Seeing this shameless guy coming back, Liu Yingying couldn't help but die of anger. She pointed to him and said, "how do you mean to appear in front of me? Go away Although Tang Qi reminds her that five million yuan is nothing to Liu Yingying now, she feels that her father has been betrayed, and her brain is congested. She wants to kill him with one blow!

That boss is a real veteran in business. After listening to other people's swearing, I didn't feel ashamed. Instead, I looked at her and Tang Qi's direction with a smile: "I didn't know that you and Tang Qi had such a relationship. I just found out. I'm really sorry."

"It's none of your business what it is!"

The boss said: "it's better to do this. I'll treat you. How about sitting down and having a good meal together?" If Tang Qi hadn't stopped her, Liu Yingying's slap would have gone down. He said with a smile, "whatever you want to say, just say it. Why waste your time here? We still have something to do, and you have to do business, don't you? After all, you don't have many chances to cheat people by five million

The boss knew that he was satirizing himself, so he said with a smile, "don't say that! I know I was wrong just now. I just went back to have a look. There is indeed a loan. I did borrow Liu Yingying's money. "

This is obviously an excuse. Who would forget that he borrowed so much money for no reason? He just didn't want to pay it back. But now it's rare for him to admit it. It's also a strange thing.

"What do you want to say? Do you want to pay us back? "

"Of course! Even if I'm not for Liu Yingying, I'm also for Mr. Tang. Since I'm your girlfriend, I still want to give you face. " He said with a smile.

Tang Qi a face black line, helplessly said: "well, you give it."

"Yes, but please go back to the shop and say it."

Liu Yingying took a look at Tang Qi. Tang Qi held her hand: "since we are invited back, let's go." He knew in his heart that he had been collecting the money from him all the time. He must have wanted him to do something. He would not return the money for no reason. Sure enough, as soon as they got back, they just sat down and didn't even wait to bring up the tea. The boss asked Tang Qi to help check the warehouse.

"I'm worried that there's something missing on it. If it's lost, it's over. And Mr. Tang Qi, your identification level is so high that you should not deliberately hide and cheat. I can trust you alone. " The boss said with a flattering smile.

Tang Qi sneered. You asked for it. Don't blame me for being cold-blooded.

So Tang Qi said with a smile, "so?"

"If you can find a treasure from the attic above, how about I pay it back?"

Liu Yingying gas of a table: "looking for treasure is looking for treasure, return money is return money, why do you want to mix these two things together?" "Don't be angry, Miss Liu. You don't have an IOU. I can't pay it back. I've already given Tang Qi a big face. Don't be unkind. I've already said the terms. If you don't agree, I won't force you. Please go out! " Then the boss's tone became very cold.

The five million is regarded as Tang Qi's reward for finding treasure. He knows very well that if Tang Qi is employed to find something, five million is not enough. In this way, he can repay the loan and get the chance to get the treasure, killing two birds with one stone.

"You are..." Liu Yingying is very angry.

But Tang Qi said with a smile: "well, I can get it by hand anyway. It's good to get back five million without any effort. I'll promise you."

"Really? I knew that Mr. Tang was a man of great self-restraint and magnanimity. Today, he really saw it! " He was so surprised that he was about to take Tang Qi upstairs.

But Tang Qi waved: "don't worry, pay the money back first." "No problem, of course!" The boss said that he immediately gave Tang Qi a check of five million yuan, but the boss had already figured it out in his heart. Once he got the things, he immediately went to the bank to report the loss, so that you could get rid of your money. No matter you can't find the baby, you will be trapped. What can you do!

The boss had a good idea in his heart, but he said to Tang Qi, "OK, I've got the money, OK."

"Well, let's go." Tang Qi spread his hands and went upstairs. Liu Yingying reminded him to be careful when she went upstairs.

"You should know how shameless this man is. Aren't you afraid that he won't give you money?"

