Tangmen Jewelry Group is a large-scale office building with 12 floors high and two floors underground. The first floor is the exhibition hall, which is used to hold activities at ordinary times. The other floors are built in a ring shape, leaving a spacious space above the middle. You can see the activities on the first floor even if you are on the seventh or eighth floor.

The entrance is divided into four directions: Southeast, northwest, there are stairs, escalators and sightseeing stairs, which are convenient for customers to visit and purchase.

Tang Qi came to the "Tangmen Jewelry Group". As soon as he got to the door, the welcoming staff on both sides bowed politely to him and yelled: "welcome."

Tang Qi secretly nods and praises Wen and Shen for their thoughtfulness.

Before he came here, Tang Qi didn't inform Wen Wen in advance. Today is a trial operation to lay the foundation for the official opening in the future, or change the business policy at any time through customer feedback. As the boss behind the scenes, Tang Qi also wants to see what kind of progress the new company has made during the period when he left.

After turning around the hall on the first floor, Tang Qi's eyes were attracted by the noise.

"Sir, please respect yourself."

At the counter on the west side of the hall on the first floor, a saleswoman in professional clothes was covering her neckline with her ugly face. Opposite her, a young man was staring at the saleswoman's upturned chest.

Seeing the young man, Tang Qi couldn't help but let out a sigh. The young man with a high head turned out to be Ouyang Tian who had failed to pursue Chen Yi. He didn't expect to meet him here.

"Sir, if you are not going to buy this jade, we still have this gold inlaid jade."

The salesgirl frowned slightly. Although she was disgusted with Ouyang Tian, she had to endure the disgust to introduce the goods in the glass counter.

Ouyang Tian shook his head, came forward, deliberately lowered his voice: "if you promise to sleep with me, let alone a piece of gold inlaid jade, I'll buy all the accessories in your counter, and I can earn a commission. It's a good deal."

When the salesgirl heard this, she blushed with anger and said, "Sir, please pay attention to what you say. If you are making trouble out of nothing, I'll call someone."

"Shout, you shout, I'm a customer. Even if the security guard comes, he doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Seeing this, Tang Qi came over. He put his hand on Ouyang Tian's shoulder and patted him. Then when Ouyang Tian turned his head, he slapped him in the face.

"Ouyang Tian, you still can't get rid of the problem of eating excrement. Everywhere you go, you are like a pug. If you are sick, you have to be cured. Don't come out and bite people all the time."

The salesgirl put her hand over her mouth and couldn't believe it. But in the heart is very hate, but also worried that Tang Qi will encounter danger.

Ouyang Tian was stunned when he was beaten. He felt burning pain on his face. He raised his head ferociously and scolded: "you dare to beat me. I don't want to kill you."

Ouyang Tian didn't recognize Tang Qi for a moment until he turned his head again.

"It was you who ruined Laozi's good deeds. You can't leave today."

Tang Qileng snorted and sneered: "is this your home? Can you manage so much. A donkey can't help but bark. Alas, it's very sick. "

Smell speech, Ouyang day cheeky smoked, Yin ruthless said: "this is you ask for, Wang Er, give this boy to me waste, have an accident I will be responsible for."

After a moment's hesitation, a strong man next to Ouyang Tian comes forward with a strong fist and a strong wind to Tang Qi's face.

Tang Qi dodges in a hurry. This man is born with divine power. He is going to suffer. He will be disfigured if he doesn't get rid of it.

See Tang Qi easily flashed his attack, Wang Er is surprised, but did not think much, continue to attack.

Tang Qi is secretly lucky. The footwall moves continuously. Wang erhu's fists all rub his body, but he fails to hit, causing no damage to Tang Qi Si.

The more Wang Er beat, the more frightened he was. The secret way was that this guy was evil. He felt that he had been hit on him, but his fist was gently opened by a soft force. I had to be tired to death if I continued to fight like this.

"Brother Tian, it seems that this man is a practitioner and hard to deal with." After several rounds of continuous attack, Wang Er stops and looks at Tang Qi cautiously.

After a fight, Tang Qi felt that Wang Er's hand was good. He couldn't help saying: "big man is also very powerful. If you are willing to leave this bastard second ancestor and follow me, I will make your ability be reused."

Wang Er's heart moved and he didn't speak.

"Wang Er, don't forget who saved you at the beginning. If you dare to betray me, I'll wait for your sister to be buried with you." Ouyang Tian sneer, his words let Wang Er's face change.

It turned out that Wang Er's family was poor, and his mother was seriously ill. She had to go to work in the capital to earn some money. When she was a waiter in a hotel, she accidentally spilled vegetable soup on the pants of a second generation official, which caused him a lot of embarrassment and a big fight with his bodyguard.

