"Tang Qi, what's the matter?" Li Yangming also felt that something was wrong. These people had a hostile relationship before, but later they helped each other, obviously acting.

Li Yangming suddenly realized what happened yesterday.

Tang Qi gave Li Yangming a wink, and then said: "nothing to look for trouble, next time let me encounter broken legs."

Tang Qi's companion, who had been pestering him just now, didn't know when to run away. A few of them were bored and began to climb the mountain.

It is said that the closer to nature, the more people can feel relaxed. Not surprisingly, Tang Qigang, who is standing in the "Yangju Pavilion" on the hillside, is still in a heavy mood and much better.

Recalling what happened in the past two days, Tang Qi suddenly realized that facing the natural mountains, forests, bamboo, plants and birds, Tang Qi had a feeling that this crisis would be better for him. If he failed, he would die.

"The scenery is so beautiful. I want to watch it with you all the time." Tang Qi suddenly said with emotion: "it's a pity."

Chuya nestles in Tang Qi's arms, her beautiful big eyes overlooking the distance, the breeze blowing, blowing her hair, a few strands of fragrant hair are entangled by Tang Qi's hands, gently in the hands of a roll, then let go.

"Brother Li, if I go down from here now, will someone do something to me?" Tang Qi didn't look back. He didn't have to look back. He knew Li Yangming would not leave. He and Zhuang Qin were not far away.

They won't disturb his tryst with Chuya. They also know that Tang Qi has offended a very powerful person. This person won't let him go easily. Tang Qi is very dangerous now.

"Don't think about it. I've already called brother Honglong. He'll be here soon." Li Yangming was dissatisfied with Tang Qi's passivity and yelled at him. "As long as brother Honglong comes, even Qin Yuanyu can't do anything to you."

"Who is brother red dragon?" Tang Qi asked.

"He's a legend." Li Yangming said.

Chu Ya didn't know who Tang Qi had offended until Li Yangming said three words about Qin Yuanyu.

"Tang Qi, did you meet Qin Yuanyu yesterday? He didn't do anything to you Chu Ya's concern is chaotic. She reaches out her hand to check Tang Qi's body.

Tang Qi's heart gushes a warm current, even if all the people in the world aim at themselves, at least Chu Ya won't, and there is such a lovely woman with him. Even if he dies, he won't be too sorry.

Of course, Tang Qi doesn't want to die. He has his family, his parents, his sister, Mickey, Zhong Yaxin, long Lao, his friends, and too much to put in his heart. If he dies today, he will not only be sorry for himself, but also those friends who have great expectations for him.

"I'm fine. He didn't do anything to me. If brother Qin is here, you can rest assured." Tang Qi patted Chu Ya's head gently, with a gentle face.

Chuya was a little relieved. Xiaoqin had seen her, and she was still not far away. She has also heard Li Yangming say that Xiao Qin is very good in body and hand, and can fight ten.

However, Bing Xueming is clever. She immediately finds that there is something wrong with the conversation between Tang Qi and Li Yangming just now.

"Tang Qi, will you promise me one thing?" Chu Ya was silent for a long time, then she looked at Tang Qi firmly in her eyes: "you must have nothing to do."

Tang Qining looked at Chu Ya's clear eyes and nodded heavily: "I will."

A few people feel a little heavy, simply eat some things, then in the distance from the "Yangju Pavilion" not far from the small hotel rest.

Li Yangming just said hello, saying that brother Honglong was on his way up the mountain. He went out to meet him.

Zhuang Qin went to have a rest alone. Li Yanggang didn't speak much, just like the air. He went to talk with Zhuang Qin. The rest of Tang Qi and Chu Ya sat in the open room.

The atmosphere is a little heavy. Chuya nestles up to Tang Qi and gently raises her head: "Tang Qi, kiss me."

Tang Qi lowered his head and gave Chuya a kiss on her soft pink lips.

Tang Qi's desire was instantly activated by the fragrance of his nose and Chuya's shortness of breath. The two men's kiss lasted for a long time.


After Yunyu Wushan, Tang Qiyi smokes at the head of the bed, Chuya nestles up to Tang Qi, a slender finger constantly drawing circles.

"Tang Qi, I'm your woman now. You can't leave me in the future." Chuya was not lost at all, but very happy.

Tang Qi gently stroked Chuya's black hair and said with a smile, "unless I die."

The same words, from two different populations, show different taste, but they are so firm.

"Dong Dong Dong."

The knock on the door makes Tang Qi and Chu Ya dress quickly. It must be Li Yangming who dares to disturb them at this time.

"Tang Qi, open the door, brother red dragon is coming." Sure enough, Li Yangming's voice came from outside the door.

Tang Qi had a headache. Seeing Chu Ya who was only half dressed, he said to Li Yangming helplessly, "brother Li, wait for me for a while. I'm in the toilet."After that, there is no sound outside the door. Chuya praises Tang qijizhi and quickly puts on her clothes. But immediately she blushes again. She is in Tang Qi's room. After Li Yangming comes in, how can she answer him?

