Super Luxury King System

Chapter 599 Temporary Cooperation

Baer Dick took a deep breath and frowned, "If we don't want to make sacrifices, it will be more difficult to get past it. Of course, we can't go against it. First, we need to find out the reason why the desert lizard rioted."

"Can we not talk nonsense?" Zhang xiao bai said indifferently.

Dabri let out a low cry, "Watch your words!"

"Who are you?" The tyrannosaurus also burst out.

Dabri stared at the tyrannosaurus coldly. The tyrannosaurus did not show any sign of weakness as he glared back. Just as dabri was about to speak again, Baer Dick gently waved his hand. Dabri closed his mouth unwillingly and stared at the tyrannosaurus coldly.

"As you said, it must be the past group of people who angered the leader of the desert lizard, but the leader of the desert lizard can only be angered in three ways." Baer Dick whispered, "First, it destroyed the leader of the desert lizard, second, it slaughtered the desert lizard, and third, it touched the child of the desert lizard leader."

Baer Dick turned to look at the fiery desert lizard a hundred meters away and continued, "Not long ago, the desert lizard leader of this area had just had a child. Every time the desert lizard group looked for food, the children of the desert lizard would follow. Because it needs fresh food to grow, I guess the reason for the riot of the desert lizard is more likely."

Zhang xiaobai frowned slightly and turned to look at the desert lizard group in the distance and said softly, "If that's the case, then it's good that the child of the desert lizard leader isn't dead. If he's dead, then we'll have to go strong."

"I'm not dead. If the child of the desert lizard leader dies, the desert lizards won't only be rioting to this extent, but attacking all the creatures they see in the desert." Baer Dick said firmly.

Zhang xiao frowned again as he took a slight breath, "In that case, how do we solve it?"

"Send someone to sneak over and check to see if it's like this. If it is, find the attacked desert lizard and help it heal its wounds so that it can gain friendship with the desert lizard." Baer Dick answered softly.

Zhang xiaobai fell silent. The medicine was brought along by them, so who could investigate it? Who gets friendship with desert lizards after a search? It's all a question. It's extremely dangerous for anyone to investigate, and whoever gets the friendship of the desert lizard will directly determine the life and death of the other party.

Zhang xiaobai and Baer Dick now had a delicate balance. It was impossible for either of them to solve the other party without paying a heavy price. However, if either of them got the friendship of the desert lizard, it would be much easier to kill the other party. They only needed to make trouble when they spent this area. Desert lizards are sure to help whoever gets their friendship.

"I'll go." Xu Zhengyang said softly.

Zhang xiaobai was slightly stunned, then he shook his head gently, "No way."

"Let's send someone on our side." Baer Dick suggested.

Zhang xiaobai glanced at Baer Dick and silently calculated the strength of the two sides and nodded, "Yes, but I'll be the one to choose."

"Sure." Baer Dick chuckled.

Zhang xiao bai looked at Baer Dick in surprise.

Baer Dick's attitude towards them was a little too good, which made zhang xiaobai somewhat unpredictable.

"There's no need to doubt that terminating the world is our common enemy. We won't have any conflict until we exterminate the world." Baer Dick saw zhang xiao bai's confusion and explained with a smile.

Zhang xiaobai's heart skipped a beat and he was slightly relieved, but he did not completely let go of his vigilance.

"I'll go in with you to investigate. We'll split into two directions and each of you will bring along some medicine. Whoever finds the little lizard and who treats it will be limited to the sunset. Return here before sunset and exchange information." Zhang xiaobai made a decision.

"No way!"

"Young master bai!"

"Young master bai, you can't go!"

"Yes, I'll go!"

The tyrannosaurus and the others all refused.

Zhang xiaobai turned to look at everyone and said softly, "The best people in our group are brother xu and I, and brother xu's affinity for animals is not as good as mine, so it's best if I go."

Xu Zhengyang opened his mouth but did not say a word. What zhang xiao said was right. In terms of potential ability, zhang xiao was no worse than him now. The most important thing was zhang xiao's affinity. He had been fighting on the battlefield all this while, and there was a thick and bloody aura on his body. However, zhang xiao was different, although he had not stopped for the past year. He had never fought before, and when he first trained him, he would somehow become friends with the beasts he had fought with. The beasts he had killed were much fewer than the ones he had befriended.

That's right! Suddenly, xu Zhengyang thought of something and said in a hurry, "Xiao bai, do you remember that rattlesnake we met when we came to the sahara?"

"Remember, brother xu, you mean..." Zhang xiao bai was confused.

Xu Zhengyang said softly, "Didn't it give you a ring on its tail? Could you ask the rattlesnake nearby to help?"

"Brother xu, I'm not a god. I did bring the ring of interception with me, but do you think we can get the rattlesnakes nearby to help us fight the desert lizards?" Zhang xiaobai smiled bitterly. He admitted that he had a high affinity with animals because he had many small animals in his family when he was young, but this did not prove that he was able to command animals. Zhang xiaobai felt that xu Zhengyang was a little ill and went to the doctor in a hurry.

Xu Zhengyang shook his head and blinked at zhang xiaobai, "Of course, I know that it's unlikely that the rattlesnake will fight against the desert lizard. I think that if we really enter a dangerous situation, maybe we can try it."

Zhang xiaobai's heart skipped a beat and he nodded seriously, "That's true. If we are really in danger, then I will bring the rattlesnake here. Anyway, it is a death, so let's not have a good life."

Pan yingying and the others didn't quite understand what zhang xiao and xu Zhengyang were talking about, but xu Zhengyang knew what zhang xiao was talking about. It was most suitable for zhang xiao to enter and investigate. Moreover, it wasn't difficult for zhang xiao to get out of the lizard group with zhang xiao's strength, and they could also take him outside, but what if they entered the desert lizard group? After the area, Baer Dick secretly attacked zhang xiaobai, which was not easy.

With the rattlesnake incident, Baer Dick was somewhat apprehensive. Of course, zhang xiaobai and zhang xiaobai understood that this incident would not be of much use. If Baer Dick really wanted to kill zhang xiaobai, it would not be a big deal if he did not have this one. However, liao shengwu was better than xu Zhengyang. It was also a reminder to Baer Dick not to have any bad ideas. Although he didn't say it clearly, it also showed that he was on guard.

Baer Dick did not say anything about this scene.

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