Then min Qian's whole body came out. Her face was so beautiful. She was a beautiful woman nurse with thin waist, long legs and snow-white skin.

As she pleaded, her eyes kept firing.

"Don't kill me. I can do anything. I'm so young that I don't want to die at all. "

A few people's psychology is numb and crisp. Isn't it a pity that such a beautiful woman has been killed?

Do you want to do her on the spot?

Just when they were in a daze, the beautiful nurse had rushed out, with a knife in her hand directly wiping their neck and stabbing them, poof poof! The blood was flying, and all the people covered their necks and fell to the ground in pain.

What else can min Seqian do? Don't move, or you'll die. " Fortunately, her strength is not deep, otherwise all these guys will be finished!

Over there, Tang Qi killed the rest of the people, deliberately left a living, let him run out.

Min Qian grabbed the pistol and aimed at his back: "kill him!"

Tang Qi pressed her wrist: "no, let him go."

"But when he went back, he would say that we were using a stratagem and didn't bring out Chiyang yingzi at all. What about the real people in the hospital then? "

With a smile, Tang Qi turned back and said, "don't you believe me? Just come with me. "

"Go back now?"

"No, we go to the central hospital. Just send the Chiyang cherry back. "

"What? You're carrying a dummy. We need to send the real one to the other side as soon as possible."

Tang Qi smiles and pushes the dummy of the co pilot, which shows a Zi's appearance.

Min Qian exclaimed: "ah! She is a real person. What about Chiyang yingzi! "

A Zi said: "it has been put in the trunk, but we have done the protection work. Let's go."

Min Qian bit her lip and glared at Tang Qi. In her heart, such things deceive me. It's really annoying!

"Because if I told you, if you were in a war, you would be exposed if you were looking at the trunk all the time."

"But if you do that, you're too scared. In case the other side hits you with a bullet..."

Tang Qi said: "we have to fight hard. Hurry up. It's not good to be known that something is wrong by that person. He is a very treacherous person and is very good at dealing with it."

"All right." Three people got in the car and went straight to the central hospital.

The assassin here failed. The man who ran away quickly told the commander behind the scenes: "Tang Qi is deceiving. He is dealing with us with the police. We are attacked!"

The man snorted: "what a fool! Now go to the hospital, we must stop them from leaving! "

"Yes Only when they followed their car did they know what hospital to go to. Even if the assassination failed, it was the next move. Who knows, but they had been waiting in the original hospital for most of the day, but Tang Qi had not been seen at all. His mind was thumping. Bad! What method did Tang Qi use to transport the people out of the hospital

"Yes Not long after that, they heard that all the cops had been withdrawn.

This popular scolded two swearing words, finished, now people have completely withdrawn, it's really irritating.

"I've been preparing for such a long time, but I've been cheated by a brat. I won't let them go!"

Before I got to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, I changed my car twice. Tang Qi carefully takes Chiyang yingzi out of the trunk on the road, and keeps her in his arms to prevent her from being damaged by the turbulence.

A Zi and min Qian see Tang Qi's care for yingzi. They both have sour snacks. But when I think about it, he is like this to everyone. If the person who has an accident is himself, so is he. I don't care any more.

"I don't know when she will wake up," Tang said

"I don't know. The doctor said that he might wake up at any time. He might not wake up all his life."

Tang Qi's heart moved and looked at her face. She's still wearing a mask, breathing weakly. She has nothing left of her former beauty and sighs.

"Well, why do you do that?"

"Tang Qi, everyone has his own ambition. Don't blame her for her choice." Ah Zi said.

Tang Qi nodded: "yes, you are right. I am not qualified to criticize her choice. I just hope she will be better in the future."

He just said that he hoped ah Zi would help to look at Meng Pingping company.

Ah Zi said: "no problem, but I don't understand these, just don't let them move."

"Min Qian will send someone to help you."

"I don't care." Min Qian said while driving.

Tang Qi's hand pinched her face: "say it again? Be careful I'm not polite to you. ""How can you be rude to me?" Min Qian hit his hand down with a smile.

