Super Luxury King System

Chapter 476 Guess

Zhang xiaobai and the others did not return to the main rudder or the tares family. Instead, they went directly to the old castle of the empress at Sally's invitation. This time, it was no longer the temporary castle, but the old castle where the empress lived.

Following Sally's car into the manor, zhang xiaobai was shocked by the protection in the manor.

There were three bars at the entrance of the manor, one for every fifty meters, and patrols behind the three posts from time to time, as well as various hidden sentries.

"Brother xu, is zhonglan hai like this too?" Zhang xiaobai asked xu Zhengyang, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

The car that zhang xiaobai was in was driven by the swift wind wolf, while xu Zhengyang was in the front passenger seat while zhang xiaobai and ying zi were in the back.

"No, this might have something to do with the attack on the empress, but usually, the level of vigilance should be very strong. For example, in this world, there are very few places that can't be infiltrated by the current wraith, but the central lan sea is one of the places he can't sneak into, and it's the most difficult place to sneak into." Xu Zhengyang chuckled.

Zhang xiaobai asked again, "The police are very strict there? Are there too many checkpoints?"

"There aren't many checkpoints, but the quality is very high. There are several people like elder liu who met at the helm of m province." Xu Zhengyang found a way for zhang xiaobai to compare.

Zhang xiaobai was stunned and looked at xu Zhengyang in disbelief, "A bodyguard like elder liu? So luxurious? So it was the life of the security guards when I went there?"

"No, you should be the main force when you get there." Xu Zhengyang shook his head.

Zhang xiao bai was puzzled, "The main force? Where were you originally?"

"No, our place is called long yan, which is also called long zhi's anger. We are only members of long yan's reserve team. I'm talking about the real long yan. You're also the main force when you go to the real long yan. After all, some old guys don't go out on missions anymore." Xu Zhengyang explained.

Zhang xiaobai was slightly taken aback, then a thought flashed in his mind, "Does every country have a secret army and some powerful members?"

"That's right, not only the country, but even some big organizations also have some powerful members with secrets. Many of our ancient wu families in huaxia have businesses outside. Didn't you know that huaxing group is the tang family's business of qing hong gang?" Xu Zhengyang nodded and explained further.

Zhang xiaobai frowned and fell into deep thought.

Ying zi curiously touched zhang xiao's wrinkled forehead and said gently, "Xiao bai, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that since all the major factions will have hidden powers, does the world of extinction have hidden powers as well? What we know is not just the surface forces that destroy the world." Zhang xiao bai's tone was a little heavy.

Xu Zhengyang, yingzi, and the wind wolf all changed their expressions, and then they all frowned.

Xu Zhengyang nodded heavily and said in a low voice, "It's possible. If the world was to be destroyed as long as these forces were revealed, I'm afraid they would have been destroyed long ago. Xiao bai, we're very likely to be used."

"Use?" Zhang xiao bai was slightly taken aback and immediately understood, "Brother xu, are you saying that some of the world-termination-destroying forces we destroyed probably already knew about it? They didn't move because they wanted to catch big fish? And now that we've destroyed those forces, they'll let nature take its course and let us lure out the hidden forces that destroyed the world?"

"Yes." Xu Zhengyang nodded.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "That's not a use. What we do is what we want to do. It's not like they forced us to do it."

"But what if they don't bring out the hidden power of the world-termination-they're forcing us to do something that we don't want to do?" The howling wolf said worriedly.

"Wind wolf, am I the kind of person who is willing to be forced?" Zhang xiao bai sneered.

Xu Zhengyang shook his head gently, "Maybe they don't need to force them. They just need to reveal some information about the world destruction to us. Or, let wu yang and wu liang ask us to do something to provoke the world destruction."

When zhang xiao bai heard this, he was stunned, then he looked at xu Zhengyang with a heavy expression, "Brother xu, are you saying that wu yang and the others..."

"Maybe they were used too." Xu Zhengyang's face was heavy.

Zhang bai closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the chair. His eyebrows were slightly knitted as he thought about it silently.

The car suddenly fell into silence. Sakura looked at zhang xiao and pursed her lips, breaking the silence, "The higher-ups of japan talked to me and wanted us to help them explore a site."

Sakura zi's words were a little abrupt, at least not in line with the topic that zhang xiao and the others were talking about just now. However, after some deep thought, zhang xiao and the others broke out in cold sweat.

Zhang xiao bai suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashing with a cold light, "Do you really think that I, zhang xiao bai, am easy to use?"

The relationship between the black dragon association and zhang xiaobai could not be concealed from some well-intentioned people.

"Yingzi, after we go back this time, let guan gu, xiao jing, and the others go abroad in the name of developing the international market of the black dragon association, leaving behind an old fool who can control the internal strife in the kingdom of japan but can't be the master of the entire black dragon association." Zhang xiaobai turned around and instructed ying zi.

Then, she looked up at xu Zhengyang, "Brother xu, tell the ghost and leng ao to transfer all the guards from hua teng to huaxia except for those who are needed in the country. They will participate in the training and announce that the hell's guards have entered the integration phase. Also, tell the ghost and the others that the integration phase will cut off cooperation with all the outside forces."

"Okay." Xu Zhengyang nodded in response.

Zhang xiaobai took out his phone and dialed a number, "Addie, put all the money into my swiss bank account. There is no money left in the company account. All the expenses are traded on the swiss bank sub-card I gave you."

"Xiao bai, did something happen?" Addie's voice was a little heavy.

Zhang xiaobai's voice was low, "Someone wants to use power to use me as their pawn."

"Okay, I got it." Addie agreed.

In a forest outside mordor, Addie and the others were camping.

After hanging up the phone, Addie looked at lin xiao, who was chatting with gong meiqi about her clothes, and a cold glint flashed across his eyes.

Ever since the last time hua teng had moved to international affairs, lin xiao had been keeping close ties with Addie and gong meiqi. She did not want Addie and the others to be disappointed by her because of a misunderstanding. Although zhang xiaobai had made it clear to Addie and the others that it was a misunderstanding, Addie and the others still had some tricks up their sleeves. Before something like this really happens.

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