"Yes, he is the boss behind the scenes. On the surface, many branch owners are different, but that's a cover up. The only real boss is situ bang, but recently, because of a Louis, who is treacherous and cunning, situ Bang began to cash in and sold the shop.

”Stu Bang is very intelligent. Louis didn't come here just to make money. If he had any other ideas, he would be an outsider and unobtrusive. So he became the boss behind the scenes. This shop gave it to jinsiyu, but it didn't ask for money, so it can still get it back in the future.

"Our husband and wife also feel that our husband is very kind to us, so they help him."

"Help him hurt me?" Tang Qi said with a smile.

Jin Siyu is nothing, but Kang Tianbao is a little embarrassed: "no, I would rather die myself than let you die. What I said is true, because you gave me my last life. I will always remember it

Seeing her husband's emotion, Jin Siyu has no choice but to give her life to Tang Qi?

Tang Qi said: "but I don't understand one thing. I haven't seen situ Bang many times, but I know he's not a good bird. Why would you like to help you?"

Gold silk feather pointed to the jade seal and said: "naturally, it's not because I'm really good to me, it's all for this thing."

Tang Qi said: "he also wants this thing?" Jin Siyu said: "yes, you should know the value of this jade seal. He has been salivating for a long time. The reason why he has been good to me is because he wants to get this thing. But fortunately, my father has put it in the bank vault, and I promised him that I would give him the seal

Tang Qi said: "it's better not to do that. It's no good."

"Of course I understand. What do you mean? My husband and I still count on this thing as our treasure of the town shop. How can we give him this bastard? " She couldn't help looking at Tang Qi.

Kang Tianbao quickly grabbed her and said, "wife, how can you talk to him like this? We should respect him."

"I don't want to respect you." Her chest rose and fell with anger, which made the mountain more magnificent.

Tang Qi takes a look at it and says that Kang Tianbao is really blessed.

"Mr. Tang, what did you mean by what you just said to my wife?" Kang Tianbao asked.

Tang Qi said: "don't say this first. If you really respect me and release my two friends, don't scare them."

Kang Tianbao said hastily, "I know. I've already sent someone to release it." He grabs jinsiyu and whispers a few words, persuading him not to kill Tang Qi.

"He's useless to us. Why should I keep him?"

Tang Qi said with a smile: "that's bad. I'm very useful. If you kill me, you may also kill yourself. Because the seal in your hand is fake. If you really give it to him, you will not appreciate it. On the contrary, you will feel that you have played a trick on him, and then you will die. "

Jin Siyu and her husband were surprised: "fake? No She grabbed the jade seal and looked up and down. She couldn't see the flaw, so she handed it to Kang Tianbao.

Kang Tianbao said: "we all know Tang Qi's appreciation technique. He said it's fake, and nature is fake. What else is good to see?"

"Husband, how can you say that? This is clearly my father..." She suddenly glared at the dead Gu Changfa.

"It's all him! He will naturally know about the jade seal. He must have taken advantage of the opportunity to swap the jade seal. " Now she has some regrets. She shouldn't have killed him in this way just now. Now it's impossible to ask clearly.

Tang Qi said: "this seal is not necessarily made by him. I think it may be fake when I get it."

"You're bullshit. How could it be a fake?" Jin Siyu turns around and grabs Tang Qi's collar. His eyes are like killing people.

"Let go of him, wife, why do you make so much money?" Seeing that her husband asked her to let Tang Qi go, Jin Siyu said angrily, "what's the matter with you? I've told you that situ Bang asked me to kill him. If it doesn't work, he will settle with me. Now the jade seal is still fake. What should I do

"If you let go of me, I will naturally tell you the way to solve the problem," Tang said

She thought about it, then released him: "I'll hear what you say."

Tang Qixian picked up the jade seal and shook it in front of her: "if the jade seal is real, there should be a wound in the back."

Kang Tianbao said: "wound, why don't I know, haven't heard of it?"

