Super Luxury King System

Chapter 1144 Obedience

The war ended in a shocking way.

"Everyone, the battle is over. Those who want to leave can leave. I welcome those who want to go to hua teng xing. However, a family can only have five warships to enter hua teng star." Zhang xiaobai instructed and turned around to command the hua teng to enter hua teng xing.


There were 100,000 commander-level battleships on the planet, and all the other battleships on the planet had returned to the planet. These battleships were' escorting' those civilized battleships into the planet.

Litti and ruhr directly arranged for their civilized warships to return, leaving only a hundred warships waiting in outer space, and none of them commanded their warships to enter the hua teng star.

Everyone followed suit, and all the civilizations that had already attached themselves to hua teng xing only commanded their warships to enter the hua teng star.

Other civilizations followed suit, and more than half of them entered the hua teng star, leaving more than 200 civilizations behind.

Huateng's warships did not make things difficult for the departing warships, let them leave,' escort' those willing to enter the huateng warships to the no. 1 landing field.

When ricotti and the others got off the battleship, there was a bustling scene on the takeoff and landing ground. To their surprise, all the races were carrying out the repair and renovation of the battleship.

"Are... Are these all technicians?" Rufus looked at letti in a daze, and the other stars all turned to look at her.

Lili shook her head gently, "Everyone on huateng is omnipotent, whether it's piloting a warship, manipulating weapons, repairing, transforming a warship, planting, mining, etc., all of you can do it. If you have long contact with huateng star, you will know that other than the commanders of the warships, the people on huateng star are all capable Love."


"This is incredible!"

"All are omnipotent?! What if..."

"If there is a war, then everyone is a soldier. If there is a peaceful period, everyone can become a citizen. No matter which post is short of people, they can be replenished immediately! Hua teng xing will always be able to deal with all kinds of problems and will always be able to prepare for the war!"" What's wrong?

All the stars were once again shocked by the strength of hua teng xing.

"Stars, please!" Once again, the hunter acted as a reception.

Many people already knew that the young man in front of them held an important position on huateng star. Everyone of them put on their own posture and looked humble.

The hunter took the lead to bring the stars to the conference room, while the rest of the warships were led by chun lan to make various arrangements.

At the beginning, everyone still looked down on chunlan. All the guards of hell saw chunlan and greeted her. After calling her "Captain" and" instructor," they all looked at chunlan in surprise.

Chunlan just smiled and continued to lead the way.

In the conference room, zhang xiao bai, xu Zhengyang, the ghost, wind wolf, Gina, and the other higher-ups of hua teng xing were already waiting there. After all the star masters came in, zhang xiao bai was still a little confused. He did not expect so many star masters to come.

However, when she came, you couldn't chase her out, so you could only accept her. At the same time, zhang xiaobai was secretly delighted. A battle could make so many civilized stars identify with hua teng xing. Zhang xiaobai was proud and proud of the civilization of the earth.

A group of star lords sat down and no one spoke. They all looked at zhang xiaobai in unison.

Zhang xiaobai smiled, "There's no need to be restrained. Since everyone has chosen to come over, have you already made up your mind?"




"Of course!"

All the stars chose to use the simplest words to express themselves. After all, there were too many people. If one person said one word, the entire conference room would feel like a market.

Zhang xiaobai nodded slightly, his face solemn as he spoke in a loud voice, "Since everyone has made a choice, then I will make a rule for everyone. Let's put it bluntly. If anyone breaks the rules, then don't blame me for being impolite! All the rules will be sent to the stars in the form of words after the meeting, so you don't have to worry about not remembering them. If you don't understand anything, ask now and don't bring it back to you to speculate on it, lest there will be any differences in the future."

"First of all, everyone will receive a list of the civilizations represented. These civilizations will not attack each other in the future."

Secondly, a civilization with grudges can report to the various emissaries and send them here. We will adjust them accordingly according to the size of the grudges. If we can't adjust them, we will give you a period of time to resolve them. If it's a vendetta between life and death, I will give you the battlefield to carry out life and death. "The decision! However, this is just a grudge that happened before today. After today, we will intervene. If we let you resolve it yourself, then we will be of no use to you. It will be no different from when rital ruled. I don't want to see a situation that is as messy as before."

"Third, no matter which civilization is invaded, the nearby civilization must be rescued immediately. The invaded civilization must inform us immediately and we will rush over immediately. Of course, if you don't inform us, you can't blame us for not coming!"

When the star lords heard this, they all smiled and the silent atmosphere eased a little.

Zhang xiaobai smiled and glanced at everyone before he spoke again, "Fourth, I don't want to force others to hand over the technology. Technology, everyone is willing to share, can be placed in our place, we are responsible for the transfer, and we will also take out a portion of the technology to share. However, don't jump into space. If someone performs well, we can authorize you to send over a batch of warships. If you give us the materials, we will install the space jump technology for you. Of course, I will have absolute control over these warships. I will not allow the space jump technology to attack us."

The stars nodded their heads.

"Fifth, all civilizations can trade between civilizations. If they are willing, we can vouch for it. However, we need to deal on the surface. If you ask us to vouch for it while you still have a layer of trade in the dark, then we are not responsible. Don't treat us as fools."

"Sixth, every emissary of a civilization will have a certain period of rotation. It is impossible to stay in a civilization for a long time. We haven't decided on this time yet, but we will definitely not face for five years. We won't allow anything to deceive or deceive the emissaries. We don't have to think about pleasing or bribing them. Then, we'll do some tricks behind the scenes. If you're confident that you can make the emissaries fall for you, you can try it without reporting to us. We'll also call the emissaries from time to time to ensure that they're safe."

"Seventh, you need..."

Zhang xiaobai explained all the rules clearly and clearly, and the star lords listened carefully.

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