Super Luxury King System

Chapter 43 Emergency Rescue

"Leng ye, call brother xu. Hurry up." Zhang xiaobai drove at 160 mph, and one car after another was overtaken. Behind the car, there were a lot of traffic police. This was in downtown devil's city, so he didn't dare to make a phone call at this speed.

Toot... Toot...

"Hello, leng ye." Leng ye called xu Zhengyang and put the speaker on zhang xiaobai's ear.

Zhang xiaobai shouted coldly, "Brother xu, pull out the entire security company. Don't hang up the phone. I'll get leng ye to provide you with a seat at any time. You can rush over as fast as you can. Addie is in danger."

"Right away." Xu Zhengyang answered swiftly, and then he heard xu Zhengyang shouting' assemble' from the receiver.

"Leng ye, use my cell phone. The password is 352796. Call lin xiao when you find her." Zhang xiao suddenly thought of something and hurriedly asked leng ye to use his phone to make a call.

Leng ye responded to xu Zhengyang's current position and direction as he took zhang xiao's phone and dialed lin xiao's number.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Lin xiao's lazy voice sounded as if she had just woken up.

Zhang xiaobai quickly drove the car and shouted at leng ye's cell phone, "Lin xiao, I followed a bunch of traffic police behind me and told them to stay away from me. Also, I'm going to the seventh gas station in the south on national highway 306 in the suburbs. Help me arrange for it. I'm in a hurry."

"Mr. Zhang, we can't just open a green channel." Lin xiao's serious voice came from the receiver.

Zhang xiaobai's suppressed anger shot up in a flash and roared loudly, "I don't care what you do, who the f* ck is blocking my father's path?"

"Mr. Zhang, what happened?" Lin xiao had indeed just woken up, but zhang xiaobai's words immediately woke her up, which was more effective than throwing a bucket of cold water on her face.

"Addie is in danger. His life is in danger. Don't waste your time." Zhang bai was worried sick.

Lin xiao was shocked when she heard that. She knew the importance of Addie to hua teng, so she immediately nodded, "Alright, I'll arrange it right away."

After hanging up the call with lin xiao, he saw that they were about to leave the city. The traffic on the road gradually decreased.

Following the map from ling boli, zhang xiaobai drove all the way to the door of an old factory.

The factory was built in the' 70s and' 80s, and it had not been used for a long time. All the glass was broken and rusty.

There were several cars parked at the door, and a few gangster-style guys strolled back and forth.

"Sister Addie's car." Leng ye shouted as he pointed at a Aston Martin in front of the factory.

Zhang xiaobai's eyes turned cold. He opened his x-ray vision and confirmed Addie's position. He stepped on the accelerator and shouted, "Sit tight and inform brother xu of his position."

Leng ye shouted at the phone and tightened his grip on the handrail.


With a loud bang, the door of the factory was directly knocked open by zhang xiaobai.


The brakes screeched and the car stopped beside Addie.

At this moment, there were more than 40 gangsters in the factory, and both lorne and Addie were inside.

Zhang xiaobai got out of the car and quickly walked in front of Addie, asking in a hurry, "Addie, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, xiao bai, I..." Addie didn't know what to say.

Zhang xiaobai exhaled, "As long as I'm fine."

Seeing that Addie was holding a document in his hand, zhang xiaobai snatched it from him and took a closer look at it. It was the document that changed the ingredients of the health care product. Zhang xiaobai immediately understood before he could sign the document on the person in charge.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

Zhang xiao was so angry that he tore the document into pieces and scolded Addie loudly, "Addie, are you crazy? Sign this document too."

It was only now that lorne and the others realized that the gang of gangsters had surrounded zhang xiaobai and the others.

"Zhang xiao bai, you're courting death." Ron's eyes reddened as he looked at the crumbs on the floor.

Addie looked at zhang xiaobai with tears in his eyes, "Xiao bai, I can't help it. Lorne has captured my parents."

"Addie, I just found out that your parents passed away and died in the capital three days ago." Zhang xiaobai told the results of ling boli's investigation.

Addie's mouth was wide open as he grabbed zhang xiao bai's arm tightly and looked at him anxiously, "What did you say? They... They died?"

"Addie, don't believe him. I have a backup here. Sign it immediately. I will release your parents immediately." A trace of panic flashed across lorne's eyes as he took out a document from his bag and shook it at Addie.

Addie stared straight into zhang bai's eyes, "Did they really die?"

"It's true. They really passed away. This matter is resolved. I can take you to the capital city to collect their bones. They are still in the mortuary of taikang private hospital." Zhang xiaobai nodded heavily.

"Zhang xiao bai, why did you lie to Addie? Do you want his parents to die?" Lorne shouted and turned to look at the group of hoodlums, "What are you standing there for? Whoever killed him will be rewarded with one million yuan."

Wealth stirred the hearts of the people, and when those gangsters heard that the reward was one million yuan, they took out their swords and daggers and charged towards zhang xiaobai.

"Take care of Addie." Zhang xiao pushed Addie to leng ye's side and ran towards those gangsters.

Bang! Bang!



The sound of hitting, the sound of bones breaking, and the sound of screams came and went. Zhang xiaobai transformed into a murderous spirit and charged into the crowd. None of the gangsters were zhang xiaobai's enemies. Don't forget that zhang xiaobai was the master of the hand-to-hand combat between the northeast tiger and the brown bear.

"Run!" Zhang xiaobai's bravery scared those gangsters out of their wits.

Creak, creak, creak!

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a rush of parking and the sound of the door opening. The audi a8 was parked at the entrance of the factory. More than 50 uniformed men rushed into the factory and the first dozen escaped punks were knocked to the ground.

He nodded at xu Zhengyang and zhang xiaobai turned to look at lorne.

"Zhang xiao bai, you... Stop right there. If you move, I will shoot you to death." Lorne's face was pale as he pointed at zhang xiaobai with a pistol in his hand.

Zhang xiaobai's expression turned cold as he stared fixedly at lorne's eyes.

"Xiao bai." Addie exclaimed, then covered his mouth, afraid that his voice would irritate lorne.

Lorne's face twisted as he looked at zhang xiaobai, "Zhang xiao bai, you are ruining my good deed! I will kill you!"

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