Super Luxury King System

Chapter 637 Eggshell


The tunnel's shutting down.


A few sand snakes darted out of the gradually closing tunnel.

Tap, tap, tap!

Slap! Slap!

Everyone shot at the snakes that had rushed out and smashed them into pieces.


With a muffled sound, the dark passage closed completely.

Thud! Thud!

Everyone sat down on the ground, wearing coarse clothes.


Suddenly, a crisp sound sounded in the stone room.

Zhang xiaobai and the others looked up at the sound. Dabri covered his face with one hand and looked at Baer Dick, who had slapped him in front of him in shock.

Baer Dick's face was ashen as he gritted his teeth, "Why did you shoot him? Did you know that your shooting caused a commotion among the snakes? If you don't shoot, we'll probably retreat back quietly. You've come in more than once and you can't take the initiative to provoke a group of beasts. Don't you know that?"

"I'm sorry!" Dabri shuddered and lowered his head to apologize sincerely.

Baer Dick glared fiercely at dabri and turned to look at zhang xiaobai. He was just about to open his mouth to speak.

"Alright." Zhang xiaobai waved his hand to stop her. He glanced at dabri, got up and sat down beside pan yingying. He reached out to pull her into his arms and whispered, "If you have the strength to scold and apologize, you might as well take a rest. I'm exhausted."

Baer Dick was slightly taken aback, then smiled and turned to look at dabley without saying anything more. He sat down on the ground and rested.

After eating and sleeping, everyone woke up and got together to discuss their strategy while eating.

"The passageway under the altar can't be taken. Is there any other way?" Zhang xiao bai looked at Baer Dick with hope in his eyes.

Baer Dick shook his head gently, "We've been walking from here. I'm not sure if there's any other way."

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. Zhang xiao bai frowned and thought for a moment before he spoke in a low voice, "Let's see if there are other mechanisms."

The group of people carefully examined the stone room several times and found that there was really no road here.

"Xiao bai, I think of something." Xu Zhengyang suddenly said.

Zhang xiaobai and the others turned to look at xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang frowned and whispered his doubts. When we met the wei family and the two people, the snakes were blocking the passageway. If we say that the snakes discovered them and didn't dare to stop when chasing them, it would be a bit forced. Look, first, if the snakes had just discovered that It's just that on the other side of the corner of the passageway, the wei family and the wei family couldn't possibly not have noticed such a large group of snakes, but they obviously didn't look scared. Why?"

"You mean the wei family's two people aren't afraid of snakes?" Baer Dick whispered.

Xu Zhengyang nodded, "I suspect so."

"They're not afraid of snakes... How can they be so confident that they're not afraid of snakes?" Zhang xiao bai muttered in confusion.

"We'll know when we go back. We can't continue walking anyway." Pan yingying looked at the frowning zhang xiaobai and the other two and reminded them softly.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, then they all laughed lightly. They had gone into a corner and forgot that they could go back to search for the corpse.

Having made a decision, everyone did not delay any longer and turned around to drill into the maze.

Out of the labyrinth, zhang xiaobai and the others were slightly taken aback. Wei wei and wei wei's bodies were still in a state of fresh death, without any signs of stiffness or weathering.

"There is indeed something strange about these two people." Yue hongbo said softly.

Everyone began to search for their bodies. When they found two palm-sized eggshells on their bodies, their faces changed.

Just removed the eggshell from wei wei and wei wei's side, their bodies were directly weathered into dried corpses.

"What... What's going on?" Dong tianlu exclaimed.

Zhang xiaobai looked at the egg shell in his hand with a serious expression and frowned deeply.

"This is the egg shell of the snake king's child." Baer Dick said in a low voice, "I finally understand why the snake king summoned the snakes and took them away."

"You mean they broke the snake king's egg?" Zhang xiao bai turned to look at Baer Dick.

Baer Dick nodded, "That should be the case. Moreover, if I'm not mistaken, the wei family should have at least one complete egg on their body. This will explain why the snakes group didn't attack the wei family because of the shell of the egg. They're afraid that the wei family will destroy the egg again."

Zhang xiao's eyes flashed with a cold light as he gritted his teeth, "These b* stards from the wei family are really sinister."

"Can these two eggshells help us get past the snakes?" Dong tianlu said softly.

Baer Dick hesitated and nodded slowly, "I think so."

Everyone turned to look at zhang xiaobai, waiting for his decision.

Zhang xiaobai did not make the first decision. Instead, he lifted the eggshell in his hand and spoke softly, "Wei wei and wei wei's bodies aren't weathered because of this eggshell?"

"I think so, but I don't know why." Baer Dick answered softly.

Zhang xiaobai nodded and did not bother with this question anymore. He broke the egg shell in his hand and distributed it to everyone. The two eggshells were divided into seven parts and each person was given one.

Zhang xiaobai and the others did not notice that some pieces of the egg shell that had fallen when they broke the egg shell had disappeared before they could land on the ground.

With determination in his eyes, zhang xiao said in a low voice, "I'll give it a try first. If it works, you can come back together."

"No, let's try it together." Pan yingying was the first to object.

Zhang xiaobai reached out to touch pan yingying's hair and smiled gently, "Don't worry, I'm safer alone."

Pan yingying opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but when she saw the determination in zhang xiaobai's eyes, pan yingying did not say anything, but a deep worry appeared in her eyes.

Everyone returned to the altar stone room. Zhang xiaobai stood at the entrance of the altar passage and nodded at pan yingying, who was standing beside the switch.

Pan yingying's eyes were filled with worry as she pressed the switch. Xu Zhengyang and the others stood around the altar with guns in their hands.


The entrance to the altar opened again. Just as it opened a crack, a piercing sound could be heard from inside.

Hiss, hiss, hiss!

Following the opening of the portal, several sand snakes were shot out.

Everyone's expression stiffened as they stared fixedly at the sand snake that had just escaped. The sand snake saw zhang xiaobai standing at the entrance of the passageway and was about to charge towards him when its entire body suddenly trembled, and its eyes revealed a strong hatred as it slowly... Retreated.

Xu Zhengyang and the others were stunned for a moment before their faces lit up. Zhang xiao took a long breath and looked at the sand snake slowly retreating before him as he took a step forward.


The sand snake screamed a few times, and its triangular eyes were filled with terror and hatred. