The boss immediately said angrily: "you are joking, aren't you?"

"I'm kidding. There are really valuable things in it." Tang Qi threw the waste on the table and looked at him with a smile: "millions of them are in here." "You're playing with me, aren't you? I've been working here for decades, and I know a lot about real and fake porcelain. These are all waste materials. Do you see? These are handicrafts, and this one is a fake. Although this one is genuine, it's a rotten Street thing, which is 30 yuan at most. You want to be fooled? It's ridiculous When the old man saw that Tang Qi had no hope, he turned back to Wang Guangsheng.

"Smelly boy, your Godfather can't help you at all. Please compensate me quickly, otherwise, you can put me in prison too. Don't let me be rude to you!" When Wang Guangsheng saw that things had become like this, he was furious: "Tang Qi, are you kidding me? Cheated me and asked me to divorce her. Now I can't find anything, and he wants me to go to prison? I'm not finished with you, and you bitch, Liu Xiao. If it wasn't for you, could things be like this? You'd better accompany me, or I won't be polite! "

Tang Qi said: "when did I cheat you? The porcelain here is really valuable. "

The old man sniffed: "now young people, what's wrong with doing well, but they want to be cheaters?" Seeing that he didn't listen to Tang Qi, Liu Xiao cried anxiously. What should he do? Two hundred thousand was taken away by his stepmother. It's impossible for him to come back. But Tang Qi can't blame him for this. He also wants to help. Now that he has reached such a stage, he can only blame his own life.

She didn't know Tang Qi's identity at all and thought that this time she was doomed.

Wang Guangsheng is still here to continue to scold, he is determined not to go to prison. But the old man suddenly grabbed Wang Guangsheng's shoulder. Because of his great strength, the wound on his shoulder burst open. He said in a hurry, "who is it? Who do you think this man is? "

"It's Tang Qi. Didn't I just say that? What's the matter? Do you know this kid? "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "how do you talk, I'm your godfather, you remember."

"Godfather, I'll tell you..." Before Wang Guangsheng finished his words, he saw that the old man suddenly rushed to Tang Qi's direction, hugged Tang Qi's shoulder with both hands, and his face was full of excitement.

"Are you Tang Qi of Tang Qi, chairman of suhai antique association?"

Liu Yingying said: "of course, otherwise, how can he have such a big tone? You are also stupid. If he doesn't have any real ability, he can't tell you directly." "Ah, I'm so happy to have an able man here. I didn't expect that one day I would be able to come here. I'm so moved that I'm going to cry." The old man's face is full of smiles. He has heard of Tang Qi's name for a long time. As long as he points out that

all the stones are first-class goods, no matter they are calligraphy, painting or antique jade, as long as they are in contact with him, no one is allowed, and as long as they have something to do with him, then if he gives some advice, it's not a dream to make a fortune overnight!

Tang Qi eyebrow head a pick, way: "how, you believe me?"

"Of course! I don't believe it. Who else do you believe? "

"Very good. Since you are so obedient and sensible, I can rest assured. Let him go and don't pursue his responsibility."

The old man said with a smile, "that's right! Of course, you don't have to say that I won't hold you responsible for your son! "

Many people want to have something to do with Tang Qi, but they can't. they happen to be face to face with Tang Qi. Of course, they have to flatter him. If they can, they will be rich! "Then take the pen and paper and sign the agreement." Tang Qi is very clear about the two people's character. Who knows if they will change after they have agreed well here? We must be on guard. The old man is not happy, but because of Tang Qi's face, he has to sign the agreement, and Wang Guangsheng has signed the agreement.

Wang Guangsheng felt relieved when he saw the old man's attitude towards Tang Qi. It seems that this man has some skills. In this way, his own affairs will be forgotten? But he still has a bit of a pain when he thinks of the 200000.

But Liu Yingying told him: "I advise you not to be greedy. If you have any bad intentions, Tang Qi will not forgive you lightly. Don't blame me for not reminding you."

In his heart, he was afraid, so he had to write and press his fingerprints. Tang Qiyi waved his hand: "OK, it's none of your business. If you dare to go to Liu Xiao again in the future, you can see him once and type him once."

Wang Guangsheng took another look at Liu Xiao, a little reluctant to go out. He always thinks that Tang Qi doesn't come from here. When he leaves, he'll find Liu Xiao again. She's afraid of pestering Lang, so she can catch him. Who knows that Tang Qi takes a fancy to Liu Xiao's education and character, so he directly asks Liu YingYing and Liu Xiao to go back to suhai to help Xu Wei manage the business there, but she can't find it at all. Her stepmother and two sons are not easy to get into trouble at all. After asking for money several times, they are all beaten out. Wang Guangsheng can't find anyone, so he has to give up, and finally finds one from the West The Congliang girl who came back from Dongguan has gone to love. This is not to be mentioned later.When the boss saw Wang Guangsheng leave, he asked Tang Qi to help identify the porcelain: "where is the valuable one? Please help me find out. I've seen it before. I didn't notice it at all. " Tang Qi said with a smile: "baby needs a wise eye to know the Pearl. You can't see it at all." As he said, he looked inside twice, and found three pieces of broken gray porcelain from these old porcelain chips. All the pieces are about 5cm in diameter, all with delicate and uniform patterns. They are gray, and the enamel looks rough, but it feels heavy and moist when you put them on your hands. When you look at them in the sun, you can see that they are translucent Yes, with a color flash.

Tang Qi handed this thing to him: "this is the treasure, three pieces of treasure, go to the experts, at least three million."

The old man's face was unbelievable, but he took a breath: "really? How could it be so valuable? "

Tang Qimei looked around and said, "you can't believe me?"

"No! It's just an ordinary handicraft. How can it be so good? " "Ha ha? All the porcelain pieces in your shop are not as old as this year. This is a wine vessel of the Shang Dynasty, called baiyunzhan. Because of its long history, its surface is covered with a light gray color. If you wash it with alkaline water, it will show its original color

"What is a hundred halo cup?" The old man is very strange.

Tang Qi frowned. If Liu Yingying said that, she didn't know anything. But you, the owner of an antique shop, didn't know such knowledge. Isn't it a bit stupid? At this time, Liu Xiao said: "I saw in the textbook that this kind of porcelain was formed after 18 times of paper burning. It is said that the king of that time wanted to make pure black wine cups, but because of the effect of the chemical composition of the soil and the mixed substances, the white ones were formed. The Potter was afraid to ask and chop, so he hid them quietly and didn't want to The king was very happy when he found out, because the wine was as white as snow, and when he looked into the sunlight, he could see dozens of rainbow flashes. It was a very rare boutique. Later, it was impossible for him to specially cook

wine. It was just one pot. "

The old man said strangely, "really? What happened then? " Liu Xiao's face was crossed by several black lines, but he still said: "later, because of the scarcity, it was a national treasure of the country. Later, when the man died, he was buried in large quantities. These porcelain pieces in your hand should be a part of it. If this is a complete

wine cup, it must be at least hundreds of millions. "

"Ah! Hundreds of millions? " The old man covered his heart. He was going to have a heart attack! Why did he throw it away without a good look? Maybe there would be a brand new one. He told his men not to do anything and to go to the old warehouse above.

"We have to find three feet of earth! Take a look! I didn't expect that I would get something unexpected when I picked up these things occasionally! But I still don't know why it's called baiyunzhan because it reflects sunlight? " Tang Qi said with a smile: "no, it's because the porcelain itself will be soaked in wine for more than ninety-one days after refining. The alcohol has been mixed in it. Because it's white, the king likes it very much. He has soaked it for nearly a year in order to give it to the public on his birthday." After soaking for so many days, you can imagine that before you pour out the wine, you will be intoxicated and dizzy, so the king becomes a hundred dizzy cups. It's a pity that there are less than ten of the hundreds left at that time, and we still don't know where they have gone. I didn't expect that this grandson had a remnant here.

The old man's men tossed on it for a long time, but they didn't find it. They had to report back.

"I'm so angry! You rubbish, you can't do such a small thing? "

Liu Yingying said: "don't be greedy. He has helped you recover a lot of losses." The man didn't listen and suddenly wanted to say, "how about Mr. Tang helping me? Maybe some of those things are valuable. I just don't know! " He thought they were useless and was ready to throw them away, but now he is happy to find them. I hope Tang Qi will continue to help him find the treasure.

Tang Qi said: "are you not afraid that I will be swallowed alone?"

"No! You are a gentleman He said with a smile.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "unfortunately, I am very busy and have no time. Now that the matter between us is over, we'll see you again! " He said and Liu Yingying came out.

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