She has been bullying others all her life. Who would have thought that she would be bullied like this one day.

Room decoration and home appliances, at least 100000 yuan, how can not let the heartache to death.

When Tang Qi went far away, she rushed to wake up her son with cold water. They were still confused. She helped them up.

When the eldest and the second woke up, they saw that the family was in a mess, and 200000 people had been robbed. They immediately asked what was the matter. The woman cried and told the story. Who knows, the two sons didn't comfort their mother, but complained about why she didn't fight him to the end.

"All these things are finished. How can you compensate us?"

The woman is angry of shout: "fight a fart! I didn't ask him, our lives are gone! Do not know Liu Xiao this cheap wench, exactly is from where to know this person? "

The second one said angrily, "no, I must take revenge! How do you find him? "

At this time, the woman picked up a business card from the ground with an address on it. Is this the place where Tang Qi and Liu Xiao live? He must have stayed here.

Three people also have no time to tidy up these things, leave home in a hurry, go to the North Hotel to catch people, want to clean him up! The hotel is very close to the town.

"Well, smelly girl, did you come here? I won't let you go! "

They didn't dare to confront each other openly, so they wandered outside for an hour. When a woman saw that, she went in and inquired. Sure enough, a girl named Liu Xiao rented a room on the second floor.

Two people together, together from the second floor window climbed up, inside a dark, and even breathing sound. Knowing that he must have fallen asleep, the two brothers picked up the chair beside the table and threw it at the man on the bed.

Touch! Then there was a scream, a man and a woman.

The two brothers are very excited and finally hit! Then, without turning on the light, they beat each other fiercely. Naturally, the people on the bed also wanted to hide. They quickly kicked out of the bed to cry for help. The two brothers were very happy, but they began to feel that the voice was wrong.

Is this woman not Liu Xiao's voice? By this time, the people on the bed had already jumped out of the bed and turned on the light. It turned out to be a strange couple.

The two men were sleeping well, but they were smashed by others. They were surprised and angry. They pointed to them and cried out. "I'm Cao! What are you going to do? "

The hotel staff heard this and rushed in, beating around the two men.

Two people almost didn't frighten to pee, constantly cry for mercy: "no No, we don't. You didn't mean to... "

The woman who had been hit caught on her mobile phone and asked to call the police: "is it necessary to ask? It must be trying to get rich and kill!" They explained quickly, but who would listen to them? All the other guests in the hotel wake up and rush in together to fight with each other. At the beginning, the two can fight against each other. However, they have just been knocked unconscious by Tang Qi, and their strength has not recovered yet. Gradually, they are no longer

OK, they fall to the ground and have been beaten all the time.

The woman heard the wrong voice outside, and quickly came in. Seeing this scene, she immediately knew that she had been cheated. She was angry and scolded loudly.

"Damn you, how dare you pit me?" But what's the use of saying that now? Tang Qi gave her a chance.

If she doesn't look for trouble as she promised, she will not encounter anything else. It is because she is restless and has to seek revenge from Tang Qi that this series of time is triggered.

She rushed in to save her son: "they are not criminals, misunderstandings! Let them go

But the woman was caught by all the people and sent to the nearby police station with her two sons. The three stayed cold and hungry for a cold night. Later, they explained that they were looking for their sister, thinking that she was eloping with others, so they dialed the wrong person. I can't say it's because it's hard to get revenge.

In the end, not only did they not get compensation from the other side, but they also gave them 5000 yuan for mental loss.

They come home listless and see the house burned in a mess overnight. Fortunately, Tang Qi didn't kill it all. He just burned the appearance, otherwise they would be homeless.

The woman completely collapsed on the ground, sat on the ground crying, two sons have been constantly complaining about her.

"It's all you! It's over. Now how can we marry a daughter-in-law? You have to be responsible! "

The woman is disheartened. After this incident, she no longer dares to trouble Liu Xiao. Tang Qi is too difficult to deal with. Now that she has such a boyfriend, she can't bully her at all.

Liu Xiao completely broke off contact with them from then on. Never been harassed again.

