Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1045 First Invasion

In the vast universe, a golden planet is one-third the size of the earth, but it is not as different as the ratio of land and sea.

The earth is one of the most suitable planets for human survival in the cosmological civilization, so there are so many people on earth.

Among the extraterrestrial civilizations, even the super civilization was not much more than a billion yuan.

This golden planet only has tens of millions of people, and most of them are not on the planet. Where are they? To invade everywhere.

This planet is the planet of takla.

The highest battle command post on the planet takla.

This is the tallest place on the planet of takla.



A crash sounded from an office on the top floor of the supreme battle command post.

"Bastard! A bunch of trash! It was not easy to find the escape sign, but it actually let it escape? You are all trash!" An old man shouted angrily at the dozen or so men standing in front of him.

After taking a few heavy breaths, the old man spoke sternly, "How's the fairy civilization looking? Haven't you met a warship of the elven civilization?"

"Report, the area has been narrowed down to within a minute. We'll be able to find them soon." A middle-aged man reported loudly.

"This is good news. It's been nearly a hundred years. Ever since we happened to find them a hundred years ago, we've been searching for them for nearly a hundred years. Finally, we're going to find them. If we find them, we'll be able to find the people of tatar and the people of tatar. We're not far away from finding earth, and we've found earth. Our takla civilization is the sixth largest super civilization!" The old man's eyes roared with enthusiasm.

All the men's eyes shone brightly.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a rush of knocking on the door.

The old man frowned and shouted, "Come in!"


The door was opened and an enchanting middle-aged woman appeared, "Chief, the fleet of space discovery warships!"

"What?" The old man asked in surprise, "Where did the warships come from?"

"I'm not sure. The ship suddenly appeared, depicting the dragon." The beautiful woman shook her head.

The old man frowned deeply, "Suddenly? How could he suddenly appear? How could there be a sudden fleet of warships in the entire civilization of the universe?"


The old man suddenly slapped the table heavily, scaring everyone.

"Haha, haha..." The old man laughed maniacally, "It's a space jump, it must be a space jump. Haha... Earth civilization, earth civilization has appeared. We didn't find them, but they came to find us. That's great! Haha..."

Seeing the old man laughing hysterically, the beautiful woman hesitated for a moment before gritting her teeth and speaking in a hurry, "Chief, the other party has arrived with a space-class warship, twenty imperial warships, sixteen command ships, thirty-six combat generals, and twenty-five elite warships!"


"What did you say?"

Everyone in the office suddenly widened their eyes and a middle-aged man stepped in front of the beautiful woman and grabbed her shoulder, "What did you say? A battleship of the universe? Twenty regal warships? How is that possible? Earth civilization suffered a technological self-destruction, how could it possibly have such a powerful warship?"

The old man was stunned for a moment before he shouted out loudly, "Quick! Open the full defense layer, quick!"

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

A loud alarm sounded in the sky. At this moment, the entire planet of tara could hear it.

This is the highest alert, indicating that the planet has been invaded!

"Command all remaining warships to rise immediately and intercept the enemy, quickly! Take control of the fleet that is searching nearby and defend!" The old man shouted.

Everyone rushed out of the office in an instant!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Nearly a hundred warships appeared over takla.

"Brothers, it is time for revenge! Have a good time! Zhang xiaobai coldly ordered.

The fleet of warships immediately dispersed, and by the standards of the two monarch-class warships, they were divided into ten teams and headed in ten directions.

As for the hua teng, it directly charged towards the tallest building on the probe, which was detected by the tara star!

On the hua teng, there were thousands of fully armed soldiers waiting for the battle to begin.


Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Boom, boom, boom!

All the ships encountered during the flight were destroyed.


Two cannons destroyed all the buildings near the supreme command post.


The warships of the two squads, emperor one and emperor two, also appeared here.

"Xiao bai, there are less than a hundred warships in the entire takla star. The defense layer has not been completely opened. It seems that takla has been living a peaceful life for too long." Xu Zhengyang's voice sounded through the earpiece.

Zhang xiaobai said coldly, "Takla has always been invading others. I never thought that anyone would invade them. This time, in order to find the fairy civilization, they sent out most of the ships on the planet. It was their own fault!"

"Report! There are no warships in the east!"

"Report! There are no warships in the west!"


After reports from all teams, all warships on takla have been destroyed, and all defensive installations have been destroyed!

Two hours had passed since zhang xiaobai and the others entered the planet of tara. Until now, there were only two hours left. This was the great role of space jumping in the war.

The most effective defense layer had no effect on the battleships with space jump, and a space jump would be out of the range of all attacks from the defense layer. After all, the defense layer was only an attack force from outer space. Once it entered the inner part of the planet, the defense would lose its effectiveness, while the other attacks on the ground would be ineffective. The method was of little use to warships such as the huateng, which had a magnetic levitation technology wall, and the warships on takla were basically sent out, which caused takla to be unable to organize an effective counterattack under the attack of the warships such as the huateng.

If there weren't so many warships sent out, don't look at the valiant battleships like the huateng, but they were only valiant on the battlefield of a hundred battleships or hundreds of battleships.

According to the current specifications of warships such as the hua teng, only not more than five times the number of warships would be able to fight a battle.

But the tarkas had not been invaded for a long time, and they had long forgotten that they were also likely to be invaded.

Most of the warships went out one after another.

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