Tang Qi ignored and pushed it with his hand. All the things on it fell to the ground! The old man exclaimed in amazement and went to hold the shelf. It's amazing. Is there something wrong with this man? Even if it's true, as he said, all the things in it are fake, but they may be broken. What if you let people mistake you! Such an impulse, there must be trouble!

"Son of a bitch, are you crazy?" Roared the fat boss. Tang Qi was silent and pointed to the ground. You can see for yourself! All these things were scattered on the ground by now. There was a loud crash. All the people in the room grew up and gaped, because most of the jade was still, all made of hard plastic, bouncing like a small ball, of course, there were also broken jade. However, the interior of those jades are all very rough black or white powder, so there is no need for experts to look at them at all. An ordinary person can easily see that they are all inferior


Tang Qi said: "what else do I need to say?"

"You You are just Why are you doing this? " The fat man stares at Tang Qi, hoping to kill him! It took a lot of effort to get these things. Although they are not genuine, they have no problem in appearance and color. Now they are like this? How unreasonable!

Tang Qi asked the old man, "what about the white plum jade carving?" "Here it is." The old man had noticed what he had bought for a long time. He took out a jade carving from a box under the windowsill and handed it to Tang Qi. This white plum jade carving is very beautiful in appearance. It should be made of a piece of jade. The green branches are crystal clear and shiny,

the transparency is very high. There are few impurities in the past, but the white dots on them are used to carve plum blossoms. The twists and turns of the branches are very moving. No wonder the old man would choose to buy this sculpture. The old man asked Tang Qi in a low voice what was the problem with the carving. Tang Qi said: "the quality of jade depends not only on magazines and transparency. The jade looks very good, but its weight is not right. Compared with ordinary good jade, the same volume of jade is much lighter. What's the reason for this

The old man doubtfully took it up and weighed it, and then said, "I don't think so. The weight is moderate. If I had found this problem at that time, I wouldn't have bought it." Tang Qi turned the jade carving upside down: "look at the marble base under this one. In fact, all the weight is concentrated here. If you remove it, you will find that the weight is wrong." He said that he held down his hand and grabbed the black base directly. The fat man was stunned. Is this guy's hand iron tongs? He grabbed it so easily!

Most jade carvings have a base, but this one is a little too heavy. It's not only the marble, but also a piece of lead. So the weight is integrated into the jade.

When the old man saw the lead, his face sank and he looked at the fat man. Tang Qi continued: "so although the carving looks good, it contains too little jade. The rest are made by injecting glue. I think the real jade is so big, and the rest are fake." He said that he drew a circle in the middle of the carving, and the part surrounded by it was only one-third of the whole jade carving. What he saw here was real, and the rest was worthless. And if it's at the normal price, it's just a few hundred thousand. But he sold it to the old man for millions! The fat man saw that Tang Qi had exposed the adulteration in the white plum jade carving, so he couldn't continue to cover it up. He just broke the jar and cried out, "don't say more. I'm very busy now. If you don't want me to refund you for this thing, don't destroy it too! Hurry up

The man nearby said in a hurry: "he broke so many things, how can he let it go?"

"I have a large number of adults. I don't want to argue with them at all. Let them leave quickly!"

The old man was a little unhappy: "before you always said that the goods had been sold and would not be returned. It's rare that you still know to return them. Do I have to thank you?"

"Business also depends on fate. We can get together and get together. I don't want to do business with you in the future, but I hope you know it well. We still have to live in a city. Who knows what will happen one day? "

Fat man's words are full of threatening meaning. It seems to mean that I won't let you lose money, but you are not allowed to go out and talk to me, otherwise, I may be rude!

The old man was very angry in his heart, but why bother himself? So he gave the white plum jade carving to him.

The other party even said: "the money has been used to purchase goods. Now you have no money on hand. You can take it in two days! See off

The fat man said that he was going to drive them away. The old man said angrily, "I gave you all the carvings, but you didn't give me any money? What's the meaning of this? How can you tell Mr. situ if you want me to go back? "

"I mean what I say. Don't talk nonsense The fat man waved his hands in disgust and told the guys to drive them away.Those people also all came to push and shove: "go, go! Let's go now. Don't disturb our business The old man was angry and his eyes were red, but Tang Qi didn't care. He said with a smile, "doesn't your shop claim to never sell fake goods? I'll help you get rid of all the fakes, save some things and harm other customers. I'm also thinking about your reputation. Why be angry? "

"No nonsense! Who doesn't sell fakes in this street? Why don't you hit people? " Roared the fat man.