Tang Qi returned to the room, it was early in the morning, Liu Xiao had fallen asleep, only Liu Yingying was still sitting there, carefully looking at the bottle Tang Qi brought back. She was wearing gloves, shining the glaze inside with a special flashlight, very focused.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "what are you doing, studying antiques?"Seeing Tang Qi coming back, Liu Yingying said with a smile, "I don't know about antiques, but I'm very interested in the chemical composition."

"Yes, what did you find?" He sat next to her.

"Nothing. I found some phosphide in it. It's a little strange, because these things only exist in the ocean. Who would have thought that they would appear in the porcelain bottles? Don't you think it's very strange? "

"Is this very important?" Tang said Yingying said with a smile: "you know a lot about antiques, but you don't know as much about these ingredients as I do. These phosphates are very rare. Although they are not important and can't be mined for mineralization, they are a favorite thing of corals. With this thing, you can grow precious phosphorous sea corals


Tang qiyileng, I've seen this kind of coral in the book. It's snow-white and crystal clear. It's also a precious species growing in the deep sea. It should have been extinct in the Qing Dynasty. Is it left behind before?

Liu Yingying continued: "I will continue to study it to see if it is this coral. If it is, it will be interesting. This thing is very valuable."

"I think it's probably because I came into contact with it many years ago, because now it's completely extinct. At least I haven't seen this kind of coral in the country for decades."

"But I think the phosphide in this thing is new" "new?" This means that such phosphorus sea corals still exist in the world! Tang Qi was also very surprised and excited. If such a coral exists, its value can not be measured by money, and it may affect the whole coral market. But why is this coral gone? Since it's the things in the bottle, even if someone finds the coral, they should take away the bottle and all of them, because it's also of great value. What about the dagger, but all of them are left behind and only the coral is taken away?

Liu Yingying said, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing. I'm excited." "Because this coral is very precious," Tang said

"In fact, I'm just speculating for the time being. To see if it's something, I have to go through a test first. Don't say it outside for the time being. If it's wrong, it's broken." Liu Yingying

Tang Qi said: "I understand that even if it is true, I will not say it. You can rest assured. " Liu Yingying nodded, put the bottle away, and picked up another dagger to see: "I think the reason why you hurt your leg, but soon recovered, should not be the relationship between the knife, but also the cause of phosphide, it has a kind of ability to automatically recover the wound, so you will be better

" This coral can not only be used as an ornamental, but also as a kind of medicinal material.

"I didn't expect the coral to be so good," Tang said

"Yes, coral is a good thing. I want to see it, too."

"Yes." Tang Qi put the dagger up: "we should have a rest." Liu Yingying still wants to see it. She reaches for the dagger, but Tang Qi holds it by the wrist. She looks up at her eyes inadvertently, which are full of tenderness and deep meaning. Liu Yingying trembles all over and realizes what she has done. She pushed Tang Qi's shoulder and wanted to stand up: "I'm going to rest,

you can go back too."

Tang Qi said: "I don't want to let you go. What should I do?"

"Don't make trouble, Tang Qi. It's very late.

"I know. I'll go back to bed with it."

"But Liu Xiao is still sleeping. You'll wake her up when you go in."

"I sleep with you." Tang Qi said while holding her, directly to his room.

Liu Yingying is very frightened, but she is also very looking forward to it. Because she likes Tang Qi and is willing to give herself to him completely, but she feels a little too scared to give him now, so her mood is very confused. At this time, she suddenly hears the door behind her open.

Liu Xiao came out in a daze: "what do you do if you don't sleep?"

"Ah Liu Yingying was startled and came down from Tang Qi's arms, nervously arranging her clothes.

"Nothing, Tang Qi Just came back. "

"What did he do?"

Tang Qi said: "I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a walk. Just say two words to Yingying. "

Liu Xiao blinked, then suddenly understood, her hands covered her face, quickly ran to his room.

"I'm wrong. I don't know you You go on. I don't care about you. Good night

"Wait a minute, I'll be fine!" She pushed Tang Qi's hand away and went after Liu Xiao.

Tang Qi said with a smile, "why don't you care about me?"

"It's all you Liu Xiao woke up. She was so thin skinned that she couldn't continue to talk to Tang Qiqing. She went back to find Liu Xiao to sleep. Tang Qi can only go back to his room to sleep by himself. He lies on the bed and shakes his dagger, wondering, do these corals really exist in the world?

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