Super Luxury King System

Chapter 238 High-level Meeting of the Black Dragon Association

"Those people don't have to worry about them. They know very well what position they are in and won't interfere at such a time. Once they make a move, yamada zhengxiong and I will have an excuse to deal with them. Even Beichen gang wouldn't be able to interfere anymore. Teng tian sent those people to cherish their lives very much. It won't give us the chance to kill them. Mitsuo ogai looked confident.

"President, shouldn't we do something to save the prestige you lost?" Sanlang asked tentatively.

Third master xiao jing frowned slightly and nodded after thinking for a while, "We should gather all the higher-ups for a meeting. We should divert their attention so that we don't really let yamada zhengxiong lead us to a unfavorable situation. Although we aren't afraid of him, there will still be some trouble."


A few days later, in the conference room of the black dragon association's headquarters.

Mitsuo ogai looked at the higher-ups of the black dragon association sitting on both sides of the conference table with his eyes slightly narrowed. His eyes shone from time to time. Yamada masao sat on the left side of mitsuo ogai, his eyes slightly closed, looking as if he was pretending to be asleep. Mitsuo sat on the right side of mitsuo ogai.

Behind him stood two men dressed in ninja costume, one with a small beard and the other with a bald head..

"Everyone, I have something to discuss with you today. I'm not going to beat around the bush. The elite members of our training camp in Siberia had sent a message before the camp closed. I originally wanted to wait for the news to come out and find out if it was true or not, but there was no news there. I'm not sure about that. Let me tell everyone today and we'll discuss it together." Third master xiao jing looked at everyone with a serious expression.

Sanlang glanced at masao yamada and turned to look at him curiously, "What is it, president? Is it related to the closure of the Siberia training camp?"

"It is indeed related to the closure of the training camp in Siberia. According to the news, there is a group of mysterious people who want to take over the training camp. The Rothschild family, the sponsor behind the training camp, disagreed. The two sides had a bad fight, and then there was news of the closure of the training camp in Siberia." Third master xiao jing glanced at everyone with a serious expression, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

The people in the conference room were all shocked by the news of xiao jing's third husband. They dared to confront the Rothschild family and forced the Siberia training camp to close down. If what xiao jing's third husband said was true, then there would be a huge organization in the world. Everyone was whispering and discussing.

"President, do you want us to know if this news is true or not? Do you want us to discuss the president's thoughts?" Yamada zhengxiong looked meaningfully at mitsuo.

Xiao jing's husband smiled gently, "There are both cases. Do you think this news is true?"

"President, the Rothschild family is an old big mac family. It has been a long time since anyone dared to confront them head-on. This sudden appearance of a power, is it a bit unreal to say that he is useful and that Rothschild is strong?"

"You can't say that. If there isn't such a force, why would the Siberia training camp be closed?"

"Even if there is such a power, can it be said that the Siberia training camp is closed because of this power?"

"The Siberia training camp, as the world's top training camp, would not have announced the closure of the Rothschild family if they had not met an irresistible opponent."

"That makes sense!"

Yamada zhengxiong frowned slightly and turned to look at third master of the small well. He sneered in his heart. Third master of the small well, do you think this can divert everyone's attention? You're thinking too simply. Just wait. Since you held this meeting today and called all the higher-ups of the black dragon association over, if I can't grasp this opportunity, then I, yamada zhengxiong, will be too wasted.

Hearing everyone's discussion, a meaningful smile slowly appeared on his face. Two coughs attracted everyone's attention, and he looked at them with a smile. "Everyone should have some thoughts about this news. Let me tell you what I think. Whether this news is true or not, the Siberia training camp is closed" Down."

Glancing at the crowd, no one objected. They were all focused on themselves, and third master xiao jing grinned, "The Rothschild family refused to cooperate with us for some reason, so we can cooperate with this organization. In this way, our black dragon association can also be considered to be connected with the big mac. If it weren't for this, What do you think about having a good impression of us and facilitating cooperation?"

"That's a good idea."

"That's right, there's nothing wrong with baili. President is wise."


Those who belonged to the xiao jing's three husbands' camp first answered.

The others looked at each other in dismay, and finally looked at yamada zhengxiong and a middle-aged man around 40 years old.