Tang Qi said: "although others sell fake goods, they won't sell them for millions. How much did you make by selling the fake white plum jade carving to this gentleman? Are you a white wolf with empty hands?

the old man said, "I spent seven million."

"Well, if you follow the usual rules and pay ten for one fake, how much will this shop pay you?"

"You You... " Why do you have so many stores? You don't have to trouble me?

Tang Qi's heart is a burst of sneer, you so soon forget me? Just now Lao Tzu's inkstone worth several hundred thousand, you still want to be greedy. You give me the least money. I'm sorry if I don't teach you a lesson!

The fat man gritted his teeth and said, "what do you want to do?"

"Of course, it's for you to give the money to the old man, otherwise you think I'm willing to talk nonsense with you?" Of course, fat man didn't want to pay this compensation. At the beginning, he made a calculation that Tang Qi would leave first. Besides, he was the one who was more difficult to deal with, so he cheated him out. When the old man came back, I would trick him into buying something else or losing a few less money, but who knew that Tang Qi didn't want to give up Straight won't go!

Since he said he couldn't, he had to let the people behind him go. The fat man threatened and said, "give you two minutes. If you don't leave again, I'll call Mr. situ. Everyone's face won't look good at that time! Think about it for yourself, old man? "

When the old man heard of Mr. situ's three words, his face suddenly changed: "did you find him?"

"So what? We don't need to go this far. Everything is forced by you, so don't blame me! "

The old man snorted: "even if he comes, I have nothing to be afraid of. The evidence is solid. Can you just admit it?"

Although he was very reasonable, there was still some hidden worry in his voice. Tang Qi was very curious and said, where did Mr. situ come from and how did he scare him like this?

The old man came up to Tang Qi's ear and said in a low voice: "otherwise, let's go first?"

"What's the matter? Is Mr. situ frightening you? " "Alas! He is a big man here. If we make him unhappy, everyone will have bad luck. What he hates most is playing games with his roommates. They are all antique dealers. It's not good to make a big scene. Besides, we smashed all his things first. He will help fat man to say

words at that time. "

Tang Qimei frowned and said, "is this guy so good-looking? The fat man said, "I'll call now to see what Mr. situ said." He took out his mobile phone, but Tang Qi didn't flinch. Instead, he went to him: "press hands-free, I'll see what he said." After listening to Tang Qi's words, this guy was stunned. Is he really not afraid? that 's ok! I'll help you if you want to die!

He took out his cell phone to dial, and soon a very calm voice answered the phone.

"I am situ bang. Can I help you? "

"Mr. situ, I have..." Later, the fat man added oil and vinegar to the story and said that Tang Qi was a villain who was too expensive to buy things. "I'm in a small business. He's ruined all my stores. What can I do? Mr. situ, you have to judge

When he said that, he shed crocodile tears. He really can act.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "you are pretending that as long as you see the ruins, you will know that all these things are fake. Is Mr. situ easy to cheat? You are slandering Mr. situ's intelligence by saying so. "

"Shut up! What can I do for you when I talk to Mr. situ? No more nonsense, I'll beat you out! "

Tang Qi said: "Mr. situ, have you heard all of them? If I really bully him, how dare he talk to me like this? It's clear that people have exposed that the shop is full of fake goods. They feel that they have lost their face and are planting scams here. "

"Ah! Can you stop talking! " The fat man hit Tang Qi's direction with one punch, but Tang Qi cleverly dodged him. At the same time, he tripped lightly. The fat man rowed forward and almost sat on the ground. Several guys rushed to help him in a panic.

The fat man screamed and asked his men to help him deal with Tang Qi. But these people were not Tang Qi's opponents at all. They were all beaten down in an instant. They all fell on the fragments of antiques and almost fainted in pain.

"Sir, you see, that's how this smelly boy bullies us!"Situ Bang yelled: "OK, don't make any noise!"

"But Sir..."

"What a jerk! What are you doing? Are you practicing martial arts? I can't get through something for the time being. Be honest with me! I'll be there tomorrow morning. How ridiculous! All wait for me! " Card wipe! The other party hung up.

The fat man pointed to Tang Qi and gasped: "do you hear me? Sir, you are waiting! I'll kill you tomorrow morning! "

"Ha ha, I don't know who to clean up." Tang Qi sneered. The fat man knew that Tang Qi couldn't say it, so he said to the old man, "don't you hurry? Did Mr. situ speak? "

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