Super Luxury King System

Chapter 38 Addie's Trouble

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is zhang xiaobai, and I am the chairman of huateng group. This will be your immediate superior in the future, the minister of security of huateng group, and also the general manager of huateng security company, xu Zhengyang, who is also your chief instructor." After zhang xiao bai introduced himself briefly, he emphasized xu Zhengyang.

When the words "Chief instructor" were spoken by zhang xiaobai, the faces of the 16 retired soldiers all turned cold, and their entire bodies radiated a majestic sense of war.

"Brother xu, I'll leave the rest to you." Zhang xiaobai smiled and walked to the side.

Ten minutes later, 16 retired soldiers looked at xu Zhengyang with admiration in their eyes. The soldiers only respected the strong. Xu Zhengyang fought three matches in ten minutes, one against one, one against five, one against ten, and three against each other, causing 16 retired soldiers to respect xu Zhengyang from the bottom of their hearts.

"Do you have any complaints about brother xu being your boss now?" Seeing the end of the battle, zhang xiaobai came to everyone with a smile.

"No." A neat shout sounded.

Zhang xiaobai nodded, "Alright, if that's the case, then I'll continue..."

After making some big arrangements, zhang xiao left the security company and handed the rest to xu Zhengyang.

Looking at his watch, it was time for lunch. Zhang xiao bai called gong meiqi and drove to block c of the company's top 100 headquarters to pick up Addie and gong meiqi for dinner.


When the elevator stopped on the 28th floor, zhang xiao walked out of the elevator and was slightly stunned.

A handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes was sitting in the reception area at the entrance of the company looking at the magazines prepared by the reception area.

Zhang xiaobai frowned and walked to the front desk, "Li shuya, who is that person?"

This was the headquarters of huateng group. According to Addie's rules, ordinary customers were not allowed to bring it to the headquarter. When zhang xiao bai came back, Addie specially handed him a copy of the information about the important customers of the company. Zhang xiao was certain that he did not have this foreigner.

"Chairman." Li shuya turned to look at the blonde young man in the reception area, "I don't know who he is either. He's here to look for the ceo. I asked him to tell me his name, but he didn't say it."

"Did you tell him that the ceo is here?" Zhang xiaobai frowned and looked at li shuya.

Li shuya quickly shook her head, "No, I didn't tell him. I just said that I could inform the president's office. He said that there was no need, so he sat there."

When zhang xiao bai heard this, he turned his head and carefully looked at the young man with blond hair. The young man seemed to feel something. He raised his head and smiled at zhang xiao, and zhang xiao bai smiled back.

This kid is quite good looking, but why does he always feel that he is not a good thing?

Shaking his head, he suppressed the doubts in his heart and walked to the security guard beside the security gate, "Keep an eye on him."

With a low voice, zhang xiaobai walked into the company and knocked on the door of the ceo's office.

"Please come in."

Entering Addie's office, Addie looked up and saw that it was him. He threw a sentence at zhang xiaobai, "Wait a minute." She lowered her head and continued to read the documents on the table.

After a while, gong meiqi came to the office and smiled at zhang xiaobai. She walked behind the desk and pulled Addie up, "That's enough. Don't make yourself so tired after dinner."

"Alas! I can't help it. With such a chairman, how can I not be tired?" Addie tidied up the documents and rolled his eyes at zhang xiaobai who was sitting on the sofa.

Zhang xiaobai smiled awkwardly, "My pot, treat you to a big meal."

"Alright, I still have something to do in the afternoon. Let's do it another day. We'll beat up some rich people another day." Addie looked at zhang xiao bai in annoyance.

Zhang xiaobai smiled and looked at Addie with confusion, "Addie, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, you know." Addie looked at zhang xiao bai in confusion.

Zhang xiaobai looked at Addie with a teasing smile, "I saw a foreign handsome man in the reception area at the entrance of the company. The receptionist said that he was waiting for you. I thought he was the boyfriend you were talking about."

"Foreign handsome? Sure! You, Addie, found a foreign boyfriend without a word?" Gong meiqi looked at Addie excitedly and turned to look at zhang xiao, "How is it? Is he handsome?"

"You still don't know if I have a boyfriend!" She rolled her eyes at gong meiqi, but Addie ignored him and looked at zhang xiao with confusion, "What does it look like?"

Zhang xiaobai described the appearance of the blond young man. Suddenly, Addie stood rooted to the ground as if he had been bewitched.

"Addie, what's wrong?" Gong meiqi sensed that something was wrong with Addie and looked at her worriedly.

Addie took out his phone and quickly walked to zhang xiao bai. He opened a picture and handed it to him to look at him nervously, "Look, is it him?"

"Yes." Zhang xiaobai nodded and looked at Addie confusedly. He had never seen Addie so lost.

Addie's face suddenly turned extremely ugly, and his eyes were filled with hatred, "What is he doing here? What else does he want?"

Suddenly, Addie squatted on the ground and cried.

Zhang xiaobai and gong meiqi were stunned. Did Addie cry? And cried so sadly? For the two of them, this was as incredible as an earth explosion.

The two of them hurriedly handed Addie a tissue. Gong meiqi helped her to sit on the sofa and gently patted her back.

Zhang xiaobai looked at Addie with pity, "Addie, don't keep anything in your heart. If you say it out loud, we can help you."

"Yes, Addie, who is that? Did he ever bully you? If you say it out loud, let xiao bai teach him a lesson." Gong meiqi's tone was rather unfriendly. She treated Addie as her best sister and now Addie's look made her heart ache.

Addie wiped his tears and took a deep breath, "Xiao bai, do you still remember the Essar group?"

"Essar? You mean the company you used to be vice president of m nation?" Zhang xiaobai frowned and looked at Addie.

Addie nodded, "That's right, that person's name is lorne. He's the president of Essar group and a classmate of mine. After graduating from university, he came to me and asked me to be the vice president of his company. At that time, he was young and energetic, so he agreed without thinking too much. After entering the company, he realized that something was wrong with the company. Later on, he found out that Essar... Lorne asked me to go so that I could take the blame."

"This b* stard even designs for his classmates." Gong meiqi's face was full of anger, "You quit, didn't you? What's he doing here now? You want to go back?"

Zhang xiaobai waved his hand, "Maggie, don't disturb Addie. Let her continue."

Zhang xiaobai frowned deeply. Zhang xiaobai felt that what Addie was going to say next was the main point. According to the information, Addie had worked for Essar for three years. If Addie resigned immediately, the time would not match. Moreover, based on her understanding of Addie, she could not cry like this just because of this.

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