Super Luxury King System

Chapter 249 Make up Your Mind

"This is love..."

When zhang xiaobai got the approval of mei huizi and everyone started discussing the battle plan, zhang xiaobai's phone rang again.

"Hello, brother xu."

"I've joined up with the ghost. The men of masao yamada are fighting with the men of third uncle xiao jing. The people of third uncle xiao jing are no match for them. They were killed in a split second. They're running away now and we're secretly following them."

Zhang xiaobai's eyes lit up, "Direction?"

"Go to Longchang road."

With a slight frown, zhang xiaobai looked at the location that ling boli had sent over. After a moment of thought, zhang xiaobai said in a low voice, "Is yamada yumin here?"


Zhang xiaobai let out a sigh of relief and announced his plan, "Brother xu, bring people around to the front where the three men of xiao jing ran away. Don't block the road completely. Give them a way to escape to dingmu street and pretend to be surrounded by yamada zhengxiong's people. If they run towards dingmu street, pretend to see them Then pretend that you can't defeat them and retreat. Don't fight with them and see their intentions."


After hanging up the phone, zhang xiaobai let out a breath and turned to look at Onokazu, who was dying. His mind spun and the corners of his lips curved. He winked at everyone and turned to look at mei huizi, "Meihuizi, what do you think we should do when your husband died in that attack?"

Mei huizi was slightly stunned. She frowned and looked at zhang xiaobai. Zhang xiaobai pursed his lips at Onokazu and said silently, "Wake him up."

Nodding, mei huizi stood up abruptly and spoke angrily, "What should I do? What shall I do if you ask me?"

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Walking to Onokazu's side, meihuizi kicked Onokazu's chest twice because what zhang xiaobai said was to wake her up, so meihuizi avoided him.

After hitting Onokazu's vital points, she kicked him where the meat was thick. She shouted as she kicked him, "Kill them! We must kill them!"

Onokazu snorted and his eyelids twitched, but he did not open his eyes. Zhang xiaobai smiled wickedly and stepped forward to pull meihui away, "Alright, we'll deal with him when we get back. Mr. Xiao jing is hiding at the changhua hotel in dingmu street. Let's go stop him. As for Mr. Yamada... Let him live for a few more days. When we've finished with Mr. Xiao jing, we'll deal with him when we're well. Let's go!"

With a wave of his hand, zhang xiaobai walked out of the villa first. Ying zi followed closely behind. Guan gu and the others looked at each other. Guan gu waved his hand and the others followed.

After everyone left the villa, zhang xiao made a silent gesture towards everyone who came out from behind and opened his x-ray vision to stare at Onokazu in the room.

After a while, Onokazu opened his eyes and looked at the empty villa hall. He slowly sat up and shouted angrily, "B* stard, mei hui zi, you b* tch. I'll kill you sooner or later. Do you still want to fight with the yamada clan leader? Wait for your deaths."

Onokazu took out his phone and dialed a number, "Yamada clan leader, sakura is not dead. She asked zhang xiaobai from huateng to help her. Also, that bastard guan gu found the ninja who used to be with teng tian and formed a ninja army. They are heading towards dingmu street. That zhang xiaobai said that the three masters of xiao jing are hiding in changhua hotel on dingmu street."

Onokazu nodded repeatedly, not knowing what he had said on the phone, "Hey, hey!"

After hanging up the phone, Onokazu pouted disdainfully, "Do you still want me to fight for you? Dream on! I don't want to get involved in your business anymore. When your money is paid, I'll bring my family to settle overseas and won't come back."

Zhang xiao bai was slightly taken aback. This was different from what he had imagined. He turned his head to look at guan gu and opened his mouth. After hesitating for a moment, he still said it, "Let Onokazu finish his sentence when he interrogates him! Alright, it's almost time. Onokazu should have reported to yamada zhengxiong that we are going to ding mu street. Let's go and find someone to arrest him."

Guan gu waved his hand and a few guards from guan gu villa came closer. Guan gu made arrangements and turned around to leave with zhang xiaobai and the others in the car.

"Mr. Guan gu, arrange for a few people to drive a loaf of bread and drive five or six cars. Go to ding mu street and walk around the changhua hotel. Don't show your face. Don't let anyone see that there is no one in the car, but make sure that someone sees that the person driving is you." As soon as they got on the car, zhang xiaobai instructed guan gu.

In order to discuss the strategy, guan gu and the others got into a car. It was not crowded to sit on such a large number of people.

"Okay." Guan gu answered and made a call to inform them.

"This is love..."

