Baer Dick didn't look too good. Zhang xiao bai turned around and smiled at him, "Don't mind. They're professional soldiers. Even if I say there's no danger, they'll still be so vigilant. Facing an unknown region, especially in a dangerous area, it's their instinct to be alert at all times."

Baer Dick nodded and his expression relaxed. He glanced at the three tyrannosaurs who were fully alert and then at xu Zhengyang and zhang xiaobai who were on half-alert. Suddenly, he was interested in the military profession.

The stone wall slowly raised, revealing a dark passage.

When the three of them lifted the stone wall completely, they quickly rushed into the corridor and carefully surveyed it at the entrance of the corridor, then called out softly, "It's safe."

After that, the three heads did not return and moved forward in a triangular formation.

Zhang xiaobai and the others followed closely behind. Dong tianlu and yue hongbo looked at each other and took out their pistols again. When everyone entered the corridor, the night pearl on the four walls of the stone room suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

After a while, the three of them stopped at a wide corridor with three passageways in front of them.

"This is the entrance to the labyrinth. This labyrinth is different every time you enter it. It seems that there are traps inside." Baer Dick whispered.

Zhang xiaobai nodded, "It's also indicated on old master wang's drawing that this maze often leads people back to the entrance. It can also lead people to the snake den, lizard nest, and other places. In the end, old master wang and the others also hit it by mistake."

"Are we still separated?" Baer Dick asked zhang xiaobai.

Xu Zhengyang frowned and interjected, "I don't suggest we split up."

"I think so too." Zhang xiaobai nodded, "This place is different from those ten passageways. It can selectively divide the danger. But here, it's completely a chance. It's good luck. The past is smooth and smooth. It's not good luck. It's possible to experience all the dangers inside. If we enter separately, the group of people who are in danger will be in trouble."

"Which way do we enter? Although we've investigated it many times, we still haven't figured out the rules in the maze. Sometimes we enter through the first passage, sometimes we enter the second or third path. There's no accurate way to go." Baer Dick asked zhang xiaobai again.

Baer Dick could not help but start to treat zhang xiao bai as a speaker. This was different from the time outside. He did it on purpose when he was outside, and this time, it was subconsciously.


The faint sound of footsteps came and everyone's faces changed. Zhang xiao said softly, "Hide against the wall. When you come out, immediately subdue them. Don't make a sound."

Everyone stood against the wall, xu Zhengyang, tyrannosaurus guarded on both sides of the first entrance, puma, the ground mouse guarded on both sides of the second entrance, dabri, li bingyan guarded the third.


The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Zhang xiaobai carefully identified them and gestured towards big biao and the ground mouse.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the ground mouse and the two of them, fully prepared.

"F* ck you, you're finally out." A state curse sounded from the second passageway.

Then two other voices sounded, "Don't dawdle, hurry up and leave."

"Yes, let's go. We've been delayed for two or three days. Boss wei and the others don't know where they are. If they go out, it'll be troublesome."

Zhang xiaobai frowned and quickly gestured to xu Zhengyang, the ground mouse, big biao, and the tyrannosaurus rex.

Li bingyan nodded and reminded dabri, who had not noticed zhang xiaobai's gesture.

Ta ta!

A figure ran out from the passageway, followed by a second one. The two of them had just come out, but before they could see clearly, two black shadows rushed towards them.

Xu Zhengyang and the tyrannosaurus moved and charged forward with one hand covering the mouth of the person who came out. With the other hand, they pressed the dagger against the man's neck and growled, "Shut up."

At the same time, the ground mouse and big biao moved in unison and pulled out the person who was still standing at the entrance of the passageway. Big biao cut the man's neck with a knife and knocked him unconscious. The ground mouse supported the man's body, preventing him from falling to the ground and quickly dragged him to the side.

The tyrannosaurus slapped the person that he was holding back and dragged him to the side. Zhang xiaobai lay on the ground and listened for a while before he stood up and waved his hand. He walked over to where xu Zhengyang was holding him.

Xu Zhengyang let go of that person, and the moment that person was released, he flew into a rage and punched zhang xiaobai.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Zhang xiaobai swiftly kicked the man and sent him flying backward. Xu Zhengyang, who was behind the man, also kicked him and sent him flying towards zhang xiaobai. Zhang xiaobai landed on the man's shoulder.



The man fell to the ground, his body twisted, and his mouth made a sound.

This time, everyone looked at the man carefully. He looked about thirty years old.

The tyrannosaurus stepped forward and took off the rpk from the man's back. After checking it out, he raised his head in surprise and looked at zhang xiaobai, "Young master bai, it's still usable. They must be out of ammo."

"Take a closer look. It would be great if we could use it. Our guns can be used together with the bullets of this gun." Zhang xiaobai reminded him.

"Okay." The tyrannosaurus answered with a nod and ran to the side to remove the gun.

Da biao and the ground mouse's eyes lit up as they ran to the two guys who were knocked unconscious, "These two should work as well."

Without waiting for zhang xiao bai's instructions, the two of them also went to the side to remove their guns and check.

After picking up three rpk machine guns, zhang xiao bai was also looking forward to it. If he could use all three guns, it would be a lot easier. This time, he came in because everyone was physically strong. Bullets, food, medicine, and so on were all staying a lot.

After taking a look at the three guys who had removed their guns and examined them, zhang xiaobai lowered his head and looked at the man who had slowly recovered from lying on the ground with his eyes closed. He smiled gently and lifted his foot to step on the man's hand and twirled it hard.

The man's face twitched, and he did not make a sound or open his eyes.

Zhang xiaobai raised his head and smiled at xu Zhengyang. Xu Zhengyang's lips curved as he stepped on the man's other hand. Both of them twisted it hard at the same time.


The man could not help but cry out in pain and began to struggle.


Zhang xiaobai moved away and kicked the man's stomach.


The man cried out in pain again because xu Zhengyang had stepped on one of his hands and was unable to get up. He could only cover his stomach and curl up on the ground.

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