"Tang Qi, Tang Qi, what should I say later? You are in the toilet, I can't be in the toilet too." Chu Ya's face was red and embarrassed. Tang Qi couldn't help looking at it more.

Tang Qi suddenly sees the wide curtain, so he pulls Chu Ya's arm and shoves her into the curtain. Then Tang Qi moves the clothes hanger over to open the door for Li Yangming.

After opening the door, Tang Qi smiles a little guilty, while Li Yangming looks at Tang Qi strangely.

"Tang Qi, this is brother Honglong." Li Yangming has already told Tang Qi that brother Honglong is very strange and has a great position in Yanjing city. Whether he is an official or a businessman, he should give him face.

And there is such a saying in the circle: "having children should be like Jiang Honglong." From this we can see that Jiang Honglong must have something extraordinary.

After hearing that, Tang Qi turns to see that Jiang Honglong is very tall. He is not very handsome, but he has the taste of a man. He is only twenty-seven or eight years old. His inexplicable temperament makes Tang Qi feel like a dragon.

"I've met big brother Honglong, little brother Tang Qi." Tang Qi stepped aside and invited Li Yangming and Jiang Honglong into the room.

Just stepped into the house, Jiang Honglong suddenly said: "let's go to the teahouse to talk."

Li Yangming looks at Jiang Honglong suspiciously. He has a good relationship with Jiang Honglong. He can be regarded as the younger brother that Jiang Honglong takes special care of. If not, please don't move this person who even Qin Yuanyu doesn't dare to provoke. This can explain why Qin Yuanyu didn't move Li Yangming easily.

Tang Qi can't wait for Chu ya, but she is still in the room. If they find out what Li Yangming will think, Jiang Honglong will have an opinion of himself.

When the three came to bring the teahouse, Jiang Honglong did not speak, Tang Qi did not speak, but Li Yangming could not help speaking. "I have told brother Honglong about the course of the matter, but now the problem is very serious."

Jiang Honglong suddenly asked, "do you really like Chuya?"

Tang Qi looked at Jiang Honglong and nodded: "yes." If Tang Qi didn't dare to say that before, after he had a relationship with Chu ya, he had decided that he would not give up on her in the future.

"Good. I'll help you with this, but you also need to help me with one thing. " Jiang Honglong reached out to interrupt Li Yangming, who was about to speak, and then said, "I heard that you know how to identify treasures. Even Mr. Cai Zhenhua of the Palace Museum thinks highly of you."

Tang Qi nodded to prove that it was true.

"When I went to Australia the year before last, I didn't intend to get a piece of white jade. I've invited many famous jade experts in China, but they can't see what the material is. If you can tell me after reading it, I'll help you with it."

Tang Qi felt helpless in his heart, but he was cautious on his face. He said: "I can only tell brother Honglong that he will do his best for the white jade that even the domestic well-known experts can't identify."

"Yes." Jiang Honglong nodded, stood up to greet Li Yangming and left. He came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

Seeing off Jiang Honglong, Li Yangming saw Tang Qi sitting in a daze and said with a smile, "don't worry, Tang Qi. As long as brother Honglong takes the hand, Qin Yuanyu won't dare to do it again."

Tang Qi nodded, then shook his head and asked, "who is the red dragon elder brother?"

Li Yangming poured a cup of tea for Tang Qi. After he poured it, he said: "brother Honglong's origin is very mysterious. Except for a limited number of people in Yanjing City, no one knows where he came from. However, no matter the mayor or the people in the second building of the third club, they are very polite to him when they see him. I also met him in Hall three by chance

"Club three?" Tang Qi has been to No. 3 club, but it is only the most common No. 3 building. The last time Qin Yuanzhen gave him a black card, he could only get in and out of No. 3 building at most, and he didn't even have the qualification to enter No. 2 building.

What kind of place is it? Tang Qi thought that if he could get involved with the president of the No. 3 club, he would not be so difficult to move in Yanjing city.

Thinking of this, Tang Qi said: "brother Li, when we go back this time, I want to go to No. 3 club again."

"Where to do what?" Li Yangming was surprised.

Tang Qi said with a mysterious smile: "go to meet some big people."

Li Yangming shook his head helplessly and said, "it's not me who's hurting your self-confidence. The people in No.3 club, no matter which one, are worth more than 100 million yuan. If those people don't have enough interest temptation, they won't make friends with us."

"I know," Tang said, "but what if I trade with them what I can't buy with money?"

"What can't money buy? What's that? " Li Yangming's face was full of doubts. He suddenly thought of something and said excitedly, "don't tell me you want to exchange it with red jadeite. It's too much to lose."

Tang Qi just laughs and doesn't say that he has something more precious than red jadeite.

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