Super Luxury King System

Chapter 49 A Video from a Stranger

"Haha, brother, did you see that kid's face was full of unwillingness? Haha, he's laughing at me to death." Zhao tianqi laughed.

Zhao tianfang smiled and called out to the driver, "Drive."

"Brother, the old man didn't say anything, did he?" Zhao tianqi suddenly thought of something and looked at zhao tianfang worriedly.

Zhao tianfang patted zhao tianqi on the shoulder, "The old man is very angry. He's angry that you're actually captured. Isn't it too embarrassing?"

"It's all that damned zhang xiao bai's fault." Zhao tianqi's eyes flashed with a chill.

Zhao tianfang gently waved his hand, "I checked with that little white. He's the chairman of huateng corporation. The two bodies you almost cut up are the parents of the president of huateng corporation."

"So what? A country's top 100 enterprises dare to fight against our zhao family. He's courting death!" Zhao tianqi looked extremely arrogant.

Zhao tianfang nodded, "Indeed, we're overestimating ourselves, but we didn't lose anything this time. You should leave him alone for now. Although hua teng isn't in our eyes, he can still cause us some trouble."

"I know. My lord has a lot of people, so I don't want to stoop to his level." Zhao tianqi's face was full of atmosphere, then he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at zhao tianfang, "Brother, let's go have some fun tonight, shall we?"

"What are you playing for? I have to go to weijin in the evening. I won't be back until tomorrow afternoon." Zhao tianfang complained.

Zhao tianqi's eyes flashed with joy as he looked at zhao tianfang with a smile, "Then you won't be able to enjoy it."

"You kid, that's all you can do." Zhao tianfang laughed and cursed.


Zhang xiaobai carefully looked at the information that ling boli had collected. A few video files made zhang xiaobai's eyes lit up, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Zhao tianqi, I didn't expect you to have this hobby and like to shoot? Hehe, zhao tianqi, you won't die if you don't do it!

Thinking of the other main character in the video, a sneer appeared on the pretty boy's face. What would happen if you saw these videos?

"Brother xu, leng ao, you guys go back to the hotel first. I'll take a look around." Zhang xiao looked at xu Zhengyang and leng ao.

The two looked at each other and xu Zhengyang looked at zhang xiaobai worriedly, "Xiao bai, let's discuss this from a long-term perspective. Don't mess around!"

"Brother xu, don't worry. I won't mess around." Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "I just want to be alone."

Xu Zhengyang gave zhang xiao bai a meaningful look and pulled leng ao away.

"Brother xu, xiao bai is very likely to go by himself..." After walking for a while, leng ao let go of xu Zhengyang's hand.

Xu Zhengyang raised his hand to stop leng ao, "I know."

"Then why didn't you stop him?" Leng ao looked at xu Zhengyang in confusion.

Xu Zhengyang looked straight at leng ao, "Leng ao, it's true that xiao bai treats us well, but don't forget that he's our boss. We can make suggestions, but we can't make decisions for him."

Leng ao was slightly taken aback. Just as he was about to argue, xu Zhengyang spoke again, "Xiao bai will definitely not let zhao tianqi off. The worst possibility is... Kill him. If you can't accept it, I'll allow you to leave huateng."

After saying that, xu Zhengyang chased after zhang xiaobai.

Leng ao stood rooted to the ground with a complicated expression in his eyes. He recalled the little things that he knew with zhang xiao in his mind. He gritted his teeth and his expression suddenly became determined. He hurriedly ran two steps to catch up with xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang turned to look at leng ao, who was staring at xu Zhengyang.

With a slight smile, xu Zhengyang continued to walk forward while analyzing, "Xiao bai must have thought of a way to deal with zhao tianqi. He didn't want us to follow him because he was afraid that we wouldn't be able to accept it. What we need to do now is to secretly follow him and help him improve his plan."

"Okay." Leng ao nodded heavily and his footsteps quickened.

Xu Zhengyang smiled and quickened his pace.


Late in the evening, a limited-edition porsche cayenne was speeding towards wei jin on the expressway connecting the capital with wei jin.

There were three people in the car, one driver, one was zhao tianfang, who took zhao tianqi away from the police station, and the other was zhao tianfang's assistant.

"Young master tianfang, are you and miss ya getting married soon?" The assistant smiled and looked at zhao tianfang.

A trace of tenderness appeared on zhao tianfang's face, "Yeah, there's still a month left."

"Miss ya is so happy. Young master tianfang's love for miss ya is well known in the capital city." The assistant flattered him.

Zhao tianfang smiled and a gentle and elegant face appeared in his mind.

Ding dong!

A notification sounded on his phone. Zhao tianfang took out his phone, opened wechat, and saw a stranger sending him a video.

How did a stranger send a video? Zhao tianfang was confused.

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Ding dong!

Zhao tianfang received seven videos in succession, all from a stranger.

Zhao tianfang frowned and clicked on a video.

"Ah... Hard... So... So powerful!"

"Am I good or is my brother good? Huh?"

"You... Ah... You're so strong... Ah..."

The phone rang with an ugly voice. In the video, two naked men and women were doing something shameful.

Zhao tianfang abruptly turned off the video, his face instantly cold. He turned to look at his assistant, who quickly sat upright and stared fixedly at the back of the chair in front of him.

Zhao tianfang took out his headphones and plugged them into his phone. He switched on the video again and watched the seven videos in turn, and the more he looked at zhao tianfang, the colder his face. When he saw the end, zhao tianfang's hand that was holding the phone began to tremble.


A roar sounded.

Bang! Bang! Slap!

Zhao tianfang slammed his phone on the door and the phone fell to his assistant's feet. When zhao tianfang fell, his headphones were off, and zhao tianfang's phone was definitely a good one. After such a hard fall, it didn't break down. A voice came from the phone again.

"Ah... Ah..."

The assistant reflexively glanced at it.

"Ah!" Seeing the two naked bodies on the video, the assistant couldn't help but exclaim.

One of the two people was miss ya, whom they were talking about just now, and the other was... Zhao tianqi.

"You saw it?" Zhao tianfang glared at his assistant coldly.

The assistant shivered, "No, I didn't see it clearly."

Zhao tianfang expressionlessly picked up his phone and turned off the video.

"Go back to the capital." Zhao tianfang coldly growled.

The driver was slightly taken aback. Just as he was about to speak, the assistant gave the driver a look through the rearview mirror.

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