After coming back from the western suburbs, Tang Qi didn't suffer any trouble for three or four days in a row. He was relieved for the moment.

Mr. Cai of the palace museum also called and asked Tang Qi to prepare for the appraisal meeting this afternoon. The appraisal meeting of the Palace Museum is attended by internationally renowned experts in porcelain, antiques and jade, which can be said to be the strongest in the world.

As the host of the Palace Museum, it must be more prominent in this appraisal meeting, so as not to make foreign counterparts laugh.

Tang Qi nodded and agreed. After returning to the city, Tang Qi moved from Grand Hyatt Hotel to Yang Qingyu's courtyard. On the one hand, he could learn from Yang Qingyu's moves from time to time. On the other hand, Tang Qi found many books identifying jewelry from Yang Qingyu's library, some of which were even more extensive than that of old dragon.

Chuya occasionally comes to Siheyuan to find Tang Qi. Li Yangming doesn't get in touch with Tang Qi because of family affairs. It's Jiang Honglong and Wen Wen who have called a lot recently.

Wen Wen tells Tang Qi that the Tangmen Jewelry Group has been officially launched, and the follow-up supplement has been completed. He is waiting for the official opening ceremony in half a month. Tang Qi promises that he will go back immediately after Wen Wen's problems are solved.

Mr. long also occasionally calls to express his sympathy. Xiao Qin has already told Mr. long about Tang Qi, which makes him angry and laments that his old comrades in arms are not friendly enough.

"Xiao Tang, the ornaments have been finished. Sixteen handicrafts have been carved out of red jadeite. The emperor's green is bigger, 23 pieces..."

Before taking off his work clothes, Yang Qingyu excitedly comes to Tang Qi and tells him that the jewelry has been finished.

Tang Qi was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that Yang Qingyu was so fast. Carving and then making jewelry would be a lot of work. However, Yang Qingyu was very excited instead of being depressed.

Tang Qi was impressed by Yang Qingyu's skill. He quickly stood up and said, "master's skill makes me admire you very much. Thank you very much this time."

"Be polite to me. By the way, the relic hasn't been sold." Yang Qingyu has been working all these days. He has no time to manage Tang Qi. He doesn't know that Tang Qi is oppressed by Qin Yuanyu.

"Master, am I that impulsive? I know how much interest the sariki has. It would rather rot in my stomach than let others know. "

Tang Qi took a bad look at Yang Qingyu and said, "besides, even if I say it's a relic, no one will believe it."

"So it is." Yang Qingyu nodded and didn't care about Tang Qi's attitude.

There was some embarrassment in the atmosphere. Tang Qi quickly broke it: "master, I've learned some tricks these days, and now I have time. I'd like you to give me some advice."

At the mention of moves, Yang Qingyu brightened his eyes and said, "I'll change my clothes first and wait for me here."

Then he went out.

Qin house.

"Sir, I just received a call from Cai Zhenhua, the old man of the National Palace Museum, saying that he wanted you to attend the appraisal meeting this afternoon." The housekeeper reports to Qin Boming.

Qin Boming nodded and said, "OK, I see. Go down first and get ready."

As the housekeeper stepped down, Qin Boming turned his head and said with a smile to MI Qi, who kneaded his legs to one side: "Qi Qi, in the afternoon, you accompany your grandfather to the appraisal meeting. The appraisal meeting of the Palace Museum invited experts from all walks of life in the jade industry. It can be said that there are many talents, and it also allows you to open your eyes."

Mickey has no interest in Jianbao, but due to Qin Boming's pressure, she can't object, so she nods reluctantly.

"Still blaming grandfather?" Qin Boming saw the appearance of Mickey, Mickey is still for a few days ago he was not allowed to see Tang Qi and angry with him, can't help laughing.

Mickey doodle mouth, looks very cute, discontented said: "people just go to see a friend, not elope with him, grandfather careful."

"You." Qin Boming is helpless in his heart. It seems that MI Qi really doesn't want to forgive him easily.

Mickey twisted her head and said boldly, "what's wrong with them? There will also be people I like. My grandfather stopped me from seeing Tang Qi. The reason is too far fetched. If he can't persuade me, I'm not happy. "

Qin Boming couldn't help but shake his head and said, "next time I ask you to see him, it's not good. You blame my grandfather, as if he is a bad guy."

"Really?" Mickey was full of joy and expectation.

Qin Boming put his hand on Mickey's shiny forehead and said lovingly, "really."

"Thank you, grandfather. You are the best." As soon as Mickey changed her attitude, she immediately put on a smiling face and hugged Qin Boming's arm in her arms.

Seeing Mickey happy, Qin Boming was in a good mood and couldn't help laughing.

The Palace Museum.

Old Cai anxiously looked at his pocket watch and asked his assistant: "hasn't Xiao Tang arrived yet? I'm going to urge you to call the conference soon. "The assistant answered, "yes."

As the National Palace Museum is about to hold the appraisal meeting, Su Kaifang is very busy.

"Xiao Tang, we have made a lot of progress." After the duel for more than 30 minutes, Qin Yuanyu finally defeated Tang Qi, but also praised Tang Qi's rapid progress these days.