"Guan gujun, what do you think?" Mitsuo did not first ask yamada masao, but first asked the middle-aged man, is a pressure yamada masao.

The middle-aged man guan gu glanced at yamada zhengxiong and turned to look at mitsufu, "President, whether this news is true or false remains to be discussed, and whether it is inappropriate to investigate the Siberia training camp. If the Siberia training camp is closed, it is because they want to train secretly or have other secrets I'm afraid it will cause the Rothschild family's dissatisfaction."

"Guan gujun, you're too careful. You can't do anything if you shrink back." The middle-aged man in a samurai suit looked at guan gu with disdain.

"You can't say that. I think guan gujun is quite right. If he really offended the Rothschild family because of the investigation of the Siberia training camp's closed camp, then it would be a waste of money. Moreover, the camp has been closed for half a year, and there is no movement in the Siberia training camp for half a year. There are no signs of being attacked or attacking anyone else. In my opinion, that mysterious force probably doesn't exist. Otherwise, how could the Rothschild family be so calm?" Yamada masao glanced at the middle-aged man in a samurai suit and turned to look at the people in the conference room.

"What yamada jun said is reasonable, but what if there is such a force? This is our one chance, one chance to soar into the sky. Wouldn't it be a pity if we just passed by like this?" Mitsuo koei turned to look at masao yamada.

There was silence in the conference room. Guan gu opened his mouth to rebut, but when yamada zhengxiong opened his mouth, everyone did not even discuss it. Although third master xiao jing was the president of the black dragon gang, yamada zhengxiong's influence in the black dragon gang could not be underestimated. Now that the two of them were facing each other head-on, the others all shut their mouths. She looked at the two of them fixedly.

When guan gu was speaking to yamada zhengxiong, his eyes flashed with an imperceptible smile and a cold light. She looked like she wanted the two of you to not take me too seriously and not let me find out that the death of brother teng tian's family had something to do with you. Otherwise, even if I risked my life, I would still seek justice for brother teng tian. I have no wife and daughter, there is nothing I can't let go of!

Yamada masao looked straight into the eyes of mitsuo ogai, "But what should we do if we offend the Rothschild family and thus bring a blow to the black dragon?"

Third master xiao jing's face darkened and he chuckled, "Alright, since that's the case, let's vote on it. If everyone chooses to investigate the reasons for the closure of the Siberia training camp, then raise your hands. If you don't want to investigate, you don't have to raise your hands."

"I forfeit." As soon as mitsufu finished speaking, guan gu spoke up.

"I forfeit."

"I also abstained."

The sound of several abstentions sounded, and the third master of the small well raised his eyebrows indifferently. Guan gu and the others' abstention was within his expectations, but what happened next was beyond his expectations.

In the conference room, there were only 24 people who were eligible to vote except those who had abstained, such as guangu and yamada. Besides mitsuo ogai and masao yamada, only 11 people raised their hands to agree to the investigation. In other words, there were 12 people who agreed and 12 people who disagreed, half of them.

This situation made the expression on third master xiao jing's face slightly unsightly. He didn't expect that so many people would choose to stand on the side of yamada zhengxiong. His eyes narrowed, and a cold light bloomed in them. He coldly glanced at those guys who had previously stood on his side and now ran to the camp of yamada zhengxiong.

"It's a unanimous vote. Let's discuss this later." Yamada masao finished the topic and turned to look apologetically at third master xiao jing, "President, there's something I need to apologize to you about first. I hope you can understand."

Mitsuo wells heart suddenly, a bad premonition came, slightly vigilantly looking at yamada zhengxiong, "Please speak, yamada."

Yamada masao took out two thumb-sized disks made of gold from his pocket and placed them in front of mitsuo. Mitsuo ogai's pupils shrank as he grabbed the two small discs in his hand and carefully identified them.

Everyone in the conference room opened their mouths in surprise. They looked at the small disc that was grabbed by xiao jing and then at yamada zhengxiong who looked like he was in deep pain. They felt that something big was about to happen. A trace of surprise flashed across guan gu's eyes. He frowned and looked at yamada zhengxiong, wanting to see something from his face. Unfortunately, he was disappointed. Except for the pain on yamada's face, there was no other expression on his face.

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