Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1083 Wandering Huateng Star

"Give up... Hua teng xing!" Zhang xiao bai said with difficulty.

Everyone's eyes darkened. Even xu Zhengyang and the ghost, who had suggested this, did not look good. Everyone really had a deep affection for hua teng xing.

"That's impossible!" Zhang xiao bai gritted his teeth and continued.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at zhang xiaobai with anticipation in their eyes. Everyone hoped that zhang xiaobai would come up with a solution. In everyone's eyes, zhang xiaobai was a miracle worker.

"Brother xu, do you still remember the movie I recommended to you last time we went back to earth?" Zhang xiaobai turned to look at xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang was stunned, then his eyes lit up, "You mean..."

"That's right, even the earth can roam. Not to mention, it's only a hua teng star that isn't even half the diameter of huaxia!" Zhang xiaobai said decisively.

Xu Zhengyang nodded, "Alright, then we'll be wandering around hua teng xing!"

"Wandering star?! That's a good idea! An hu smiled happily. He had seen that movie when he was on earth, and everyone who had returned to earth had seen it.

Everyone thought this idea was a good idea.

Gina, shi yan, and lu ida, who had not gone to earth, looked at the crowd in confusion.

Zhang xiaobai explained with a smile, "Build a power device on huateng and use powerful shockwaves to propel it into the void. We don't need to go too far, we just need to leave a distance and blow up the nearest unmanned planet to huateng, so that it can create us for the people of rital and tara Then we will use the space jump to run to a place to fight them a few games, huateng star is basically safe!"

"Alright, this is a good idea!" Shi yan and the others were overjoyed.

Xu Zhengyang said in a low voice, "Choose the location and choose a place where there is no living civilization nearby... No, choose a place where there is a living civilization that can be used as a cover, but make sure that the living civilization doesn't tell the rital civilization or the takla civilization when something unusual happens."

"Such a place..." Lu ida and the others began to think that Gina, shi yan, old man takema, zhang xiaobai, and the others could only wait. They were really unfamiliar with the extraterrestrial civilization in this galaxy.

"I have come to think that this civilization absolutely hates the rital civilization and the taklav civilization, only because it is not a threat at all, so they are ignored by the rital civilization, and most importantly, they hate us to the bone, and they will cover for us, and they will never be the rital civilization or the taklav civilization Obviously suspicious, it's just..." Riddles said excitedly before frowning, "It's just hard for them to cover for us."

"Why?" Zhang xiao bai asked in confusion.

Childe was a little embarrassed and said with a warm face, "We bombed that civilization's main planet, and they transferred one planet and we bombed one planet, blowing up nearly a dozen in succession! Moreover... They won't destroy them and let them transfer the planet. Once they develop, they will blow up and let them transfer again. This... Lasted for nearly a hundred years!"

"Damn it! You guys..." An hu's eyes widened as he looked at riddes.

Zhang xiao bai and the others were stunned.

"Do you have a deep grudge against them? Why would you do that?" Gina's face was cold.

Riddles said in a low voice with his head lowered, "We don't have any enmity with them. It's just that the previous president of the parliament, the previous president of the council and the previous president of the council all took a fancy to the women on their planet. Every time we went there, we would capture some women. Those women would kill themselves when they were free, so..."

"You are bastards!" Gina was enraged, and everyone in the conference room glared at the higher-ups of the dark skinners, such as riddes and ruedra.

"We... We didn't do anything. Those who did are all dead!" Riddles said in a low voice, but he knew that his explanation had no effect at all.

"Why did you bring it up? How could they help us! Zhang xiaobai glared at li dez angrily.

Ruma, who had never spoken in a meeting before, suddenly spoke, "They might help us."

"Yes, it's possible!" Ruydra nodded in agreement.

Everyone turned to look at ruma and ruedela.

Lu ma said in a low voice, "The president and those b* stards have been bullying them for nearly a hundred years. However, since 50 years ago, there have been fewer and fewer women being captured. Before they were bombed, they would always receive news and evacuate in time. From the last 30 years onwards, they have only been bombed on the planet and have never been captured by a woman."

"This... Ruma, the council has been suspecting that someone leaked information to them. Did you do it?" Riddles looked at roma in surprise.

Ruma nodded slightly, "It was me and ruedela who did it. Do you remember that there is a small communicator in my room that can only be used as a single line?"

"I remember." Reese nodded.

"Fifty years ago, as a combat soldier, I found the abandoned communication device when I was invading their planet with my team. I fixed it and found their contact information inside. From that time on, I had been in contact with them. I was afraid of being discovered, so I didn't dare to contact them often. I only contacted them when they were about to be attacked, but I was a combat force at the time, so I couldn't contact them in time every time, so they would still be attacked." Lu ma said in a low voice.

Ruedela took the call, "Later, my father entered the highest research institute. From that time on, my father had been helping them escape. When I was young, I was naughty and once again ran to my father's room to find the communicator. My father was frightened and told me to keep it a secret. Later, I entered the combat force. Invading them, I once again heard my father's message when I passed by his room before I went on a battle."

"From that time on, ruedela and I helped them escape. Our father and son were covering for each other. When the communication device was exposed, I told them that it was a single contact between me and ruedela. When he went out to fight, I thought I would contact him. At that time, I was already the director of the supreme academy. Therefore, no one will pursue my responsibility for this matter." Lu ma answered again.

"Well done! I did not misjudge you! Zhang xiaobai said excitedly." Ruedela, it's no wonder that the current black skinner survived because of you. You brat, you want it!"

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