Super Luxury King System

Chapter 631 The Way to Walk the Maze

Before the maze, zhang xiaobai and the others stood in front of three passageways.

Dong tianlu and yue hongbo glanced at wei wei and the mercenary man who were standing behind them nervously. They looked at each other and yue hongbo turned to look at zhang xiaobai, "Young master bai, they..."

"The wei family, you have the final say. As for that mercenary, you can handle it together. Who asked him to help the wei family?" Zhang xiaobai didn't even turn back.

Yue hongbo and yue hongbo were overjoyed. Back then, the wei family became a traitor and almost killed the wang, dong and yue families. The three families hated them to the bone. Ever since their father heard what old master wang said, yue hongbo and the wei family wanted to fight each other to the death. Now that the wei family was standing in front of them, if they were to let it go, yue hongbo and his wife would not be able to bear it.

Zhang xiaobai sent a message. Yue hongbo and dong tianlu didn't have any scruples anymore. They turned around and pulled out their guns, in the panic of wei wei and the mercenary man.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of gunshots rang out, and the mercenary man was only shot in the forehead and heart, while wei wei had multiple bloody holes in his body.

Click, click, click!

Yue hongbo and his men didn't stop until they had shot all their bullets.


Wei wei's body was on the ground, and his body was smoking.

Turning to look at wei wei's body, zhang xiaobai glanced at yue hongbo and dong tianlu and said angrily, "The bullets have been shot out, so you can fight with a dagger. I won't give you any more bullets, so it won't be a waste."

The two of them were dumbfounded and smiled awkwardly. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. They were so busy with their fun that they forgot that they only had one bullet.

Xu Zhengyang smiled and reached out to take out a few pistols from the puma backpack and handed them to dong tianlu and his men.

Dong tianlu and the others glanced at zhang xiaobai and saw that zhang xiaobai was pretending not to see him. They hurriedly took the magazine and placed it on their waist.

"According to wei wei, they have tried all three passageways, but they haven't gone over yet. It seems that this maze really needs to take a chance!" Zhang xiao did not have time to pay attention to dong tianlu and the others. He frowned and looked at the three passageways in front of him.

Baer Dick shook his head gently, "It's not that there's absolutely no knocking on the door. According to our investigation, the mechanism in this maze changes every six hours. Zero, six, twelve, eighteen, and four times. This change is not regular. In other words, if we can take the right route in six hours, we can go there."

"Can I interpret this as saying that six hours has not passed, and the right path is wrong, and the wrong path is likely to be right?" Zhang xiaobai made a bold guess.

Baer Dick was slightly stunned, then he pondered for a moment, nodded slightly, and then said with a light smile, "We didn't think of that."

"Is the wrong path directly impossible to get lost in or come back here?" Zhang xiao bai seemed to have some ideas.

Baer Dick said with certainty, "As long as you don't die inside, the wrong path will eventually return here."

"There is an altar on the map given by old master wang. It is behind the maze. Is it there after that?" Is it a place to rest or to continue fighting?" Zhang xiaobai asked again.

"You can rest there. There's no danger." Baer Dick nodded.

Zhang xiaobai nodded and lowered his head to think.

Xu Zhengyang glanced at zhang xiaobai. Through the conversation between zhang xiaobai and Baer Dick, xu Zhengyang thought of a way, but he didn't say anything. He wanted to see if zhang xiaobai's thoughts were the same as his own.

Sensing xu Zhengyang's gaze, zhang xiaobai raised his head and greeted him with a smile, "Brother xu has an idea?"

"You already have one." Xu Zhengyang answered with a chuckle.

Zhang xiaobai said concisely, "Divide them into batches."

"Six hours is the limit." Xu Zhengyang continued.

Zhang xiaobai chuckled, "One against two."

"Choose one or two." Xu Zhengyang picked it up.

Both of them smiled at the same time.

The tyrannosaurus and the others looked at zhang xiaobai and the others in confusion. A light flashed in Baer Dick's eyes as if he understood zhang xiaobai's plan.

"Yes! The magistrates and grim reapers are indeed worthy of their fame. Not only are they strong in battle, they are also very intelligent!" Baer Dick sighed sincerely.

Zhang xiaobai and zhang xiaobai smiled at any time and turned around to look at everyone. Zhang xiaobai spoke first, "We'll go in in batches. It's ten in the morning. We'll rest for two hours. We'll start at twelve o' clock. There'll be two batches. I, brother xu, Baer Dick, we'll go in batches. We'll just pick a path and move forward quickly. If If we come back, in less than three hours, we will enter one more, and you will enter the first passage we enter at eighteen."

"In this way, we will definitely have a group of people who are on the right path. The three of us are strong and can fight quickly. You have a large number of people and can better survive the danger. This way, we will have a chance to go there. If you go there, just wait there. The three of us can try again. With our strength, once we are familiar with the path in the maze, we should pass quickly."

Xu Zhengyang explained and added, "If you don't have a past, then use the same method and divide it into two batches until there are less than five people left. Don't worry. Wait here and we'll come back again. We'll do it the same way until you go there first."

"Do you understand?" Zhang xiaobai shouted and everyone nodded.

Everyone sat down against the wall and waited for the arrival of twelve o' clock. Before twelve o' clock, everyone had another meal, especially zhang xiaobai, xu Zhengyang, and Baer Dick. It would be fine if the three of them went there once. If they couldn't get past it once, they would have had two consecutive shocks and had some high-calorie food.

Seeing that the time was about to come, zhang xiao bai took an rpk from the tyrannosaurus. Xu Zhengyang handed the submachinegun to Baer Dick and took his submachinegun from the mouse.

Big biao said softly, "Young master bai, chief instructor, take this rpk as well. You need speed."

"You also need protection, that's all." Zhang xiaobai said as he distributed the grenades, incendiary bombs, and other ammunition.

After distributing the ammunition, zhang xiaobai took a look at his watch, took out his phone, and handed it to the ground mouse, "You take the time."

"Okay." The ground mouse nodded and took the phone.

Dabri took a look at zhang xiaobai's phone and his eyes darted around, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Don't worry, young master bai. If anyone dares to make a move on your phone, I'll turn him into a hornet's nest." Big biao glanced at dabri and said meaningfully.

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