Liu Yingying murmured to herself: "you lied, Lawyer Wang Mingming said..."

"Lawyer Wang? He is dead. He just jumped down from the window because he was bought by you to make a will. Later, when I found out, he jumped down on his conscience. "

Tang qixindao, it turns out that this is the case. The man who helped Liu Yingying just now was killed!

Liu Yingying seems to have been struck by lightning, suffering: "what's the matter? You killed him? "

"No, you did it. Don't you want to admit it? If you don't get involved in such a thing, he won't die. If you continue to be so disobedient, you may kill more people. Give up Liu Bao said and left triumphantly. Liu Yingying powerless against the wall, slowly sat down. Her tears flowed out, and her heart was full of despair. How could things have turned out like this? She thought that this lawyer could succeed, which was the only hope for her to get the company. Unexpectedly,

got such a result!

Do not know when, she saw in front of a man, is smiling at her, reaching out to help her up.

"Are you all right?" "No! If you don't mind me, go away! " She thought that Tang Qi was the security guard of the company, and she was very afraid, so she patted Tang Qi hard and told him to stay away from her. She wanted to leave here, but she slipped and almost fell down the high steps. Fortunately, Tang Qi pulled her arm and pulled her up.

"Come on, I'm just afraid you'll fall." Tang Qi said with concern.

"Mind your own business, you don't have to be hypocritical!" "But if you can only cry, it seems that you can't solve any problem, so if you want revenge, you have to put away your tears, and I know that you are a strong girl, otherwise you won't persist for several years and risk your life to get justice for your father, so you must know that

crying won't solve the problem."

"Who are you? Why do you mind my business? " Liu Yingying mercilessly wiped her tears. She really didn't want to cry, but she couldn't help it all the time. But when Tang Qi said that, her psychology recovered a little.

Which business card did Tang Qi give her: "is this your shop? It was Chiyang Sakura who came to me

Liu Yingying was stunned and then said in surprise, "are you Tang Qi? Are you so young? "

"Ah? How did you know me? I don't remember meeting you Tang Qi said with a curious smile.

Liu Yingying's face showed a look of surprise, very happy, a hug Tang Qi's arm, constantly shaking. "I know you will come! Just didn't expect to be so fast! I'm really happy. With you, my affairs can be solved. I'm so happy! " Liu Yingying has been filled with ecstasy in her heart, because what she heard from Chiyang yingzi about Tang Qi is almost vivid.

This kind of action makes Tang Qi a little confused.

"Come with me, and I'll tell you!" She pulls Tang Qi to walk out

the front door of the gold company is very big, and the two gilded stone lions outside are very grand, while the shop opposite her is very shabby, which is not only incomparable with the gold company, but also inferior to other shops. "I wanted to use this shop to support my life, but because he played tricks behind my back, as soon as I opened the shop, many people would make trouble and make a mess, and I didn't have enough money to support it. Now I still owe the bank loan. I'm going to sell this shop, return the money I owe to the bank, and go back to study abroad. "

Liu Yingying's voice is particularly helpless. She has fought for several years, but she has lost a lot of money and the life of a person who helped her. She has nothing to gain, so she is very depressed.

Tang Qi has a look at the four treasures in the study. Most of them are old-fashioned, and Liu Yingying doesn't seem to care much. "I want to be open, too, but you know what? I'm really tired. Besides myself, who else can help me? That Chiyang cherry is just to get the gold agency right of my family, and once I fail, she won't take care of me! " Liu Yingying said that she was going to cry again, but

forced her tears back. Tang Qi didn't expect that this woman should see things so thoroughly, even Chiyang yingzi just to use her things. He patted her on the shoulder and said: "I advise you to be open. He is a middle-aged man who is dozens of years older than you. You are a new man who just came out of school. You have no contacts and resources, so you can't beat him. And Sakura, you are good to me. Although it's not the best, at least you haven't broken her promise

Although Chiyang yingzi doesn't really help her, it's not bad. Liu Bao's treachery at least keeps Liu Yingying alive. It's not easy.

Liu Yingying nodded: "I understand."

"How did you know me before you told me?""It's Chiyang Sakura."

When they chatted with each other, they once heard this woman talk about Tang Qi. They knew that he was a very capable man. He was a master of antiques in suhai, and he was very smart.

"She once said that no matter what happens, as long as Tang Qi intervenes, it is absolutely impossible to lose. Do you understand?"

"Yes? Does she say that to me? She has such a good impression on me, but I don't know it myself? "

Liu Yingying sighed: "yes, she is also a person who doesn't want to show her mind. She likes you very much, and it's unforgettable. If she says she can only like one man in her life, it's you."

Tang Qi's heart moved. First, he felt a sense of joy. The woman he liked also liked him. Of course, he was happy, but then he was disappointed, because he had clearly thought of the result Chiyang yingzi had to face. She will die of her own greed.

Liu Yingying grabbed Tang Qi at this time: "please! Can you help me? "

"You mean you want me to help you win the company"

"yes. As long as you promise me, you can put forward any conditions. I am willing to do anything. Although I have no money, I will give it to you after I get the company. "

"I don't need money."

"Well That's what you want You want me to serve you, and I'm willing to She said, lowering her head and blushing.

Is she willing to serve herself? It's not in ancient times. He doesn't like the things between servant girl and childe. Tang Qi still likes the kind of love, and does not want to take advantage of Liu Yingying.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I don't need you to be like this. Don't worry. I'm looking for you because I have my own purpose. So we're partners, we don't owe each other. Don't give me anything. "

"You, what's your purpose?" He's not from here. What can he do?

"Well, we have come to the same end by different routes." Tang Qi told the story, and Liu Yingying's face became pretty bad. When he said that the company had killed several people in order to get money, she almost fainted.

"How could he do this to my dad's company? If someone finds out, Dad's company will be destroyed! "

Tang Qi said: "you're right. He needs money now, and it's a lot of money. Teng Zhai has always been reckless in doing everything, so they stink. You and I have the same goal. We need to expose this man and stop his next crime."

"Next time? Do you mean he will continue to do such a bad thing? " "Yes Tang Qi said: "he owes so much money. The insurance company's compensation has been stopped by us. Now Teng Zhai is dead, so we have to do it by ourselves. He will take the gold as soon as possible and stop it. Otherwise, your father's

Company is really finished by him. "

Liu Yingying did not expect Tang Qi to appear at this time, and told herself so many things, so she was very excited, as if she saw a new hope before the end of the road. She was so excited that she held Tang Qi.

"I know! I listen to you, as long as my father can close his eyes! And the dead lawyer. I'm sorry for him. I'll take revenge on him! "

Tang Qi nodded, touched her hair and said, "this is what a girl who wants revenge should look like."

"Well, go ahead, what do you want me to do?"

"First of all Let's clean up here. " Tang Qi looked around.

Liu Yingying was stunned: "what What? " "Because I found something extraordinary here." Tang Qi went to the glass cabinet in the corner and saw the inkstones provided in it. Most of them were ordinary inkstones, but Tang Qi found a dark oval inkstone in the middle. The inkstone was about 30cm in diameter, delicate in texture and fragrant in taste. At first sight, it was a very good product. He picked up the inkstone and looked at it. Then Tang Qi nodded with satisfaction "It's very good. I saw it at a glance. It's exactly what I imagined. It's Yan Qingzhou's best Longtan inkstone. "

Liu Yingying Lengleng looked at Tang Qi, did not care: "this is very famous?" "You, as an inkstone seller, don't care about the quality of the things you sell? It's very careless. " Tang Qi said with a smile.

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