Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1066 Ruydra's Decision

Outside the cursed area, a large number of warships suddenly appeared in the void ten minutes away.

In the front of the command room of the warship, ruidra anxiously glanced at the detector, shook his head, which was dizzy from the continuous space jump, and shouted at the headset, "Everyone, hold on a little longer. We'll be here once more. Young master bai and his warships can't hold on any longer. We have to come out. We have to get to them before they come out and destroy the group of starklan warships!"



A series of replies were heard, but a few discordant voices appeared.

"General ruedela, are you really willing to be a subsidiary civilization of earth civilization?"

"Why are we going to save them? We are the only ones on the planet now. We can completely ignore them. As long as they die, we will have the planet!"

"That's right, we'll wait for them to die before we go there. We'll be able to avenge them!"

Ruedela's expression changed and she spoke harshly, "What are you talking about? If not for young master bai and the others, would we be here today? We have already exterminated the clan!"

"So what? If it wasn't for the fact that earth civilization had caused us great losses, how could we not be able to block the attack of the tarkla people?"

"That's right, it's ultimately the fault of earth's civilization!"

"Yes, they caused us to be here today!"

Ruidra shouted angrily, "You motherfuckers! You were the ones who insisted on invading earth's civilization. They were just defending themselves, and today's situation was the fault of all the people who supported the invasion. It was our own fault. Young master bai and the others not only saved us, but also saved us. Do you have any conscience?"

"Ruedela, you're the leader now. Of course, you're supporting the civilization of the earth. Don't talk nonsense here anymore. Let me tell you, tower Nussle won't save the earthlings. If you want to go, go on your own!" As Nussle finished speaking, emperor no. 12 stopped moving forward.

At the same time, more than thirty warships stopped moving forward!

This stopped, causing all the warships to stop. The 100 warships were divided into two parts, one part was more than thirty, and the other was more than sixty.

"You bastards!" Ruidra bellowed.


The communicator on the ship where ruydera was standing sounded.

He hurried to the communicator and picked it up. Before he could speak, the voice of riddick came from the communicator, "Ruidra, lydia's men have defected, and we've already suppressed them. After interrogation, the commander of more than thirty warships, including Nussle, has defected. The people under their command have also defected, so be careful!"

Ruidra was silent. After a while, ruidra looked expressionlessly at the communicator's riddes and riadsey, "Do you think it's humiliating to be a subsidiary of earth civilization?"

Everyone in the command room was stunned.

On the video, the two of them were stunned as well, "Ruedra, what are you talking about? Without young master bai and the others, we would have been exterminated long ago. What do you want? Are you going to be a white - eyed wolf too?"

"Yes! If it wasn't young master bai and the others, we would have destroyed our clan long ago, but why do so many people still not know how to cherish and be grateful?" There was a deep sense of loneliness in her eyes, and then a cold gleam appeared in her eyes, "Riadsey, kill those traitors... All of them!"

"This..." The faces of the two of them changed greatly, "Are you mad, ruedra? Do you know how many mutineers there are? Hundreds of thousands of people! How many of us are left of the black men? If we kill them all..."

"Riadsey!" Ruidra interrupted riadsey in a loud voice, "I know what you are going to say. Do you want young master bai to make a decision? Young master bai forgives us again and again, this can become our arrogant capital? A hundred thousand people, I also know that there must be a lot of people there. The people on the warship alone have rebelled against more than thirty warships. Can there be less on the hua teng star? But think about it. If young master bai made a decision, what would he do? Did he let them go? Will he be willing to let them go?"

Riadsey and riddles were silent at the same time.

"If we let young master bai decide again, what does that mean? Forced palace? One third of the black skinned people were dead or alive. Young master bai wouldn't even consider whether killing them would affect us or not. And? Is the surest way to kill us all? Do you think Mr. Bai can't do anything without us? Do you think young master bai is useless without us? With so many small civilizations in this galaxy, how many civilizations could master bai rely on with just a single wave of his arm? Why hasn't he done that? Because he thinks we're good enough, but it's not like he can't live without us! You know what? Ruidra roared.

These words were transmitted through the headset to all the warships.

As soon as ruidra finished speaking, the 60 or so warships surrounded Nussle and the other 30 or so warships on their own. Their weapons were charged and their guns were aimed at them. They were ready to fire at any time!


In the command room of the ruidra, another communicator sends out a communication request.

After the number of warships increased, zhang xiaobai felt that one communication device was not enough, and he installed ten communication devices on each warship.

After taking a look at the request on the communicator, ruidra didn't bother and turned around to stare at the image of riddes and riadsey on the communicator in front of him.

"I understand. There is a saying in the earth civilization that heaven has done evil, but it is still a sin that we cannot live without. This is a sin that we, the black skinner, committed by ourselves. Let us solve it ourselves!" Riadsey responded and turned to shout angrily, "Kill all those rebels!"


Hearing a response from the other side of the communicator, ruedela closed her eyes. When she opened them again, there was a glimmer of crystal in her eyes.

She glanced at the communicator that was ringing beside her and answered the call expressionlessly.

"Ruedra, what do you want? You're gonna kill us all? You are the sinner of our black corona! Nussle's roar came from the communicator.

Ruedela said expressionlessly, "Nussle, you and rita and the others are the sinners of our black skinned people. These hundreds of thousands of people died because of you! You bastards!"

"You, you get the fleet to clear the way and let us out immediately, or we will fire!" Nussle shouted.

"Fire! None of you are leaving today!" There was a cold gleam in ruedra's eyes.

Nussle's heart sank. He rolled his eyes and shouted, "Your young master bai and the others are still in danger. Aren't you going to save them?"

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