"Don't let it go! Otherwise, if you want a part of the book or something else, you're going to have to find the trouble yourself! " When Teng Zhai saw that the Chinese and Japanese police officers were about to catch him, he was very depressed. But he was not an ordinary person. Of course, he couldn't compromise on this. He stepped back a few steps, tore off the clothes outside, and said loudly: "don't pass by, or I'll be rude! If I want to detonate the bomb, everyone will die with me! "

It turns out that there is a row of bombs around his waist. He holds the remote control in his hand and can explode himself at any time. The police officers and min Qian around him are also going to have an accident!

"Why are you so mean! Do you still want to be trapped? " Min Qian said.

Ye Lan also said: "hurry up, or we'll kill you. Think about it for yourself!" With a wave of her hand, several muzzles appeared in several secret places around her. It turned out that snipers had been ambushed here for a long time. If you accept the appointment at any time, you will kill him! Teng Zhai bit his teeth and said, "I'm Teng Zhai. I'm not an ordinary person. I won't be arrested and sentenced like that. Even if I die, I'll die. You're all fools. You're so close to me. You'll all die in my hands! Bury me with you He was about to press the remote control. Everyone fell down together, and Mi Qi and others were also held down by Ye Yao. They hid behind the shelf. Although they knew that they might be seriously injured, they still had to do so. Almost at the same time, countless bullets hit his head, heart and other parts, and his hand pressed the

remote control.

Tang Qi yelled: "get down quickly!" His hand seized the nearby Ye Lan and others, and quickly fell down.

But after waiting for a long time, they didn't wait for the development of any words. When they looked up, they found that the rattan studio had been reached, the sieve was dead, and the bomb on his remote control didn't explode?!

"What's going on? I'll see. " Ye Yao said that she was going to move forward, but she was pulled back by Tang Qi and others behind her.

"No! What if it's temporarily dumbfounded? Don't take risks in the past. Now let's get out quickly! "

Everyone retreated to the outside one after another. When everyone went out, they still didn't explode. They sent a special bulletproof expert to go in and found that all the explosives inside were replaced with sand that couldn't explode!

Tang Qi said: "it's strange. How can it be like this? Did you bribe his men? "

"This kind of thing, Teng Zhai won't fake, he's so suspicious, he won't

"What's going on?"

At this time, the old man came trembling: "in fact, this thing is our old work."

"Your boss? Who is he? " Tang Qi asked.

The old man said, "I can only tell Tang Qi about this. If you want to hear it, I won't say it."

Tang Qi felt very funny, and min Qian said: "you are also involved in the case. If you dare not cooperate with us, we have the right to arrest you."

"Just grab it. Anyway, I'm 80. What else can you do to me?" The old man has a lot of courage. He knows that it is impossible to treat him from a humanitarian standpoint.

Tang Qiyi smiles: "OK! Just now you helped me to say a word, so I'll talk to you alone

"Tang Qi!" Several girls yelled together. They were worried that Tang Qigang had just solved the problem, and it would be bad if he got involved in other things. But Tang Qi didn't care. He pointed to a big tree near the playground.

"Let's go, old man. There's a chair over there. How about we talk there?"

The old man nodded: "well, I think you are quite polite to me. I'll listen to you."

The two walked forward and backward.

Ye Lan said with a smile: "this guy is always different."

"What are we going to do now?" Min Qian asked. I didn't expect that Teng zhaihui would die like this, and I wanted to escort him back. Who knows that this is the result, and I'm a little at a loss. Ye Lan thought for a moment and said, "although he is dead, his staff and company are still here. You can go to find someone to seal up his company. All the people above the deputy manager are here to ask. They don't know what this man has done. If there are Japanese people involved in the case, they will be arrested directly."

Knowing that she is a good person, I want to repay her for saving my sister's life.

Min Qian said with a smile: "good! You have a good idea. I'll listen to you! "

The two girls are very generous girls, so the troubles they just met were soon forgotten. Miki and Shen Jiajia are the people who are in charge of going to school. They all tell the identity of Teng Zhai, so that these girls don't have any delusions about him. When they hear that many people he once killed, these girls wake up. They still can't look at people when they look at men. They have bad character, even handsome than pan an.Tang Qi and the old man went to the chair and sat down.

The old man fumbled for a cigarette to light, but he put it down.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. If you want to smoke, just smoke. Don't think about me. "

"No, I thought that the doctor said that my body would not live for a few days, so I still stopped smoking. If I died before I finished, wouldn't it be a pity?"