"At the beginning, the Nanming small regime also had constant internal disputes. The Mu family in Yunnan and the anti Qing heaven and earth society did not support the same king. There were always disputes between the two sides. Therefore, there were two pieces of jade seals, both of which felt that they were orthodox."Husband and wife did not speak, but this is not known, two pieces of jade seal? Tang Qi said: "after the two sides were reconciled, the two seals were fused into one by an expert, so half of the seal was purple red, and the other half was elegant red. Because the two pieces were in one, if you look carefully, there would be a big joint about the size of sesame. Although you used a lot of methods, you didn't do it This piece of jade has no such trace, so although the quality of the jade is good, there is no doubt that it is a fake. "

They were stunned. They didn't know Tang Qi had such strong historical knowledge! Tang Qi said: "don't look at me like this. Mr. Qin told me that this jade seal can be directly used for carving, or it can be kept as a memorial. I think it was carved by people who didn't want to submit to the rule of the Qing Dynasty after the death of the Southern Ming Dynasty to express their sadness

Gold silk feather way: "originally is like this, so what to do next, I can't kill you, Si Tu Bang will kill me."

"No problem at all. Because I'll kill him before he kills me. Isn't that a good idea? "

"You? What do you have now, a single commander, and a person, this is not suhai, the Dragon across the river really can deal with him? " She said with a sneer that she didn't believe Tang Qi could do it.

Kang Tianbao held her: "wife, he is helping us. How can you..."

"No more nonsense, I'll kill you!" She picked up the needle that was going to deal with Tang Qi.

Frightened, Kang Tianbao quickly raised his hands: "wife, please forgive me!"

Tang Qi said: "your words are reasonable, so I decided to lead him to suhai and kill him."

"Will he go with you?" Tang Qi picked up the jade seal and said with a smile, "didn't you say that he wanted this thing most? We'll find a way to let him know that I've got the jade seal, and he will come after me. Of course, you have to perform a bitter game to cooperate with me. Otherwise, you will have no use value for him, and sooner or later you will die. "

Although Jin Siyu has already been moved, he still does not forgive others: "alarmist, what does he do to kill us?" "Because you can't kill me, I'm worried about what I'll say to you and shake the morale of the army. In addition, Kang Tianbao and I are both from suhai, so he won't spare you. Besides, Gu Changfa is not an ordinary person, and his property will not be less after his death. Maybe situ Bang will sell you in order to get his money, and his family won't trust him. " As soon as Jin Siyu's face changes, it's true that none of Gu Changfa's children's relatives are engaged in the antique industry. When he dies, all these people care about is his money, house and car. As for those antique shops, they may have to be dealt with by situ bang. Once he becomes

the benefactor who killed Gu Changfa, they will trust him more State. They are miserable

Kang Tianbao quickly grabbed Jin Siyu: "wife! You must promise quickly. "

"Yes, now you have only two ways to go except to cooperate with me or to be killed."

"Well, since my husband has said that, I'll spare you forever!" Jin Siyu put away the poison needle.

Tang Qixin said, this girl is also stubborn. She is obviously asking for her own business, but she even behaves as if she is going to let me go.

At this time, there was the sound of people running outside. It was Liu Xiao and Liu Yingying who came in one after another. As soon as they entered the door, they were forced by people with guns. Now they were worried. Fortunately, someone let them go and said that Tang Qi was here. They came quickly.

When Liu Yingying saw Tang Qi was ok, she rushed over and hugged him and said, "I'm scared to death! I thought you were dead. "

"Don't worry, they won't kill me."

Originally wanted to say two witty words to tease jinsiyu, but see her husband standing there, or forget it.

Tang Qi tells the story to the two girls. Liu Xiao doesn't feel like a man or a woman to Tang Qi. He just thinks it's dangerous. It's too dangerous. He almost died!

But Liu Yingying is staring at Jin Siyu and Kang Tianbao: "their men all have guns, and they almost killed us. They are not good people. You must be careful. If you don't kill them now, you won't kill them later."

"Little girl, are you afraid of Tang Qi's accident? Tang Qi is so wise and wise, and he is also an expert in treasure assessment. It's too late for us to take care of him. How can we kill him? " Jin Siyu looks at Liu Yingying's direction with a smile.

Liu Yingying snorted: "it's really nice to say. In fact, I don't know what I think. Nine times out of ten, I can't kill it at all. I have to compromise for the time being! We don't care for your kindness like this

Gold silk feather is biting lip, unexpectedly let this wench piece say right! Kang Tianbao was afraid of his wife's anger, so he quickly grabbed her arm: "wife, calm down. Anyway, he is my benefactor. Don't offend both sides, we really have no way to go. "

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