Super Luxury King System

Chapter 370 Attack and Kill

Zhang xiaobai nodded, "No wonder the arms dealer I traded with put down his arms and ran away in a hurry. It turns out to be like this."

Tian long suddenly thought of something and his expression changed, "Young master bai, don't tell me that the people who attacked the island were also equipped with guns?"

Zhang xiaobai rolled her eyes at tianlong, "Do you think I am an idiot? To attack the island with a gun? What's the difference between saying that we're here and the people who destroyed the world?"

Tianlong took a deep breath and smiled shyly, "Aren't you afraid that you'll forget?"

"Tianlong, don't forget that aside from me, we are all veteran soldiers. Do you think we can make such a childish mistake?" Zhang xiaobai looked at tianlong helplessly. He didn't blame tianlong for being cautious. He just felt that tianlong was thinking too much of them.

Tian long scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

The group of people spent more than ten minutes revising their bodies and under the guidance of celestial dragon, they moved towards the place where kabukinov and the others were.

At the same time, the wraith, xu Zhengyang, and the huateng guards who came with a group of foreigners scattered on the twenty or so islands around the training camp headquarters.

The foreigners were also from the training camp, but they were not the people trapped in the headquarters. Instead, they were the people from the training camps scattered all over the world. When zhang xiaobai and kabukinov agreed to a deal, kabukinov issued a training camp summons to recall the members of the training camp who had not been in contact for more than half a year. Let them have a round in gus city and follow zhang xiaobai and the others' orders.

Xu Zhengyang and the ghost, together with four hundred huateng guards and nearly a thousand Siberia training camp members who had come from all over the world, were divided into more than twenty groups and boarded the island. They only had one goal, which was to quickly clean up the world destruction members on the island and rush to the training camp headquarters.

A bloody battle took place in the night.

On an island, more than a dozen members of the world's destruction were surrounding the arch fire to keep warm. A man with a scar on his face was drinking rice wine with a gloomy expression.

"Mr. Taga, why do you have to subdue the Siberia training camp? Isn't it the same to destroy them and intimidate the other training camps and subdue them?" A burly man from country e looked at the gloomy man who was drinking.

The gloomy man taga glanced at the burly man in country e and said softly, "The Siberia training camp is the number one training camp in the world. His influence is not comparable to other training camps. We want not only strong and strong people, but also the influence of the Siberia training camp to open up to the rich and powerful businessmen in the world The only way to make the Siberia training camp work for us is to let those tycoons see that even the Rothschild family can't do anything to us, so that they can completely submit to us."

"I see." Country e's macho man nodded, then looked at tag with confusion, "Why not directly control the Rothschild family?"

Taga glared coldly at the burly man in country e, "Is the Rothschild family so easy to control? Their family has a garrison of 3,000 men, each of whom can compete with our great second class biological warriors, and even the best of them can compete with a first class biological warrior like me, and We'll lose a lot of money on our partner's information, whether it's a hard fight or from a business point of view."

Country e's macho man nodded and lowered his head in contemplation. His eyes indeed flickered.

"Who is it?"

Suddenly, there was a shout, and the biological warrior on duty in the distance rushed in one direction.

Xu Zhengyang turned his head to look at the members of the training camp who had made a commotion and called out in a low voice, "Fight!"


Dozens of figures rushed towards taga and the others, and xu Zhengyang was the first to go. If the rare materials from the continent were to be sold at market prices, the prices of these two weapons would add up to more than a million yuan.


Xu Zhengyang walked towards the biological warrior who was charging towards him. He waved the nepal saber in his hand and, before the man could react, brushed across his throat before continuing to rush forward without even looking at it.

Because of inertia, the biological warrior ran a few steps forward, and his head suddenly fell off his neck. His headless body continued to take a few steps forward, then collapsed to the ground.

"Enemy attack!"

A loud shout sounded, and taga and the others suddenly stood up and walked towards xu Zhengyang and the others.

The two sides quickly exchanged hands, "Who are you?"

"Someone who wants your life." Huateng guards shouted and charged at them.

Country e's burly man was a second-level biological warrior who was resisting the attack of hua teng's guard. He looked left and right. When he saw a few familiar figures on the opposite side, his heart became clear and he spoke in a low voice, "Kick me to the biological warrior next to me."

Hua teng guard was slightly taken aback, his hand attacking non-stop as he tilted his head to look at the side.

Tagga was holding down two guards from hua teng. Xu Zhengyang looked around and his eyes turned cold as he charged towards the tower.


Nepal and dagger cross, issued the sound of gold, taja change in expression, eyes solemn looking at xu Zhengyang, "Who are you?"

"Death." Xu Zhengyang responded calmly, and the attack was swift and violent.

Tuga's eyes changed and he shouted as he resisted xu Zhengyang's attack, "Find a way to send a message to lei luo and the hell's guards will come."

All the biological warriors' expressions changed as they tried to fight off the attack while trying to find a way out of it. However, every biological warrior had a hua teng guard by his side and a few people from the Siberia training camp were supporting him.

Taja was anxious and tried his best to defeat xu Zhengyang. When xu Zhengyang arrived, the two hua teng guards who had fought against him had already turned to other battlefields. As long as they broke through xu Zhengyang's obstruction, they would be able to escape the war. However, how could xu Zhengyang allow him to leave?

"Quick, kick me over. Taga is a level one biological warrior, and your companion is not his opponent." Country e's macho man urged hua teng to defend against him again. When he heard taga's shout, he confirmed his guess.

Hua teng guard's expression changed as he spoke coldly, "The chief instructor will kill that guy. No matter who you are, just die here obediently!"

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