Tang Qiyi laughs. The old man is not joking. Although he can't live for a few days, he can't have a good forefoot. After a few words, he dies. The old man was serious and didn't look like a liar at all. Tang Qi didn't say anything.

"Well, you say, why do you always do this thing of changing bombs? How did he get close to Fujikura "My boss is the boss of the gold company. This robbery was originally a case of theft, because my boss lost tens of millions in gambling overseas, hoping that he could use the gold compensation money given by the insurance company to solve the problem and balance the account. Who would have thought of an accident. "

Tang Qi was very surprised. He thought it was just made by Teng Zhai. Unexpectedly, there was a case involving the boss of the gold company! The boss has just been promoted recently. Originally, his brain was very smart, and the company was also prosperous. Who knows that he has a bad characteristic, that is, he is too good at gambling. He can not eat or play with women, but he can not do without gambling every day. At the beginning, he was playing mahjong

, but later he went to gamble in gambling factories, and then overseas gambling, all kinds of things He had no pants to lose because of his gambling, so he thought about it. He wants to rob his family of gold, and then use insurance to pay off the account, and then get the gold out and sell it for a sum of money, but it is not easy to do it without being aware of it. The old man was always an old man in the company, so he told him that he couldn't hide it from him, and then he found tengzhai.

Tang Qi said: "it's really bold. If Teng Zhai embezzles the money, your boss will be finished."

"Yes! That's how I persuade you! But at that time, he had been forced to have no way to go by the debt collection company, which was the only way. Originally, everything was going well, and both sides decided that the gold that would be snatched at that time would be added. But I found out by accident that tengzhai had made some explosives! " The gold company also needs sulfur and saltpeter when mining gold, so it's not strange. He told his boss in a hurry that he was afraid that he would be killed by this tengzhai after the event, but he had no choice but to hit the nail on the head. He had to pretend that he didn't know, but he asked someone to make some fake explosives to stun him.

Tang Qi nodded: "this is the case with member Ali. But I didn't expect that these explosives were not used against your boss, they were worn by him. " Such a desperado does not take other people's names seriously, and his own life is just like this. It's really unacceptable.

The gold company's boss saved these people's lives by mistake. The old man said: "I was sent by the boss to his side, because there is such cooperation between the two people, we have to supervise this, and he told me that he has thought of planting this thing on you, so he took out some of the gold and put it in the plaster to frame you


Things have been very clear up to now, Teng Zhai's delusion failed and pretended to be dead.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "why did your concubine just cut the gold directly, saying it was fake, instead of helping him talk?"

"Because seeing all the cops around you, I know you're going to win. If I help him, won't I be arrested and sentenced? So I can't help him, and I have to rely on you if I want to live well. "

Tang Qi knows what she's worried about. The old man is involved in the process of stealing. Once the truth is found out, it will be sentenced. And there are still a few lives.

"I'm worried that the boss will kill me now, because Teng Zhai is dead. I'm the only one who knows the truth. If he wants to be safe, I'll be finished. I hope you can help me. For the sake of helping you just now. "

Tang Qi looked at the old man and said that you just said a few words. I can do it without cutting the gold.

The old man said hastily, "I know you don't want to! But I can't help it! If you think about it, how old am I, and I've been checked out of lung cancer. I can't live for a few days. What can I do? No matter what he said, all my sons and grandsons will die! "

Tang Qi said: "do you have any remedial measures? If there's no way to atone... "

"Yes! I have! I know the fake accounts of those bosses, and I also know where part of the gold is hidden. I can tell you all! "

Tang did not agree to take part in all the things, and he was too old to take part in them.

Excited, the old man took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Tang Qi: "this is where the gold is. Look at this..."He suddenly didn't move. Tang Qi thought that he wanted to see for himself at first. But he didn't make a sound. When he looked up, he found that the old man's face was sallow and his eyes were slightly closed. He was already out of breath!

Tang Qi is startled and shouts min Qian and others to come. They are also waiting for news. They don't know what Tang Qi has said to him for a long time. When they come over, they are scared.

Min Qian put her finger under the old man's nose and sighed, "dead."

"I didn't do it," Tang said! Don't get me wrong Ye Lan took out a medical certificate from the old man's pocket: "the old man is in the terminal stage of cancer, and the notice of critical illness has come down. Of course, you didn't do it."

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