Super Luxury King System

Chapter 34 Brute Society Tactics

Like a ghost, they walked through the jungle, and the dense trees did not slow zhang xiaobai down at all. Five minutes later, zhang xiaobai stopped and jumped onto a tall tree. He opened his clairvoyant eyes and looked at it from afar.

Not far away, seven poachers held weapons and suppressed four men in huaxia military uniforms in a hollow place. The seven stowaways didn't dare to go forward, and the four men in military uniforms didn't dare to show their heads, causing the scene to become anxious.

Zhang xiaobai frowned and looked at the frozen scene not too far away with a thoughtful expression in his eyes. After a while, zhang xiaobai's eyes lit up and he turned around to run back.

In the hollow ground, the army looked at the gloomy captain, "Captain, I'm sorry. I didn't kill the first time I attacked."

"I don't blame you." The captain stared through the scope at the hideout of the poachers, "These bastards actually used the body of the northeast tiger as a cover. You were right not to shoot."

"Captain, what should we do now?" The tyrannosaurus looked at the captain with a frown.

The captain pondered for a while before his cold voice came from his mouth, "We are now in a delicate balance with each other. We can't rush over and they can't escape. It depends on who is more patient now."

"Oh! That's..." The sniper viper suddenly let out a cry of surprise.

The captain frowned slightly, "Viper, what have you found?"

"Captain, I... I saw three black things sneaking toward the poachers. Okay, it seems to be... Brown bear and northeast tiger?" The viper stared incredulously at the three black shadows in the scope.

The army curled its lips and turned to look at the viper in surprise, "Old snake, are you seeing things? Brown bear and amur tiger lurk? Is there a mistake?"

"It's true, it's true. They've got a hundred meters behind the poachers." The viper swallowed a mouthful of water and a figure suddenly appeared in his sniper mirror, "Wait, someone, he..."

"Who is it?" The captain frowned and stared at the scope, scanning the viper with the corner of his eye.

The viper's expression suddenly changed, "Captain, there's a man who's attacking us in sign language. He wants us to shoot to attract the attention of the poachers. The two of them, two brown bears and a northeast tiger, touch them to deal with the enemy."

When zhang xiaobai returned to xu Zhengyang and the three beasts, he told xu Zhengyang what he saw. Xu Zhengyang carefully asked the four soldiers about their clothes and the style of their armbands and concluded that they were special forces from huaxia, so he sent out a battle sign to ask them to cooperate with him and the others after sneaking to a certain distance.... And the stealth of the beast.

The beast knew how to play the game, and even the divine demons were afraid! One tiger, two bears in xu Zhengyang and zhang xiaobai's efforts to communicate, learn the appearance of two people will usually their prowess when hunting to the utmost.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunshots were loud. Zhang xiaobai opened his x-ray vision and examined it carefully for a while before turning to look at xu Zhengyang, "Brother xu, they're suppressing poachers. I think they understand what we mean."

"Alright, xiao bai, you take brother xiong and auntie xiong to raid from there. I will bring brother hu to raid from there. Remember, we must not let brother xiong and the others get hurt, understand?" Xu Zhengyang raised his finger and looked at zhang xiaobai with a serious expression.

Zhang xiaobai nodded heavily, "Brother xu, don't worry. Even if I get shot, I won't let them get shot."

"You're not allowed to get hurt!"

Looking at xu Zhengyang's ashen face, zhang xiaobai punched xu Zhengyang in the chest, "It depends on whether those poachers have the ability!"

After saying that, zhang xiao bai immediately turned around to greet brother xiong and auntie xiong to touch xu Zhengyang's seat.

Xu Zhengyang rubbed his chest and looked at zhang xiaobai's nimble figure walking through the forest. He smiled and turned to ask brother hu to dive in another direction.


"Viper, where are that person and beast now?" The captain frowned as he fired.

The viper shot a would-be poacher down, "Captain, I can't see that person. The three beasts are separated. Two brown bears have sneaked to the left side of the poacher. The northeast tiger has touched the right side of the poachers. Wait, I see that person. He told us to stop shooting."

"Stop shooting? What does he want? Does he really want to take those three wild beasts with him?" The army looked incredulous.

The captain's expression changed and he sighed heavily, "We don't have much ammunition left. If we continue like this, we'll probably run out of ammunition before the poachers. We can only trust him. Be careful and monitor the poachers and their movements closely after stopping shooting. If anything happens, we can shoot ourselves."


The gunshots suddenly stopped and xu Zhengyang roared, "Go."

Zhang xiaobai suddenly ran out. At the same time, the dagger on his waist had already fallen into his hands. A cold light flashed. Before zhang xiaobai could react, a poacher five meters away had already slit his throat. He threw the dead poacher's body at the poacher three meters away, and zhang xiaobai followed him. With one stroke, he fired the poacher's gun, and with the other hand, he reached out and grabbed the poacher's throat.


The poacher's head drooped, and his eyes widened in agony.


The moment zhang xiao bai appeared, the two brown bears suddenly stomped on their feet. When Mike and scar looked at zhang xiao, they pounced on the two of them. With their two bear paws on their heads, Mike and scar's head was smashed into a pulp.

At the same time, xu Zhengyang cooperated with the northeast tiger to kill the remaining three poachers.


With a loud roar, brother tiger jumped to the dead body of the northeast tiger, licking the wound with his tongue, eyes full of tears.

Brother xiong and auntie xiong wailed beside the corpse.

Zhang xiaobai and xu Zhengyang stood silently on both sides of brother hu, their expressions gloomy.

Boom, boom!

Dull footsteps sounded and four figures appeared in front of zhang xiao bai and the others.



Two brown bears and a tiger roared in terror as they stared fixedly at the four people who appeared.

"Brother xiong, sister-in-law xiong, don't be rash!"

"Brother hu, don't be rash!"

Zhang xiaobai and xu Zhengyang quickly stopped in front of the three beasts so that they wouldn't hurt anyone.

The three ferocious beasts glanced at zhang xiaobai and the two of them, then fiercely glared at the four of them before lying down beside the body of the northeast tiger again.

Xu Zhengyang gave zhang xiaobai a look, and when zhang xiaobai nodded, he turned around and walked towards the four of them.

Zhang bai took two steps aside and stood between the three beasts and the four of them.

"Hello, comrade. I'm the first squadron of the third military region's eagle special forces, the second squadron, the falcon. May I ask who you are..." The captain saluted xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang returned a standard military salute, "Hello, comrade. I'm xu Zhengyang, the original wolf's tooth special forces. I'm retired now." She turned around and pointed at zhang xiaobai, "He's a friend of mine."

"Excuse me, why are you here?" The falcon glared at xu Zhengyang.

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