"Don't worry, he dare not give it away." Tang Qi said. Tang Qi made up his mind to go upstairs with her. It's a very big warehouse. Because he was worried that someone might steal things or come in from the outside to rob, there was no window in it, so the light was dim and he couldn't see clearly. The shelves of several pear trees were covered with strange antiques, but they were covered with dust. It seemed that they had been put on the shelves For many years, there was nothing worthy of attention at all. The ground was also full of fragments of porcelain or jade, and there were several paintings that had been damaged by insects, which were piled up in rags."Why do you make things like this in your shop?" Tang Qi picked up some paintings. Although they were not the authentic works of some famous artists, they were some real paintings of the late Qing Dynasty. They were thrown here so casually. It's a great pity. "Well, to tell you the truth, these things belong to the last landlady Li Lanlan. Since I took over, I have been fighting with him for three years because of the allocation problem on the second floor. After winning the lawsuit, I finally got this one on the second floor. Originally, I thought there was something good in it. Who knows that it was all waste and useless He said angrily.

"Who is Li Lanlan?" Tang Qi is not a local, he does not know the origin of this woman, but Liu Yingying is very clear. This woman is a famous shrew, famous in the whole city, because she has been married six times, becoming the legend of the city.

"She seems to be a country girl in a small place. Because she is very beautiful, she was sold to a local rich man in a neighboring village by her father after receiving 200000 betrothal gifts at the age of 16."

"Oh, the same fate as Liu Xiao."

"When she got married, it was more than ten years ago, and the 200000 at that time was not the same as now."

Tang Qi said: "also, what happened later?"

"Then her husband died." Less than three months after Li Lanlan's marriage, her husband died. This woman married quickly. Who knows that her second husband also died! Since then, I have been constantly married, and I have been married for the last time since five years ago. "Is her husband still alive?"

"No, I'm dead." Liu Yingying sighed: "it may be that the beauty's life is thin."

One side of the boss snorted from the nose: "bad life? People say she is a mantis spirit who can kill people! Who can kill six husbands at once She married six times in her life, and she was different from other women. The more times she married, the worse the condition of marrying that person. However, because she married with her husband's legacy every time, she became a rich woman. Because one of them died at the construction site, and the compensation alone costs 800000 yuan. Now when her husband dies, she is also a super rich woman in this city, and she is very famous.

"The last man she married was an antique shop owner, and the golden moon pavilion was his." Liu Yingying said.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "the experience of such a woman is a legend. No way "Yes! Later, the woman's husband accidentally fell down the stairs. She couldn't do business, so she gave me the shop. " The boss said: "at that time, only one floor was given to me. She said that her husband's original intention was to buy it back because he wanted to be healthy. She asked me for less money, and then left the other floor for her. I will give it to her in a few years, because there are some things on it that can't be moved. I thought that there are no good things on it anyway, some broken shelves and so on, so I agreed. Who knows that when the time comes, she will be waiting for several years. Of course, I won't agree, and I will use it to load goods At that time, it was locked with a big lock, but the boss found the locksmith and quietly went up to see it. There was no valuable thing at all, so he was worried. But after her husband died, the woman didn't want to sell it, so he was not happy. He gave the remaining money to the woman and grabbed the upper floor!

Tang Qi frowned and said, "aren't you robbing?" "The court said that I won. Besides, Li Lanlan later said that it was not her or anything, and then went abroad with her boyfriend." The woman did not dare to get married again. For fear of being scolded to death, she went out to play with a male model who was 18 or 19 years younger than herself.

Tang Qi said with a smile: "I really enjoy life. There are handsome men with money, and many women yearn for life."

The boss said, "if you don't abide by women's principles, there's nothing to praise."

Liu Yingying said with a sneer: "you are in your sixties. You are still peeping at Liu Xiaoying. How do you mean to talk about others? You are the most brazen one

The boss just wanted to retort a few words, but when he saw Tang Qizheng looking at himself, he had to smile reluctantly: "everyone has his own difficulties. Let's not talk about this woman. Let's look for it." It turns out that when he bought jinyuege, he had heard that the husband married by this woman had something good, but who knows that he had searched for nothing just now. Except Tang Qi found the broken porcelain, he found nothing else. Of course, he was not reconciled. He wanted Tang Qi to find something valuable, so he borrowed the reason to return the money to Liu Yingying Qi called upstairs.

"All in all, it's up to you, brother." Tang Qi sneered: "well, as long as you have no problem, I have no problem here."

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