Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1142 The Enemy Had Set Off


"System prompt: a large number of extraterrestrial civilization warships have been discovered in 10 minutes. Please respond in advance."

When zhang xiao bai heard the mechanical sound, he knew that the war was over.

If they delayed too long and were surrounded by a large number of warships from the other side's star domain, they would suffer heavy losses. Apart from the fleet of warships from hua teng, other civilized warships could be destroyed.

"Everyone, evacuate in half an hour!" Zhang xiaobai shouted at the big screen.

"Young master bai, let's play a little longer!"

"Young master bai, it's not easy to have such an opportunity. Let's play a little longer!"

"Why are we retreating?"

"That's right, we are absolutely superior!"

One after another, the various star lords asked.

Zhang xiao bai turned his head and stared coldly at the big screen, "Do you think the other civilizations in this galaxy are blind? We have been here for so long, they must have assembled to come!"

"It can't be that fast!"

"That's right, young master bai, it can't be that fast. Let's play a little longer. We've just had a good time!"

"Yes, young master bai, don't be so timid!"


One of the star lords said disapprovingly.

"Carry out your orders! If someone doesn't leave in half an hour, then I won't bother them anymore!" Zhang xiaobai said coldly as he turned to his earpiece, "Take the savage attack and make up for our losses!"



A group of warship commanders answered through their headsets.


One after another, the battleships of huateng began to rush into the fleet of warships on the star of warov, and began to hang warships on the sharp corners.

The other civilized warships were stunned for a moment.

Half an hour later, two warships were already hanging on the battleships of hua teng xing.

"Evacuate!" Half an hour later, zhang xiaobai directly issued an order, the group of huateng star warships should be the first to leave the battlefield.

Hundreds of civilized warships left the battlefield almost at the same time. Those unwilling civilizations had no choice but to retreat at this time. Otherwise, only the remaining ones would be eaten by the vorov civilization. However, they were slightly dissatisfied with zhang xiaobai, but this was the last one. The words of the retreating civilization's star master completely dissipated, replaced by deep admiration.

"A large number of warships have appeared at the maximum detection distance!"

On the big screen, a star master stared at zhang xiaobai with his mouth agape. He was not surprised that the other party had come to the fleet of warships. They were the last ones to come out of the vorov civilization, and zhang xiaobai and the others had already run for a few seconds. After all, the fleet of warships was too huge. What shocked him was that half an hour ago, zhang xiaobai decided to withdraw. As if he had calculated correctly.

Zhang xiao bai was right, but they didn't know!

A group of stars began to have incomparable admiration for zhang xiaobai, and they all admired zhang xiaobai's war instincts.

No way!

She was completely convinced!

She was absolutely convinced!

For the first time, the eyes of the various star lords looked at zhang xiaobai with the same expression as those of the hell's guards when they looked at zhang xiaobai.

The fleet of warships was flying fast, and the alliance army of the star area behind wallov was rapidly pursuing them. However, everyone had all sorts of battleships, and the battleships that were chasing them didn't dare to send advanced battleships to intercept them first. They were afraid that they would be eaten by the other party, so they could only hang in the distance by the largest detection of a civilization. It's in range.

"Young master bai, there's a fleet of warships ahead."

Just as they were about to rush into the space wormhole, a report sounded, and thousands of stars on the big screen all looked at zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai switched to the big screen and looked at the fleet of warships blocking the way in front of him. He was slightly stunned and growled. Don't attack them yet.

There were thousands of warships in front of them, and the strongest one was the commander-level warships, most of them ordinary warships, and a few transport ships.

This couldn't be a battle formation to intercept!


The communicator rang, and zhang xiaobai picked up the communicator. A middle-aged man appeared on the screen.

"Hello, I'm the star of the sanala civilization, lanars. We didn't mean anything else. We didn't report your arrival because we hated the vorov civilization. Your scale could only cause trouble for the vorov civilization, so we betrayed this star domain because we didn't report it. After you leave here, our civilization will be slaughtered. We hope to be able to leave with you, even if it is just to give us a death star to settle down with. Is that okay?" The middle-aged man looked at zhang xiao pitifully.

Zhang xiaobai was stunned for a moment before he understood.

The sanala civilization must have suffered too much oppression and encroachment on this side. So the star of the sanala civilization simply waited here, waiting to leave with them.

"What if we don't escape and die on wollov?" Zhang xiao bai said softly.

Raouls smiled and looked as if he was going to die, "Then we will fight the warov civilization! We've had enough. If we go through your wormhole, it's very likely that your galactic civilization will be destroyed. So, if we can't wait for you, we'll fight them when the warov civilization arrives! Let them see that although our sanala civilization is weak and although we survive, we still have blood. Even if it's just a flash in the pan, we have to die hard!"

"Yes! That's beautiful!" Zhang xiaobai shouted and turned his head to look at the fleet of warships of the lanars civilization on the big screen, "We can take you away, but on one condition, you need to be connected to our warships, not in your ships, and your ships will be absolutely But I need an attitude!"

"Sure!" Lanars looked as if he had died without regret. He knew that he and the others would lose their freedom if they boarded zhang xiaobai and the others' battleships. They would even become prisoners in the galactic region where zhang xiaobai and the others were, but they would rather go and become prisoners than stay here anymore!

Zhang xiao nodded as he switched back the big screen and instructed, "Lili, rufus, the two of you should head over first. The rest of you will pass in turn. Don't stop after you pass. Just leave the hua teng star for one minute. If anyone stays, don't blame me for being destroyed."


The two men responded in unison, then commanded the fleet through the wormhole in space.

As for zhang xiaobai, he ordered the warships on his hua teng star to start connecting with the warships of the sanala civilization, preparing to send all their civilized people to his warships.

The connection was very successful, and the people of the sanala civilization did not resist at all.

When all the people of the sanala civilization entered the hua teng star warship, the absolute control of all the sanala civilization warships was in zhang xiaobai's hands.

"Follow my instructions. The first team will go first. Let's go!" Zhang xiao bai started to arrange for the retreat, but his arrangement was suspected of delaying the time, as if someone wanted to chase after him.

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