Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1108 Continue to Be Arrogant

The situation on rital is very chaotic.

The five pavilion elders and six pavilion elders joined forces to fight against the siege of the elder pavilion and the second prince. The eight pavilion elders suddenly stepped in and blocked some of the attacks of the elder pavilion and the second prince.

When the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders thought that they could take a breath, the eldest pavilion elders and the second prince suddenly launched a fierce attack on the area they were defending. The five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders had no choice but to ask the eight pavilion elders for help. The eight pavilion elders acted out of loyalty and stood in a stalemate with the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders. Then, the eight pavilion elders suddenly turned against the water. He sent a vicious strike to the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders.

The five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders were stunned. At this moment, news of the heavy losses that si butterfly had suffered came through. A large number of mysterious forces began to attack the six pavilion elders. The five pavilion elders fought against the enemy together, but they lost themselves.

Seeing that the power of the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders was about to dissipate, tayalore stood up.

Welfare club.

Since the war between the elder cabinet, the second prince and the sixth pavilion, no one had gone to this place.

"First prince." The sixth pavilion elder and the others saluted.

Originally, with the identity of the sixth pavilion's elder, there was no need to bow to tajarol, but the current situation had forced the sixth pavilion's elder to bow his head.

"Sixth pavilion elder, you're welcome. Everyone, please stand up." Tayalore smiled and helped the six pavilion elders up, then asked with a smile, "Sixth pavilion elder, has my second brother arrived?"

"First prince, second prince and the others have not come yet." The sixth pavilion elder replied in a low voice.

Tayalore smiled, "It's reasonable. Let's wait."

Wait, wait, wait!

Tayalore, six cabinet elders and so on from 9 am until 5 pm, tamalodi, sawos, lu Dahl three people with Riley jas and other guards arrived late.

He strolled to the fifth floor cocktail lounge and saw a lift. At a glance, he saw tayalore and the others sitting at a table in the middle.

At this moment, there were two people sitting on the table in the middle of the reception hall, including tayalore and the sixth pavilion elders, and as for stayala and sikaya, they were standing behind the two of them.

"Yo, stella, you're not dead?" As he walked, he called out in a weird voice.

The corners of her eyes twitched, but she did not reply.

Soavos walked up to stella, looked him in the eye, and touched his chest with his hand, "To ask you a question? Didn't you hear?"

"Sovos, since you're here, let's not do this. How about we sit down and talk?" Tayalore could not help but ask.

Soavos turned to look at tayalore and chuckled, "The first prince has spoken. Of course, I have to give this face. However, today, I am seizing a piece of territory. I have been greedy for the transportation industry in the south for a long time. Today is finally the critical moment. I can't leave for a while. I hope that the first prince will forgive me."

The southern transportation industry of rital had always been controlled by the five and six pavilion elders.

A trace of anger appeared on the sixth pavilion's face, but he gritted his teeth and endured it. He kept telling himself in his heart that he could endure a moment of calm and calm. He would slowly find his place after this period of time had passed.

"Have a seat." Tayalore reached out to the other two empty seats.

Soavos sat opposite the six pavilion elders, while tamalodi sat opposite the first prince. Lu Dahl, Riley jas, and others stood behind him, while lu Dahl stared at si dalia.

"I already know what happened back then. Now that you're angry, why don't you just stop?" Tajarol waited for the two of them to sit down and smiled.

Soavos raised his eyebrows, "Sure, give us the part we're attacking now, and we'll stop."

The sixth pavilion elder's eyelids twitched a few times, and his face was almost unable to hide his anger.

Now, the elder and the second prince had already reduced the power of the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders to only one third. Moreover, this third was fighting and giving up the part of the fight was equivalent to handing over the other half of the five pavilion elders and the six pavilion elders besides the position of the pavilion elders.

"Soavos, this request is a bit excessive." Tayalore said faintly.

Thorworth smiled wickedly, "A request? First prince, you've used the wrong word. This isn't a request. This is a condition, a condition for a truce. Since the sixth pavilion elder wants to find the first prince to mediate, he has to accept our terms. He can't just let us stop without paying anything, right? That's a bit of a bully, don't you think? The first prince?"

Tayalore looked up at soavos and secretly looked down on him. His words were sharp but not revealing any flaws. Was this really the spoiled soavos?

"How about this, let the six pavilion elders hand over to you the industrial chain attached to the industry that you captured. How about that?" Tayalore suggested.

Saworth smiled, "First prince, we will be able to obtain the industrial chain of these industries soon. Why should we stop the war under this condition? Or was the first prince trying to help these two old fellows like this?"

"Soavos, show some respect!" The sixth pavilion elder said angrily.

"Old thing, do you think I would have come to talk to you if it weren't for the first prince? You think we can't get rid of you? If you have the ability, you can ask the first prince to stay out of it and see if there is still a fulika family in three months!" Soavos glared coldly at the six pavilion elders.

The six pavilions were old and boastful, but they could not say a word. According to the current situation, if they continued to fight, he would be the only commander left in the fulika family in less than three months. Without the support of power, his position as the pavilion's elder would be replaced immediately, so he really did not dare to accept soars. This sentence.

"What about giving me some face, saworth? I owe you one. Tayalore looked directly into soworth's eyes.

"What is your face? What's your favor for?" Tamalodi's talking.

There were some things that he couldn't say. After all, according to his identity, he was considered as the difference between a king and a vassal, but tamarorty was different. He was the second prince. Before the successor of the star lord could decide, even if the star lord was biased towards tayalore, his tamarodi would still be the same as tayalore.

Tayalore narrowed her eyes and turned to look at tamalodi. Pavilion six also turned to look.

In the eyes of the two of them, tamalodi was the knife in his hand, but because it was the second prince, they didn't want to face the blade!

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