Super Luxury King System

Chapter 246 Killed a Key Person


An unlisted ferrari stopped in front of zhang xiaobai and the other two who were running. The three of them did not hesitate at all as they opened the car door and ran up. The shadow brother who was driving stepped on the accelerator and the ferrari went away.

At 5: 00 in the morning, four men rushed into a club owned by the inagawa association, randomly cut to death inagawa no. 3 leader, full of blood rushed out of the bar.

In the villa outside fuji city, sakura and guan gu stayed up all night, waiting anxiously in the hall.


The door of the villa was opened and quickly closed. Three bloody figures came to the hall.

"Ah!" Ying zi screamed and rushed to zhang xiao's side, grabbing zhang xiao's arm and sizing him up, "Young master bai, you..."

"It's alright, it's all someone else's." Zhang xiaobai smiled and turned to look at guan gu, "Wait a moment, let's go take a shower and change."

Guan gu nodded and the three of them went upstairs.

After a while, the three of them came down from upstairs. Ying zi looked at zhang xiao nervously, and zhang xiao smiled gently, "I'm really fine. If you're worried, go into the room and check it out later."

"Okay." Sakura nodded heavily.

Zhang xiao bai was slightly taken aback. He was just joking. He didn't expect that the cherry blossom would become real, but it didn't matter. Anyway, it wasn't like she hadn't seen it before.

Guan gu looked at sakura in surprise and turned to look at zhang xiaobai with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

After clearing his thoughts, zhang xiao told the three of them what they had done tonight and returned the bank card that guan gu had given him.

After listening to zhang xiao bai's words, guan gu and ying zi were shocked.

Guan gu's battle power against zhang xiaobai and the others was refreshed once again, but the more he refreshed, the more he felt that the three of them were unfathomable.

"Young master bai, although tonight's operation was very successful, it's still not enough for the cherry blossom club and inagawa to fight in an all-round way." Guan gu frowned and looked at zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai looked at sakura and guangu, "The situation is different now. The two sides of the black dragon association, masao yamada and mitsuo ogai, are at loggerheads. The sakura society and inagawa association originally wanted to join forces to see if they had the chance to swallow the black dragon association, but now that we do this, even if the sakura society and inagawa society did not have a full war Otherwise, if our grand general and the third figure were killed, their loyalty would be disappointed if they didn't take any action. Once they started fighting, even if it was just a partial fight, their fragile alliance would break down."

After a pause, zhang xiao bai smiled gently. "If nothing happens, the cherry blossom club and inagawa will fight today. Even if it's a negotiation, we have to fight first. But after that, we'll send someone to sneak into their fight and kill the leader of one of them. Do you think they'll fight harder and harder?" There are certain status and status among the die-hards of the three husbands and the two factions, so they will definitely work directly."

"Sakura." Zhang xiaobai turned to look at ying zi, "When the time comes, you and guan gu will meet those loyal people and tell the truth about the past. When the time is right, we will eliminate yamada zhengxiong and xiao jing's husband together."

"As long as we move fast enough to kill yamada masao and mitsuo mitsuo before the sakura society and inagawa society can react, then we have the initiative. It won't be so easy for inagawa society and sakura society to interfere with the black dragon association again." Zhang xiaobai smiled confidently.

Guan gu pondered for a while and sighed with emotion, "Young master bai isn't only powerful, he even has a superior strategy. I'm impressed. If we move fast, the sakura society and the inagawa society really have no chance to touch the black dragon association. After all, the emperor's birthday will be celebrated soon. The first three days and the next three days of the emperor's birthday will be added to the day of the emperor's birthday We only need to kill yamada masao and mitsuo mitsui before the emperor's birthday, and we'll win more than half of it."

"Oh? And this? When will the emperor of japan celebrate his birthday?" Zhang xiaobai looked at guan gu hopefully.

Guan gu thought for a moment, "Eight more days."

"Eight days? Enough! We'll try to get rid of those two guys in four days." Zhang xiaobai looked at guan gu and sakura solemnly.

Guan gu and ying zi nodded at the same time, then guan gu looked at ying zi hesitantly and turned to look at zhang xiaobai.

"If you have anything to say, just say it." Zhang xiaobai frowned and looked at guan gu.

Guan gu asked expectantly. Brother teng tian had once worshipped the current flowing master of Beichen, Beichen, who had just become a teacher. This was why our rattan sect had always been weak. Third master xiao jing and masao yamada did not dare to destroy us. Although the flowing master of Beichen would protect us from being destroyed, it was only us who had followed him back then He wouldn't care if the black dragon would be destroyed. After we take down the black dragon association, I would like to invite young master bai to accompany sakura to visit the Beichen flowing master."

"To visit him?" Zhang xiao bai raised his eyebrows.

