Super Luxury King System

Chapter 420 Clues

Ouyang zhengqi chuckled, "You're right. Huateng's management isn't something that can be easily moved by our Ouyang family. However, young master bai can really touch president xu with just one sentence. So, president xu, you can't let miss xiaohui down. She has done too much for you."

"I know." Xu qiang wasn't angry either. He nodded slightly and looked at xiao hui affectionately. Xiao hui's eyes were brighter and brighter as she looked at zhang xiaobai, and she had a vague guess in her heart.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "No matter who I am, miss xiaohui, let me apologize to you first. I want to ask you a few questions. I hope you can answer me."

"Okay, please ask." Xiaohui nodded.

The change in xiao hui's address made xu qiang slightly stunned. Zhang xiao bai was also slightly surprised. He smiled slightly and did not say anything to the address. Zhang xiao bai raised his own question, "First of all, what was the green mark you saw when you were killed? Second, who is the man with the green mark on his body? Third, why would someone with a green mark want to arrest your parents?"

As soon as zhang xiao bai finished speaking, xu Zhengyang, leng ao, wind wolf, Ouyang zhengqi, and the others all looked at xiao hui's face.

Xiao hui glanced at xu Zhengyang and the others and thought about it for a while before she spoke softly, "That kind of mark spread outward from the chest area, like it extended from the heart to the blood vessels."

Hearing xiao hui's words, zhang xiao bai and the others looked at each other and zhang xiao looked at the swift wind wolf, "Ask the flight attendant for paper and pen."

"Yes." The swift wind wolf replied and left his seat.

Zhang xiaobai turned to look at xiaohui, "Continue."

Xiao hui's face was slightly gloomy. She took a deep breath and said expressionlessly, "Among those bastards, the one with the mark is pang hui, the son of pang tiancheng, chairman of fengxiong group."

"Pang tiancheng's son, pang hui!" Ouyang zhengqi exclaimed.

Zhang xiao bai glared at Ouyang zhengqi, "Keep your voice down."

"I don't know why my parents were taken away. I'm also investigating, but I can't find anything. I asked my parents' colleagues at the research institute and they don't know." Xiao hui's face darkened.

"Research institute?" Xu Zhengyang said softly, "What do your parents do?"

Xiao hui glanced at xu Zhengyang and said softly, "My parents are researchers at the kate institute of biology. They are all ph. D. In biology."

"Xiao hui's parents have investigated and found out that she is a famous doctor of biology in china. Both of them have applied for 17 patents in their research. The kate institute of biology is an internationally renowned research institute." Xu qiang added.

"Doctor of biology." Zhang xiaobai muttered as he glanced at xu Zhengyang and the others and whispered, "Looks like you're right."

"Okay." Xu Zhengyang and the others nodded slightly.

Xu qiang and xiao hui were stunned, and xiao hui said hurriedly, "Do you know who took my parents?"

"I'm not completely sure yet." Zhang xiaobai shook his head gently and looked up to see the swift wind wolf walking over with a pen and paper in his hand. He reached out and handed it to xu qiang and turned to look at xiaohui, "Based on your impression, draw down the green mark you saw."

"Okay." Xiaohui took the pen and paper from xu qiang and began to draw while thinking.

Zhang xiaobai opened the computer on the plane, logged on to his wechat, opened a dialog box, and sent a message, "Liang zi, speak up."

After a while, wu liang replied, "Xiao bai, why is your phone switched off?"

"I'm on the plane. I have a new clue about that bunch of b* stards on my side. Look into the past ten years, all the research researchers involved in biology and anthropology, or the professors at the hospital, and so on. Check how many are missing, follow their disappearance and see if you can find any clues." Zhang xiaobai frowned and sent a message.

"I'll go. Why didn't I think of this? I'll arrange it right away." Wu liang replied.

"Here." A voice sounded.

Zhang xiaobai turned around and saw xu qiang pass over a pen and paper.

After receiving the paper and pen, zhang xiaobai took a closer look and handed the paper to Ouyang zhengqi.

Ouyang zhengqi took a look and his eyes turned cold, "Yes, that bunch of animals."

Xu qiang and xiao huixiyi looked at zhang xiaobai and the others. Zhang xiaobai's eyes turned cold as he turned to look at xiao hui, his gaze softening, "Do you know who the person with pang tiancheng's son was?"

"I know. I've been investigating them ever since that incident. They are..." Xiaohui said a few names and their identities.

Zhang xiao remained silent for a while before turning to look at xu Zhengyang, "Brother xu, get someone to investigate these companies after you get off the plane. If you have any questions, inform Addie to destroy them. Feng xiong will stay and investigate carefully."

"Okay." Xu Zhengyang nodded slightly.

Hearing Addie's name, xu qiang and xiao hui were both stunned. A flash of light flashed across xiao hui's eyes. She turned to look at xu qiang and smiled. It seems that my guess is right. This young master bai is really the mysterious chairman. Otherwise, how could he instigate president Addie?

Zhang xiaobai turned to xiao hui and spoke again, "What did you learn?"

"Hotel management, psychology elective." Xiao hui was slightly excited.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "It seems that you have guessed who I am?"

Xu qiang turned to look at xiaohui, who also had doubts about zhang xiaobai's identity.

"There is only one person in the entire company who can instruct president Addie, and president Ouyang calls you young master bai. Then you must be the mysterious chairman, chairman zhang xiaobai, chairman zhang." Xiaohui answered with a smile.

"What?" Xu qiang looked at xiaohui in disbelief and turned to look at zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai smiled, "Smart." She turned to look at xu qiang, "I'm sorry. Seeing that you have deep feelings for the company, I took the liberty to test your girlfriend. I hope you don't mind."

"No, no." Xu qiang quickly waved his hand.

Zhang xiaobai laughed, "Let me know when you get married. I may not be there, but I have a gift for you."

"This..." Xu qiang didn't know what to say.

Xiao hui smiled gently, "Then we will thank chairman zhang."

"Xiaohui." Xu qiang frowned and looked at xiaohui.

Xiao hui smiled gently, "Huateng is our home, isn't it?"

"Yes, huateng is our home." Xu qiang nodded his head in understanding and turned to look at zhang xiaobai gratefully, "Thank you, chairman zhang."

"There's no need to thank you. Huateng is becoming more and more powerful because of you." Zhang xiaobai smiled and turned to look at xiaohui, "After returning to china, go look for wang yanan. Tell her that I told you to look for her. She will understand."

Xiao hui's eyes lit up and she nodded gently, "Thank you, chairman zhang."

After hesitating for a moment, xiao hui looked at zhang xiaobai nervously, "Chairman zhang, may I ask... What do you plan to do with those people?"

"The people who captured your parents and bullied you are a group of people. They are my sworn enemies. Don't worry, they won't end well. If your parents are still alive, I will find a way to find them and save them." A cold light flashed across zhang xiao's eyes.

Xiao hui's eyes were wet as she looked at zhang xiaobai with a lump in her throat, "Thank you, thank you, chairman zhang."

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