Tang Qi thought about it, then said with a smile, "I will try my best to make you have twenty twins. It's up to you. "

Ah Zi couldn't help laughing, min Qian spat: "you know nonsense. You want to be beautiful

The car soon drove to the hospital, and then they and Tang Qi didn't go in. They needed to go around, so they couldn't let people focus on it.

Tang Qi told ah Zi: "I've worked hard for you. I can't contact you any more. I'm sorry For the safety of Chiyang yingzi, he can't call her or meet her, so he feels aggrieved.

Ah Zi said with a smile: "it doesn't matter! I've also remembered about the company. I'll go. "

"When I come back, I'll bring you something delicious."

"I don't want anything delicious. I just want you to come back safely." She said with a sweet smile. Just know that Tang Qi has his own mind. Tang Qi hugged her and let her in.

Looking back, I saw min Qian turning her lips to herself. He got into the car with a smile.

"Why such an expression? Is it jealous?"

"I can't bear your walking back when I see so many beauties."

"Don't worry, I have great strength." Tang Qi picked up the mineral water in the car and drank it with a smile.

Min Qian snorted: "I don't care. When I want it, you must pay me public grain. If you dare to serve badly, I'll kick you to death. It's up to you. "

Poof! Tang Qi's saliva all spurted out, choked straight cough.

"Little girl, can you say such words? I really admire you!"

Min Qian said: "I also want to be happy for my whole life. I'm Japanese, different from you. I'm sorry to say that I'm not at a loss. "

Tang Qi see her eloquent, say that direct is also very helpless.

Min Qian said, "I'll see him with you."

"Forget it, you are from Japan. I will tell you what we talked about."

"Hello! Don't you want to cross the river? I sent my men to protect Lin Xing around the hospital. Do you know how tight my hands are? I've been so helpful to you that I can't see him. What's your intention? "

Tang Qi said with a smile: "what do you do with such a big anger? I'm asking questions related to Qinghua mountain. You don't care about that. Why bother like that. "

"Who said that? Why did Chiyang yingzi come to China? Isn't it for the things on the other side of Qinghua mountain? I'm here to catch her, so things there have something to do with me. Don't be polite to me. Let's go together. "

Tang Qi think also reasonable, two people went to the police station to find that Lin Yang questions.

Because of their special identity, they didn't get much obstruction when they met. They soon met him. Lin Yang, dressed in prison clothes, came in and sat down. He was very thin and dark. As soon as he sat down, he lowered his head and did not speak. It's exactly what the captain said. The staff told Tang Qi that he had been eating well recently and offered to have more meals, but he just didn't confess. Because he is a foreign citizen, it is not easy for them to refuse.

Tang Qi said: "I guess, his sister is a little foreign blood, do not know which country?"


Louis is also a British nationality, and finally found a place with them. Tang Qi walked in quietly and sat down.

Min Qian first asked: "do you know who we are?"

Lin Yang first looked at her and shook his head, saying he didn't know her.

Min Qian was a little disappointed. By virtue of her beauty, who didn't take a second look at it? Only this guy had such a reaction. Is he a fool?

Tang Qi said, "my name is Tang Qi."

The man didn't respond. His hands kept rubbing with each other.

Tang Qi continued: "I know Lin Xing. She was attacked just now and almost died. We took her to the hospital. "

I thought it would stimulate him, but he just kept his head down and didn't speak.

Tang Qi said: "she is your sister. Do you really care about her life or death?"

Lin Yang suddenly stood up, ready to go out.

Min Qian cried anxiously: "Hello! What's the matter with you? Lin Xing is going to die outside for you. Can you eat well and sleep well inside? "

Lin Yang looked back at Min Qian, then sneered: "I have nothing to say, each has its own life, I can't be responsible for anyone, you are Japanese, is it great?"

"You How do you know? "

"Of course I know." He said that he gave her a middle finger with his head, and then he didn't turn back.

Min Qian angry hate can't catch him beat a meal, was Tang Qi to embrace: "forget it, forget it, why to make trouble out?""Of course I'm angry that this man should slander me so much, but why does he know me? An Englishman, who speaks fluent Chinese, is really more and more strange when he thinks about it Tang Qixin said that there are still many strange places in him, but if he doesn't say anything, I'm afraid it can't be solved.

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