Guan gu quickly explained, "After we kill shangtian zhengxiong and xiao jing sanfu, we will definitely lose a lot of money. Even if the emperor's birthday is to be eased, it is difficult to guarantee that the sakura society and inagawa will attack us after the birthday. If young master bai and sakura visit the Beichen flowing master, even if Beichen flowing master only keeps the sakura herself, But the sakura club and inagawa will be different! Even though there are no walls in the world that are impervious to the wind, there is no way that the Beichen flowing master will bother with them. So as long as we don't say it ourselves, we can make them fear us, and we have a chance to breathe."

"Alright, I'll go with sakura after we deal with yamada zhengxiong and xiao jing." Zhang xiaobai nodded and looked at guan gu curiously, "What's the emperor's birthday like? Is there anything strange about it?"

"If young master bai is interested, he can come with us to take a look." Guan gu smiled gently.

Zhang xiaobai's eyes lit up, "Alright then, I'll go with you to see it."

After discussing and waiting for the situation to develop, they had nothing to do during the day. They waited until midnight, but there was still no news. Zhang xiaobai frowned and smoothed the current situation from beginning to end. He really could not understand why the inagawa association and the cherry blossom club did not fight.

Zhang xiaobai decided not to wait any longer. Since there was no fight, he would go again. Zhang xiaobai, xu Zhengyang, the ghost, ying zi, and guan gu started to discuss which industry would be better to attack, but they could discuss to find out that yesterday's incident had not been effective. If they attacked again, they would have to attack their base camp. However, there were too many loopholes to convince anyone.

"Comeon has fought against the enemy and fought against the enemy. His trump card needs to be vented..."

Just as the few of them were feeling vexed, the ghost's phone rang and he frowned slightly. The ghost took out his phone and took a look at the caller id. His eyes lit up and he picked up the phone, "Speak."

"Instructor, it's a fight. The cherry blossom club is lurking near the old nest of the rice river association. We just launched an attack on the headquarters of the rice river association. I'm sorry, instructor. We didn't notice the large number of people from the cherry blossom club acting in advance. The news came too late." The shadow member's apologetic voice came from the receiver.

The ghost blinked and said indifferently, "This won't happen again."

After turning off the phone, the ghost smiled gently at zhang xiao bai, "The sakura club attacked the headquarters of the inagawa society."



Ying zi and guan gu expressed their disbelief, and zhang xiao bai fiercely waved his fist.

"Why did the cherry blossom club do this?" Guangu still doubts things.

Zhang xiaobai was slightly stunned, then lowered his head and contemplated for a while. Suddenly, a scene appeared in his mind, and zhang xiaobai turned to look at guan gu, "Mr. Guan gu, when we first entered the underground casino of the border field nightclub, the bet we made was not only yamamoto border field but also..."

Zhang xiaobai described the appearance of the fat man, the moustache and the man with glasses.... "In the end, after killing yamamoto tsubasa, I killed that man with glasses. The ghost broke a few ribs on his moustache. Does the sakura club's actions have anything to do with this?"

"Young master bai, you guys are really ruthless! You didn't touch that fat man, did you?" Guan gu smiled bitterly and looked at zhang xiaobai worriedly.

"Fatty teng yuan? We didn't touch him. No, I slapped him twice. What's wrong?" Zhang xiao bai looked at guan gu in confusion.

Guan gu heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, teng yuan is the grandson of the Beichen flowing master. The moustache you mentioned is the son of the vice president of the sakura club. The man with glasses is the only son of the sakura club president. The general was killed, and the president of the sakura club can still handle it calmly. The only son was killed... That old man is not crazy."

"That's understandable. Alright then, it's not too late. We can't wait for the other words of the cherry blossom club to persuade their president to be angry. We'll act tonight. Ghost, take a group of people to the stronghold under yamada zhengxiong and walk around. Brother xu, take someone to the stronghold under xiao jing's third husband to play. Sakura, I'll go with you to meet those loyal people." Zhang xiaobai was a little worried about sakura.

Although sakura zi was already extremely tolerant, she only had the experience of killing people and had no experience of understanding people's hearts. Guan gu was fine, but now guan gu was in a state of excitement, especially towards his own people. Zhang xiao bai was worried that some people were not really loyal to them. If that was the case, once the news was revealed, After really can be shadow all the members of the war, help fujita sent to resist yamada masao and mitsuo wells joint attack.

This was not what zhang xiaobai wanted to see. Only those who fought would know how to cherish it. Originally, they were all snipers, and the 500 shadow soldiers had already passed the second level of the super warrior training.

500 Strong and tolerant attack and kill, not to mention yamada zhengxiong and mitsufu small wells two groups of people, even black dragon association, inagawa association and sakura society three families together, but also only to be slaughtered part of!

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