Tang Qi said: "does the person who cooperates with you care about you?"

jade snake spirit sneered: "no, he cares about me, but between the lines, he is asking me where that thing is. Of course, I can't tell him."

At that time, her legs had been completely ulcerated, and there were many wounds on her body, all of which were the marks of being accidentally injured when she was robbing the tomb. She was very painful, but the man didn't care about her life or death. On the surface, he came every day, but he just wanted to know where the coral was.

At that time, jade snake spirit was very sad, because she liked this person very much. The person who wanted to spend her life also wanted to wash his hands for him, but the other person always cared about how much value she could get, and did not care about her life or death at all. Jade snake spirit said: "at that time, there was toxin on my body that had not been cleared. The doctor specially told me that I should never eat fish, but he cared about me and brought me fish soup every day. Either he didn't care about me, didn't know the doctor's advice, or he wanted to kill me! Fortunately, I kept pretending to be unconscious, and he couldn't catch me and ask me where the coral was

Tang Qi said, "how did you think of finding situ Bang later?" "Well, because I told him, why don't we go and ask him about the value of this coral? If it's not worth any money at all, isn't it over? When we find the underground middlemen, they will not only laugh at us, but also think that we are hindering their time and killing us directly

The man believed the words of jade snake spirit, and went to situ Bang's house to inquire with jade snake spirit.

"But there was only one person situ Bang saw at that time."

"Well, that one knows me."

Tang Qi was surprised: "ah! Because it's him Coral sneered: "how could I let him come into contact with this coral? I said I would check it myself, because I heard that there is a secret road in this villa, and I had already thought about how to deal with it." Her original intention is to let him wait outside with the coral and run away from the dark road. Of course, he didn't want to let her go, so he hid in the villa. She disguised herself and asked situ Bang to come to see the value of the coral. She asked for five million yuan. Who knows, he agreed all of a sudden. It can be seen that the value of the coral must be very high. She was very happy. While he called to get the check, the woman left. Through the secret passage, he hid in, but the man came up from behind, beat her to the ground and took the coral away.

"My leg was injured at that time. It was very painful, but he didn't care. He hit me in the leg and didn't want me to live. So he deserved to die in the end!" She sneered.

Tang qixindao, you two are more ruthless than each other and more vicious than each other. Now it seems that you are a perfect match. "It turns out that he had secretly investigated this secret passage for a long time and wanted to leave me here and run away by himself, but the way was one foot high and the devil was one foot high. In order to prevent accidents, I had added a layer of cement barrier in the secret passage in advance, and he couldn't get out, so I closed the secret passage and let him die with the coral!"

At this time, situ Bang came down the stairs. She had to run away quickly. She had been hiding in this place for nearly a year before she left.

"A year!" Tang Qi was shocked and said, "you've been hiding here for such a long time!" "I couldn't help it. I was injured in my leg at that time. In addition, situ Bang found that the person who sent him the treasure was not there, so he blocked all the access roads around him and got surveillance. I couldn't go at all. So I can only hide in the ceiling or in the bathroom. Fortunately, there are few people here and there is a big place, so I was not found. " At the beginning, she almost did not dare to come out to eat every day. She had to endure the inflamed wound. Because of this, her ability could never go back. It can only be a little better than ordinary people. Fortunately, later, situ

felt that there was something wrong with this place and did not dare to stay here. A year later, his guard also gradually relaxed, so she was relieved and left here.

She once went down to look for coral, but she didn't find coral. The man couldn't find a way out below, so he had to die, so she finally committed suicide. She also felt frustrated and finally gave up and left here.

"I've been here for a year! Of course, I don't want to go back. It's really painful! I can't imagine how I used to come here, so when I think of coral, I feel uncomfortable, so I don't want to find it

Tang Qi laughed: "but you came back at last." Juan'er said, "yes, I didn't want to continue to do these things. I forgot about coral. But fate has arranged that I can only come back. " She has made up her mind not to touch this place, to find a good person to marry. Who knows that she is still ill fated, meet

to a is like this, met a second man is still the same! Although she is more than 40 years old, she is still very young and beautiful. In addition to her romantic nature, she is very popular with men. Among her pursuers, she found the most handsome and talkative one, that big tiger. Originally, she wanted to spend two years with him, and she was a little sneakyI've tolerated everything. Who knows he found this place again!

