Super Luxury King System

Chapter 515 Fedley's Analysis

Linda frowned slightly, then a hint of contemplation appeared in his eyes, and he shook his head gently, "It shouldn't be that simple, but..."

Fidley entered linda into an empty room, closed the door, and said seriously, "Linda, Sally is the only heir to the queen. Just because she is the only one, the difficulties she is demanding are unprecedented. It's good that the queen is still in power. Once the queen is not in power, do you think Sally can be stable without a certain amount of help?"

"Fidley, I don't quite understand what you mean. Even if the empress gave up her position to Sally, wouldn't she be able to assist Sally?" Linda asked in confusion.

Fidley nodded, "Yes, the empress can assist Sally, but the empress's position is different from Sally's. Some people don't dare to attack the reigning empress, but it doesn't mean that they don't dare to attack the empress who assisted Sally after abdication. This is a matter of principle. Let's not talk about attacking the queen after abdication and controlling her. The other arm must have the power to deter those who are plotting against us."

"Are you saying that the empress is optimistic about xiao bai's future?" Linda asked tentatively.

Fidley shook his head, "No, the empress doesn't like xiao bai's future. The empress thinks that xiao bai already has that kind of power."

"Really..." Linda disagreed.

Fidley smiled gently, "Linda, you've underestimated xiao bai too. You know the hua teng corporation. It's already a top 100 enterprise in the world. Of course, this is a small matter for our family and the empress. What he's really capable of is the network of hua teng guards and xiao bai."

"Hua teng guards? It's the hell's guard, isn't it?" Linda asked softly.

Fidley nodded, "Yes, you already know the international influence of the hell's guards, but a few days ago, my people had just received news. Although there is no evidence yet, I think it's true. Now, the mysterious black war demon in the international arena is likely to be like the hell's guards. They are all guarded by hua teng."

"What? It's, it's, it's not possible, is it? Is huateng that strong?" Linda asked in surprise.

Fidley smiled gently, "It's very likely that because my men have met the black demons, they found the former leader of the Siberia training camp, tian long and jin shan among the black demons. The two of them led the black demons."

Linda widened his eyes in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"Now, do you still think huateng is not worth our full cooperation with them? In the past half a month, the black war demons had been fighting all over the world. According to our statistics, the black war demons that appeared at the same time in all parts of the country had reached nearly 3,000 people, and in huaxia, on the surface, As powerful as our family's elite guards."

After a pause, fidley continued to analyze. According to my people's observation, the team he discovered was weaker than the elite guards of our family, but don't forget that the team was led by tian long and jin shan. They were most likely from the former Siberia training camp, and they had already attained such strength. He's worse than them, and he's probably better than them, which is enough to make us treat each other with respect to the city."

"In this society, there is a hidden rule among great powers. They are not allowed to use hot weapons on a large scale, and they are not allowed to use hot weapons. The four thousand hua teng guards are already at the top of the Pyramid in this world, but they are only slightly weaker than us. But don't forget, They are only less than a year old, and they still have a lot of opportunities to develop."

Linda nodded heavily. This time, she really recognized zhang xiao bai.

"Also, don't forget that xiao bai is closely related to the qing hong gang. The leader of the black dragon association, teng tian ying, is his woman. The dragon soul mercenaries and the fallen angel mercenaries are all very close to him, and he is still the prince of the Bella kingdom. He just looks small on the surface, but he can calm down and think about it. He already has a lot of power and influence. Do you think he is not qualified to cooperate fully with us?" Fei deli stared straight at Linda with reverence in his eyes.

"If you don't tell me, or if you don't analyze it carefully, it's really hard to imagine that xiao bai is already a leader of the world's top forces." Linda was shocked and inexplicable. The excitement in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

While fidley and Linda analyzed the power of huateng, xu Zhengyang and others gathered in zhang xiaobai's room to talk about the problem.

"We're still too weak. Look at the sos Laird family. They bought an island and built a manor. This darn manor is bigger than the devil's city, and this old castle, diamond as an ornament, not to mention small ornaments. A few meters are all inlaid with diamonds. Don't you think it's infuriating? No, We have to develop too. When we kill the world, we will definitely buy an island too. When that time comes, we will use diamonds to build a house." Zhang xiaobai's face was filled with longing.

Xu Zhengyang and the others looked at each other and laughed.

"Alright, there's no point talking about it anymore. Spirit, how many guards are there now? How powerful are they?" Zhang xiaobai's expression turned serious as he started to talk about serious matters.

The ghost whispered. All the hua teng guards had already added up to nearly 10,000 people, and the newcomers accounted for about 2,000. One thousand were the original members of the Siberia training camp, and six thousand were trained all the time. One thousand were trained by our family, and the 1,000 people that our family trained were all powerful The other 6,000 are at the level of a first class biological warrior, and the average strength of 1,000 people in the Siberia training camp is at the level of a second level biological warrior. The two newcomers are at the level of a third level biological warrior."

"Didn't I give you a batch of things last time?" Zhang xiao bai frowned slightly.

The ghost smiled gently, "The loyalty of the 2,000 newcomers and the 1,000 people from the Siberia training camp has been given preferential treatment."

"En, you did the right thing." Zhang xiaobai nodded and said in a low voice, "Brother xu, the ghost, and the swift wind wolf, I know that hua teng guards now have the title of a black war devil. I understand that my brothers want to become stronger, but they can't play with their lives. No one has the emergency medicine that I've given you. Don't save it, there's no such thing as I also understand that there are no undead fighting, just to reduce the death rate as much as possible."

Xu Zhengyang, the ghost, and the swift wind wolf nodded slightly.

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