When he started, Wang Er's wallet was knocked out, and Ouyang Tian saw the picture of his sister Wang Yu in his wallet, so Ouyang Tian became lustful. After that, Wang Er was fired by his boss and sent to the Bureau, for which he suffered a lot.Later, in order to get his sister, Ouyang Tian spent money to save Wang Er from the Bureau, and gave him 50000 yuan to treat his mother. Wang 20 Fen was grateful to him, saying that when his mother got well, he would come to Ouyang Tian as a cow and a horse to repay him.

However, Ouyang Tian is concerned about his sister, but also in front of him in front of his sister's hands and feet, Wang Yu does not follow, Ouyang Tian angry, finally Wang Yu was Ouyang Tian locked in the cellar at home, often also suffered beatings, before the lively and cheerful Wang Yu disappeared, become depressed.

Thinking of his sister's desperate eyes, Wang Er's heart ached like a knife.

"If you can help me save my sister, my Wang Er's life will be yours." Wang Er suddenly takes a step forward and stares at Tang Qi. He wants to leave Ouyang Tian more than once or twice, but Wang Er has no choice but to hide his resentment.

Tang Qi was very happy and said, "I happen to know an official friend in Beijing. If you believe me, I can call my friend. Maybe it will help you."

Wang Er was grateful in his heart. Suddenly he knelt down on the ground with a plop, and his eyes were moist: "thank you."

Tang Qi quickly helped him up and comforted him: "as long as you're not dead, you can't shed tears. Don't worry. I'll take care of your sister."

Ouyang Tian didn't expect that Wang Er would rebel at this time. He was angry in his heart and said: "Wang Er, since you betrayed me, you don't want to see your sister again."

Wang Er's face changed greatly, and his face showed resentment.

Tang Qi's eyes narrowed and said, "Ouyang Tian, do you think you can still walk now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Harassing salesgirls in public places is a serious breach of public order. Either of these two charges can send you to the Bureau."

"Ha ha, it's up to you." Ouyang Tian seems to have heard the funniest thing in the world. He points to Tang Qi and says, "although you have two skills, you can't help me."

"What if it was me?" At this time, Wen Wen and Zhou Gang came to talk to Zhou Gang.

Seeing Zhou Gang, Ouyang Tian's face changed greatly. He said with a smile: "director Zhou, you've come here to buy jewelry, too. I'll pay you which one you like."

Zhou Gang said with a smile: "nephew Ouyang is still so generous, but..." Then he shook his head and said, "you shouldn't make trouble here. Do you know who is the boss of Tangmen jewelry group?"

Ouyang Tian's heart clattered, a touch of bad premonition climbed to his heart, asked: "whose?"

"It's his."

Following the direction of Zhou Gang's fingers, Ouyang Tian looks around Tang Qi in a confused way. He sees no one else. His face suddenly changes. His eyes stare at him and he can't say a word.

Tang Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "director Zhou, Ouyang Tian is making trouble in public. According to our Chinese law, is it illegal?"

"According to the Chinese law, those who make trouble in public places will be detained for three to ten days and fined 500 yuan." Hearing what Zhou Gang said, Ouyang Tian put down his heart, but then another heart was raised. Only listen to Zhou Gang said: "if plus harassment and intentional wounding, six months in prison, 5000 fine."

Ouyang Tian was angry and ferocious in his heart. He couldn't manage so much. He roared: "you all remember me. One day I will get it back with interest. Don't be proud for too long, Zhou Gang. When I tell my father, you'll be dismissed."

Zhou Gang's face immediately turned cold, said: "malicious threat to police officers, the crime is even worse, now you will be arrested immediately, waiting for the superior."

After that, two policemen beside Zhou Gang immediately pushed Ouyang Tian to the ground, handcuffed him, and set him up one by one.

Zhou Gang turned around and quickly said to Tang Qi, "brother Tang, it's rare for you to come back once, and this kind of thing happens. Next time I'm the host, I'll go to Mr. Shen's hotel to apologize to you. I'll stay here soon today, and I'll go back to deal with the case as soon as possible."

"Brother Zhou is busy with business, so I won't stay. Next time I come here, all the goods will be 20% off." Tang Qi is very rich. If Zhou Gang didn't show up today, he would have nothing to do with Ouyang Tian.

Zhou Gang was so happy that he turned his head to greet Wen Wen and left.

Looking at Zhou Gang's back, Wang Er was shocked. He didn't expect that Tang Qi was the boss of such a big jewelry group and a good friend with the police chief. If at first he was worried about Tang Qi's promise, now he disappeared with Tang Qi's identity.

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