Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1096 Shock and Awe

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

In a void, three hundred hua teng star warships with warships hanging from most of the points. After a short while, three hundred more appeared.

This was the rendezvous point that zhang xiaobai and the others had agreed on.

A group of warships landed on an unmanned planet and began a violent transition.

"Report, the commander of the warship has been assembled." A report came through the earpiece.

Zhang xiaobai, who was standing in front of the star map of the hua teng command room, looked at the planet and said in a low voice, "Escort them all to the blue panther kid's battleship and tell him that their ghost instructor has said that he's the best at torture techniques. This time, I'll see if he's doing well in torture. I want to know everything those commanders know."


"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

The first was the reply of the hell's guard, and the second was the answer of the blue panther.

Because of its outstanding performance, the blue leopard was now the commander of an imperial warship!

"The blue panther is here to interrogate people, and we'll take care of the scrap metal while we're at it!" Zhang xiaobai issued an order and a group of warships flew up again!

After a few hours, a group of warships came back, many warships on the tip of the horn picked up the rital civilization of the warships.

"Go! Go back! Blue panther, don't worry, slowly interrogate!" Zhang xiaobai greeted, and all the warships rose into the air and began to jump into space towards hua teng xing!

Three days later, huateng star a wide indoor training ground.

At this moment, the upper echelons of the various civilizations of hua teng xing were gathered here, and in the center of them were three people from the rital civilization, including si butterfly. The others also went to fetch lunch boxes.

"Riadsey!" Stuart looked at riadsey in the crowd with a cannibal look.

Riadsey shrugged and looked indifferent.

"Young master bai, these three are the top commanders of those battleships. This is si butterfly, the elder of the guild, and the heir of the fulika family. This is Battie, the son of the fifth elder of the guild, the heir of the la puer family, who is pursuing si fei. This is ou si li, the daughter of the eighth elder of the clan. It's about chasing after ken Battie." The blue leopard introduced the three of them.

Zhang xiaobai and the others stared at the blue panther in disbelief.

"This... Isn't right! Blue panther, didn't you say that the people of the rital civilization are all hermaphrodites?" An hu looked at the blue leopard in confusion.

The blue leopard smiled, "No, I didn't understand at first either. I only found out after the trial that most of the rital civilization was hermaphrodite, but there were still men and women. Those men and women had long ago turned to the great power of the rital civilization, and now there are people in the rital civilization pavilion If you see a hermaphrodite on rital, you may have a background. You may be just an ordinary person, but if you see a man or woman, you must be someone with a background that goes straight to the elders' club."

"I see!" An hu nodded and turned to look at the three of them, his gaze fixed on Battie, "Kid, what do you think, chasing a guy who's neither male nor female?"

Battie didn't pay any attention to an hu, but si butterfly glanced at an hu and glanced up and down at an hu's strong body, his expression filled with enthusiasm.

"Damn!" An hu took a step back and exclaimed, "F* ck you, don't look at me like that!"

"Do you want to beat him up?" Zhang xiao turned to an hu.

An hu nodded heavily.

"Beat him up, as long as he doesn't die!" Zhang xiao bai raised his eyebrows.


An hu charged straight at Battie, and at the same time, zhang xiao's business started again, "Si butterfly, if you win against my brother, you can live!"

Si butterfly had just blocked an hu's punch. When he heard zhang xiao's words, a fierce glint flashed in his eyes and he immediately started to fight back.

After that, everyone retreated and made way for the venue.

"Cam Battie, your opponent is him." Zhang xiaobai turned around and pointed at xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang was stunned for a moment before he stepped forward.

The reason why he picked xu Zhengyang was because when cam Battie came in earlier, his fierce and fierce aura was very similar to xu Zhengyang's.

"Ou si li, your opponent is her." Zhang xiaobai pointed at another person, huofeng.

The three of them were all assigned opponents and began to fight against each other.

Everyone else started to watch the battle.

"Young master bai, why are you fighting them?" Talifei' er looked at zhang xiao bai in confusion.

Zhang xiaobai smiled, "Take a look at their skills. It's a good idea to fight against the rital civilization later on."

Talifei' er blinked and didn't understand, but she didn't ask any further.

After a while, the battle was over.

The three of them were defeated one after another.

After that, the blue panther went on stage and began interrogating the three highest-ranking people in front of everyone.

Zhang xiaobai did this on purpose. With the incident at the training ground, he felt that he might be a little too nice to these people, so he gave them a scare from the side.

After the blue panther interrogation, the three of them even told their father several wives.

Meanwhile, talifie and the others were all pale and drenched in cold sweat.

"Alright, brother xu, ghost, strange hunt, fire phoenix, tiger, Nana, storm wolf, tarcoma elder, si Dahl stay, the others go back." After the interrogation was over, zhang xiao bai said indifferently.

When they heard that, talifie and the others started to walk outside.

After walking out of the training ground, tarify endured the fear in her heart and turned to look at Nathalie sha, who was also pale, "Nathalie sha, why did young master bai let us watch the interrogation? How cruel!"

"I don't know either." Nathalie sha frowned and shook her head.

Lu idra looked at the two of them and said calmly, "I heard that your fairy tribe had a fight with miss dongmei?"

The two of them were stunned. When they turned to look, lu idra had already left.

"Does this have anything to do with what happened last time?" Tarify looked at Nathalie sha with confusion.

Stone rock calmly cut in, "If I tell you, if you don't follow the rules, this will be the end. Will any of you elves break the rules?"

Talifei' er was stunned for a moment before the stone rock spoke again, "Young master bai is trying to tell us that he has some means. He just doesn't want to treat us like that. I hope we can be more conscious."

The ground mouse and the others at the side smiled when they heard what shi yan said.

The tyrannosaurus patted stone on the shoulder, "Shi yan is still smart."

The tyrannosaurus dragon said in a low voice as he turned to look at talifei' er, "The rest of us crawled out from the pile of corpses. There are no merciful people. However, young master bai, although he has experienced life and death several times like us, he still has a kind heart. In terms of the ruler, this is not desirable. The line only made us admire him even more. Don't take young master bai's kindness as a guarantee that you can do whatever you want. I'm telling you, if you don't follow the rules and fight to be punished by young master bai, our brothers will also destroy your elves!"

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