Super Luxury King System

Chapter 511 Drift in Place

"Hehe!" Stark jumped down from the tank with a smile and ran to fidley with a fawning face, "Big brother, don't be angry. I just want to see if that judge is capable or not. You know, there are a few old men in the family who don't care much about that judge. If I lock him up and let the old men make things difficult for him, I can help you."

Fidley's eyes lit up as he chuckled, "Since when did you use your brain?"

"Hehe, big brother is the only one in the entire family who treats me the best. How can I not care about you?" Stark gave a silly smile.

Fidley rolled his eyes at stark and turned to look at zhang xiaobai and the others' car.

Seeing this scene through the window, zhang xiao bai frowned and said softly, "Let's go down and see what's going on."

Zhang xiaobai and the others got out of the car. It was not that the car that fei deli brought was not enough, but that the car was indeed quite spacious. They sat in a car. The extended lincoln flagship version was more than enough for five people.

Zhang xiaobai asked suspiciously when he arrived at fei deli's side, "Why bother you at home? This young clan leader of yours has done quite a bit of grievance."

"Haha, this is my younger brother, stark. He won't be able to hurt me if anyone in the family does. It's just that the family doesn't agree with you, so he asked for a reason to speak up for me first." Fidley explained with a chuckle.

Zhang xiaobai nodded knowingly, "You big families are really interesting."

"I can't help it. In this kind of family, I can't help it... Eh... According to your huaxia people, it's a dogfight." Fei deli thought for a moment and thought of a word that could make zhang xiaobai understand immediately.

"Xiao bai, don't mind. Fei deli is also in a difficult position." Linda also got out of the car and said a word of thanks for fidley.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "I have nothing to worry about. I'm used to it."

He turned to look at stark with a smirk on his face, "Mr. Stark, I'm the judge, zhang xiaobai. This is death xu Zhengyang. This is..."

After introducing his own people, zhang xiao bai said indifferently, "How are you going to play, Mr. Stark?"

When zhang xiaobai and fei deli were talking, stark was surprised. When he realized that zhang xiaobai was looking at him so calmly, an interesting smile appeared on his face, "Haha, you're friends with brother federi, so I won't make things difficult for you. You or your people can just drive this iron guy away and make way for him. Oh, by the way, I'll kindly remind you that there are still several levels left."

"Stark, what happened?" When he heard that there was more behind him, fidley looked at stark with a frown on his face.

Stark looked at fidley innocently with a bitter look on his face, "Big brother, I didn't do this either. It was that old fool, deliff. It's not that easy to talk about wanting to get involved with the sos Laird family. If you want to enter the headquarters of our sos Laird family, you have to show some skills."

"As you know, it's been many years since outsiders have been invited into our headquarters. It's not easy for father to reject old man derrick's proposal, but there are many restrictions on it. Otherwise, according to old man derrick's original arrangement, not to mention them, even one of the world's top ten mercenaries can't pass." At the end of his sentence, stark turned to look at zhang xiaobai and the others.

Fei deli's expression was rather unsightly as he turned to look at zhang xiao apologetically, "Xiao bai, I'm sorry. There are some people in the family who have been looking down on me and have implicated you."

"It doesn't matter. According to stark, you already value us. As for those so-called barriers, I'd like to see them." Zhang xiao bai shook his head gently. He knew in his heart that if you didn't show your ability to such a top power in the world as the sos Laird family, they would Let all the top organizations in the world who thought that hua teng's defense was just a big name and was not very powerful look at it. Hua teng, you can't be bullied!

"Who drove that iron fellow away?" Zhang xiao turned to look at xu Zhengyang and the others.

The swift wolf smiled gently, "I'll do it. I've been dealing with this guy since I joined the army. I haven't touched him in a long time and my hands are still itchy."

"Alright, you go ahead. Even if you drive a tank, you have to unleash your aura." Zhang xiaobai nodded and smiled as he instructed. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at a tiny drone in midair.

The swift wind wolf nodded confidently and turned to board the tank.

Whoo! Sob!

Shortly after the storm wolf entered the tank, the tank roared.


After a long rumble, stark frowned and said softly, "Big brother, that man can't do it. He kept banging, but the iron guy didn't move."

Fei deli turned to look at zhang xiao. Zhang xiao bai did not know what was going on with the wind wolf, but xu Zhengyang and the ghost, who had also retired from the army, understood it. They looked at each other and xu Zhengyang said with a smile, "Mr. Fadley, is the ground strong?"

"Of course, this is something that can't even be broken by tank shells. This is used..." Ferley nodded and wanted to explain the structure of the ground.

Xu Zhengyang raised his hand to stop her, "Just be strong and watch."

Fidley and stark looked at xu Zhengyang in confusion and turned to look at the tank.

Whoo! Creak! Whoo!

There was a strange sound, and the tank suddenly moved, and it moved on the same spot.

"Ohmygod!" Stark screamed, "Drift in place! It was actually drifting in the same place! Here, here, use the tank to drift in place! I, I want him to be my instructor, I want him to teach me!"

Fei deli stared at the swift wind wolf who had jumped down from the tank with his mouth agape. He swallowed a mouthful of water and turned to look at zhang xiaobai in disbelief, "Xiao bai, who... Who is he?"

"Huaxia veterans." Zhang xiaobai said with a smile.

Fidley's eyes sparkled, "I want him."

"No way." Zhang xiaobai rejected her decisively and spoke with a serious expression, "He's my brother."

Fidley was slightly taken aback before he apologized, "Sorry, I was rude."

"Brother, you're my brother, nonono. You're my big brother. Big brother, teach me. You must teach me." Stark said incoherently as he put his arm around the swift wind wolf's shoulder.

The swift wind wolf looked at stark with a confused look on his face, then looked at zhang xiaobai, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "Mr. Stark, we don't have enough time. We can only stay here for three days at the most. We'll come back next time we have the chance. We'll let storm wolf teach you when the time comes."

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