Tang Qi is happy. After a few days of research, he has a little idea of how to do it. If he meets Xihai Sanjue again, he will not be in a completely passive state like last time.

"Well, it's time to go to the appraisal meeting." Yang Qingyu took a rest for a while and said to Tang Qi, "you wait at home first, and we'll have a good fight when I come back."

Seeing Tang Qi's strange expression, Yang Qingyuan asked, "what's the matter? Not satisfied? "

Tang Qi had no choice but to tell the truth. He was also going to attend the treasure appraisal meeting held by the Palace Museum. Yang Qingyu was stunned at first, and then thought of several pieces of full color jadeite that Tang Qi had brought.

They talked for a while again and drove to the Forbidden City.

There are a lot of people in the exhibition hall of the Palace Museum. I learned that today is the treasure appraisal meeting, and all kinds of antique lovers have come to visit. The Palace Museum has not been blocked too much. After all, if more people know about this kind of world reputation, more people will witness it.

Tang Qi and Yang Qingyu pushed through the crowd and came to the gate.

"Mr. Tang, you are here. Master Yang is also here. Please come in." At the door, a middle-aged man saw them and gave way to them.

Yang Qingyu nodded faintly and glanced at Tang Qi. He was full of doubts.

When Tang Qi and his wife enter the museum, they see a worried old CAI.

"Mr. Cai, master Yang and Mr. Tang are here."

Mr. Cai quickly came over and said to them, "you are here. The meeting will start soon. Come and change clothes with me."

Tang Qi and Yang Qingyu look at each other, but they shake their heads and follow CAI to the dressing room.

"Ladies and gentlemen from afar, today our hospital is holding the Quadrennial International appraisal conference. Welcome to the conference. Next, let's welcome President Wen Zhengyang, President of the National Palace Museum."

With the voice of the host, the broad curtain of the stage was pulled up, and an old man with white hair in Zhongshan costume came out with a smile and a wave of hands.

"Hello, international friends and Chinese compatriots, I'm Wen Zhengyang..." After a declaration, Wen Zhengyang went to the stage and sat down in the position marked with Wen Zhengyang.

"Next, let's welcome Cai Zhenhua, vice president of the Palace Museum, expert consultant of porcelain research and expert consultant of jade research."

"Mr. Mister bond, consultant of M country jade Research Association and director of UN jade Research Association."

"Mr. Maite, an expert on ancient ceramics in F country."

"Y country jade jewelry research expert, Ms. miria."

“……” There are at least 40 foreign experts.

"Su Yaoguang, director of porcelain research expert of the Palace Museum, Su Lao."

"Bai Hongxi, director of jade research expert of the Palace Museum, is Bai Lao."

"Master Yang Qingyu, a famous master of porcelain and jade carving in China."

"Mr. Fang Zheng, expert of jade identification in Jiangsu Province."

"Mr. Zhang Liang, expert of porcelain identification in Henan Province."

"Ms. Yang Qing, expert of porcelain identification in Mongolia Province and author of a firm authoritative guide to porcelain."

“……” In China, no less than 60 people came, all of them well-known experts from various regions in China, which made the atmosphere of the venue reach a new peak.

"Now let's welcome Mr. Tang Qitang, the youngest expert consultant on porcelain, jade and bronze in the Palace Museum."

Tang Qi, the last one to take the stage, attracted the attention of foreign experts, and most of the audience focused on him. Tang Qi was too young, only 20 years old.

With the applause, the crowd continued to appear, and the last appearance of Tang Qi made Qin Boming frown slightly in the audience, while Mickey on the other side was in high spirits and cheered loudly.

Qin Yuanyu was cold, Jiang Honglong was smiling, and Chu Ya and Li Yangming were very happy.

The next step is to identify jade and porcelain.

"I think the leaders, the chairman, the general manager and the senior executives who are sitting here can't wait. Well, this appraisal meeting of the Palace Museum officially begins."

The applause was intense, the people were boiling, the atmosphere was good, the photographers were distributed in twos and threes in different positions in the field, and the radio station was also broadcasting live.

This appraisal conference is open to the public and attracts national attention.

"The first one is pottery, which was unearthed in Guangdong Province one month ago. The porcelain is well preserved. Please identify its age and value."

The first one is a brown ceramic jar. The jar is not big, six feet high, about the diameter of an ordinary large bowl. The etiquette lady walked in front of the experts with gloves and pottery. After a circle, she went back to the first president Wen Zhengyang.Experts sit in circles. Wen Zhengyang, the first to appear, is in the first place, while Tang Qi naturally falls in the last. There is only one aisle between him and Wen Zhengyang.

After watching for more than ten minutes, ceramics finally came to Tang Qi. After touching with his hand, Tang Qi got the information about the pottery pot.

"It has been 150 years since the end of Qing Dynasty."

When the voice in his mind fell, Tang Qi stopped looking at it. His action attracted other people's attention, and he was very dissatisfied with Tang Qi's disrespectful attitude.

Even Wen Zhengyang frowned slightly and asked, "Xiao Tang, what do you think of this pottery pot?"

Tang Qi looked around and said, "it's nothing more than an imitation of the late Qing Dynasty. It's only 150 years old. It's not worth a lot of money."

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