Zhang xiaobai's phone rang again.

"Spirit, how's the situation?"

"Brother xu is no match. He's running away in a sorry state."

Zhang xiao bai smiled and understood the meaning behind the ghost's words. Since they did not escape to dingmu street and were intercepted and killed, they did not run to dingmu street. There must be a ghost on dingmu street. His eyes turned cold and zhang xiao started to make arrangements. "Stay here and keep an eye on yamada and kill him. Be careful not to expose yourself and let brother xu take care of you." Don't act rashly until we get there."


After hanging up the phone, zhang xiaobai turned to look at guan gu, "Mr. Guan gu, let your ninja troops set out. Let them rush to the vicinity of changhua hotel, but be careful not to expose yourself. If you expose yourself..."

"If it's exposed, I will let them enter the changhua hotel." Guan gu interrupted zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai was slightly taken aback, and then he broke out in laughter, "Mr. Guan gu, you misunderstood. Forget it. Let them wait on the way to changhua hotel. Don't go near the hotel to avoid exposure."

Guan gu was slightly taken aback. He was silent for a moment and nodded, "Thank you."

Guan gu had roughly guessed zhang xiao's plan. It was indeed a good plan, but luring yamada zhengxiong into the hotel or luring xiao jing's third husband out of the hotel was a dangerous task. One of them would die in the hands of two people, and this plan was a plan with the least loss. Guan gu thought about it. There was nothing better than this plan. He was already prepared to sacrifice a few ninjas, but zhang xiao's rejection made guan gu understand that he really misunderstood. Zhang xiao did not want to sacrifice the ninjas, who would not sacrifice the ninjas to seduce them? The answer was self-evident.

Mei huizi also figured it out and looked at zhang xiaobai with surprise and gratitude.

The car drove all the way to dingmu street, where xu Zhengyang and the ghost were already waiting.

"Get out of the car." Zhang xiaobai shouted and waited for the car to stop. He opened the door and jumped out of the car. Guan gu and the others followed him out of the car.

"Xiao bai." Xu Zhengyang greeted the ghost.

Zhang xiaobai did not introduce them to everyone and went straight to the topic, "How is it?"

Yamada yumin, that old man, arrived in person. I don't think they're from masao yamada and mitsuo ogai, but they're going to be fishermen just like we thought." The wraith answered.

"You entered the hotel?" Zhang xiao bai frowned as he looked at the ghost.

The ghost smiled gently, "I went in and touched it. Don't worry, no one can find me with those guys."

Guan gu and the others were all stunned.

Guan gu and Haruki looked at each other. They were even more shocked by mei huizi and the others. They had trained a total of 67 people to endure it. Only the two of them knew about it. The ghost was able to find all the upper tolerance in one street and their brains were about to explode.

Zhang xiaobai nodded and turned to look at guan gu, "Are you the one who tolerated the sixty-seven?"

"Yes!" Guan gu nodded.

Zhang xiaobai nodded and turned to look at xu Zhengyang and the ghost, "Have you confirmed the location of yamada yumin and the others?"

"I'm sure. They're at haoqiang bar opposite changhua hotel." Xu Zhengyang answered softly.

Zhang xiao rolled his eyes and glanced at everyone, "Brother xu and I will enter the hotel quietly and lead xiao jing's men to haoqiang bar. Mr. Guan gu, your people will be divided into two groups. After we introduce them into the bar, block the front and back doors of the bar. Don't let one of them escape. Oh right, we will take advantage of the chaos and come out from the back door. Tell your people not to block us as enemies."

He turned to look at sakura, "You're the only one with the sakura team at the front door. If hirohito yamada or jiro ogai breaks through the front door, you can block them. However, the chances of them escaping from the front door are slim. The three of us are all watching from the back door, informing those ordinary people who have just started to attract attention If the two old men rush out the front door, call guan gu immediately."

"Alright, young master bai, be careful." Sakura did not have the task of seducing zhang xiaobai and the three of them. It was not that she did not know that seduction was the most dangerous, but she knew it well. If she followed along, she would most likely become a burden to zhang xiaobai and the three of them. It was not that she was too weak, but that zhang xiaobai and the three of them were too strong.

Sakura heart secretly swear, I must become god's patience, then perhaps is no longer your burden!

At this moment, Haruki and the others all understood zhang xiao's plan. They looked at zhang xiao with gratitude. They also knew the danger of seducing the mission. It was the most dangerous part of the whole plan. Zhang xiao bai and the three of them went without even ying zi. While Haruki and the others were grateful, they were also a little worried.

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