, the international sales price is very high, especially for such a large piece of crystal stone. He lived in his hands, his excited voice was shaking, and his eyes were shining.

"It's really wonderful! Such a good crystal can be sold at a high price. I'll go to Mr. Mike now. "

As soon as Mickey heard this, she quickly grabbed his arm: "Dad, don't! We haven't told Tang Qi about this. He doesn't even know who Mike is. Besides, he doesn't say he wants to sell it! " "Alas! You don't understand. This kind of crystal stone doesn't look like our Chinese antiques. It has any historical significance. It's the jewelry that sells money. He'll know about Mike after a little inquiry. Besides, Mike will leave suhai tonight. If you don't have time to find him, you don't care! "He went into the room excitedly.

Mickey sighed helplessly. How could dad still be like this? As soon as he had the chance to make money, he changed a person. This Michael is an internationally famous gem connoisseur. All the jewelry he has identified will have a high appreciation value, and he is also an excellent collector and banker. If he likes this thing and buys it back, he can make a lot of money.

he is a very generous person, and the price is much higher than others, so Mi Qilin is worried.

It would be bad if he left. Mi Qi is afraid that this will be bad for Tang Qi, so she thinks about it and takes this crystal stone to find Zhong Yaxin. She'd better tell her first. What if she is sold by her father without Tang Qi's permission? At this time, she didn't know that this time the tafishi incident would really cause a big problem.

Tang Qi has come to the bar street at this time. Although it is still daytime, the people on the street are still not good, because there are all kinds of cinemas, coffee shops, KTV shops and clothing shops besides the places where wine is sold. Of course, the owner is Hua Jintao. Don't know where Hua Jintao is, Tang Qi decided to go to sea monster first, this person and Tang Qi's relationship has always been good, is taking people inside the bar inspection, see Tang Qi appear in front of him, immediately very happy, rushed over. He grabbed his arm and yelled, "you're back. My eldest lady thinks about you every day. Who can't think about you?"

This words a, he behind of hand and the customer of the surroundings all couldn't help laughing.

A humanitarian: "is this the person that the first lady likes? It doesn't look so good. I thought how high her heart is. I can't find a super rich man. That's it. "

"Isn't it? I think this kid is only 21 or 22 years old at most. He is younger than the eldest lady. Is he a rich second generation? But it doesn't look like what you're doing. "

"Shut up, all of you! This is Tang Qi, who has saved the life of the eldest lady several times. Besides, the eldest lady is not with him because she is rich. Tang Qi is a man of talent and appearance. You know what

Everyone's mouth is open, but take a breath, this is the legendary Tang Qi, who made a mess of the whole suhai antique world, and many people fell in front of him!

They all became very flattering and surrounded: "Mr. Tang, we really have no eyes!"

"Yes, it's disrespectful!" Some of these people express their admiration for Tang Qi. Some want to get close to each other, and others want to follow him. Tang Qi feels embarrassed. What's the matter with these guys? Can they shout like this? Hua Rongyue's temper is so irascible. If she knows that the sea monster dares to expose her privacy like this, she will be unlucky.

Tang Qi took the sea monster to one side: "pay attention, don't say these words. If huarongyue is angry, I don't care about you."

"Hey, I'm so happy to see you. I didn't think of anything else. I should fight." He was laughing. Suddenly, I think of it. I go back and ask my men to bring wine to Tang Qi. "Why don't we have a drink with you?"

Tang Qi quickly waved his hand, "you said to let huarongyue angry, be careful your big lady beat you again."

"Who is the eldest lady? Won't she be angry because of such things? The wild flowers outside are not as sweet as my eldest lady. Of course, only you know how sweet it is. " The sea monster laughs mysteriously.

Tang Qi helplessly looked at the sea monster, suddenly serious said: "in fact, I have something to ask your husband, because I have something important to ask, you take me to see him."

"OK, no problem, but he is having dinner with some guests now. Why don't I give him a call?" The sea monster said and took out the phone, but Tang Qi held down his mobile phone and laughed at him. "Don't tell him. I want to surprise him." Tang Qi directly stops the sea monster's action. Hua Jintao has always been related to the counterfeiting group. During this period, the wind is calm. They should have been waiting for him. Is it time to sell those fake jewels? If you tell him you're here now, it might make people hide. You'd better kill him now and see what he has to say. Hua Jintao's field has been developing very well recently. He has no rival against him. In addition, everyone knows that Tang Qi is his son-in-law to be and gives him face. Therefore, he has become a prosperous man in suhai. However, his inner feelings towards Tang Qi are very complicated, because his dream is not to be a upstart. Moreover, he did some things without telling Tang Qi that he didn't want to be known.

Today, I invited several foreign businessmen to have breakfast at a breakfast bar in the bar street. By the way, I wanted to discuss how to do business. However, I was having a good time when I saw my staff coming in a hurry and whispered a few words in his ear.

Hua Jintao immediately stood up in panic: "Tang Qi is here!"

"Yes, the sea monster is coming with him. What do you do? Would you like to avoid it for a moment? "Hua Jintao subconsciously wants to go, but he is stopped by several customers around him, and the first one looks unbelievable.

"I said Lao Hua, he's your son-in-law. What are you hiding from?"

"You don't know, this guy is always old-fashioned. If you know I'm doing something like this, it's not good. It's a small matter to send me to prison, and you're also involved. So I'd better hide." "No way!" Several people stopped Hua Jintao together: "we are not cooperating with you this time. We will cooperate many times in the future. If you are always timid, what should we do? See once, hide once? "

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