"Of course I don't want to, but he always told me that as long as he found this thing, he would wash his hands and take me to go abroad to have fun. I was moved at that time. Who knows that he had such a result!" She sighed.

Tang Qi didn't say anything. He didn't know how to comfort this woman, because she was kind to this person and got the result of being used by others, and almost killed her.

"Ah! By the way, what about the tiger? " Tang Qi has been concerned about the safety of these people just now. I forgot that Dahu was tied up and thrown under the sofa. Now I remember.

"Well! Such a person, wasted my deep love for him, directly killed, save let me look in the eye

Tang Qi sighs. This is not the result he wants to make. Even if he wants to put him in prison, he will die quietly.

The woman stood up and said, "I didn't lie. I really didn't get the coral."

"I know, otherwise you won't come back," Tang said "Yes, I thought at first that I didn't want it myself, so I just gave it up. But I didn't want the coral to be taken away. You took away the thing that almost killed me with no effort. Of course, you were not reconciled, so you came back at last! You have to kill all the people who touch the coral

"But it's not down there. I think maybe this man knows that he can't live any longer. It's not certain that he chews the coral. He won't let anyone get it. I guess he's the same as he thought

Juan'er thought about it and nodded: "well, nine times out of ten it will be like this. Anyway, I won't succeed in killing you the second time. You can give me an end!" She closed her eyes and died.

But Tang Qi said, "you go. Just get out of here. "

"Why?" She was surprised to say: "you did not catch me, do not kill me?" "I only care about my yelan. As for other people, I don't care. Besides, the big tiger is despicable and shameless. He not only betrayed you, but also did a lot of bad things. So you can kill him if you want, but I'll call the police and tell you the truth. Whether they can catch you depends on what you do."

Juan'er didn't speak for a long time. Her eyes were fixed on Tang Qi, a little suspicious.

"You don't believe me. Go now. I'll call the police."

Juan'er bit her lip and said, "well, since you've said that, I'll give you face. But how can I thank you for doing such a good thing to me? "

"You don't have to. You just live well." Juan'er's water eyes looked at Tang Qi, fingers gently swept Tang Qi's chin: "why don't we exchange, I think you are very good. If you can help me and leave a smart child, I will have hope for the rest of my life. Would you like to give me this opportunity to help

Tang Qi was so scared that he stepped back and waved his hand and said, "no! I'll forget it. " It's the first time to hear someone say that adultery is so worldly. He doesn't want it!

Juan'er giggled: "look, you're scared. You don't lose when you're with a beauty like me. Why can't we achieve the Great Harmony in our life? "

Tang Qi said hastily: "no! Ye Lan outside is a jealous woman. She usually sees me and girls say a few more words and makes me kneel on the washboard. If it is really harmonious with you. I don't think I'll be in harmony with her all my life. " Juan'er's impression of Ye Lan is very good. After hearing Tang Qi's explanation, she nodded: "well, this woman is kind to me, and I don't want to make her suffer all her life. You can have a good life with her, coral is OK, and you can leave here as soon as possible." She said and walked out the door.

Soon disappeared.

Tang Qi waited until she left and kicked brother Bao in the stomach.

He suddenly woke up: "ah! What's going on? "

"She's gone. Please call the police. She killed the tiger just now. Call the police and arrest someone. I'm leaving." Tang Qidao.

Brother Bao almost fainted again: "ah! Did she really kill? "

"What do I lie to you for? Goodbye. I don't want to see you any more. " Tang Qi went out with Ye Lan in his arms. Brother Bao was also scared to death. He wanted to call the police, but he was worried that if situ Bang knew about it, he would be held responsible. In order to find some secret, he took away all the colleagues who were here with him and cheated him to go home. He was the only one who was responsible. He didn't want to die, so he just threw the tiger's body under the spell Just pretend it didn't happen.

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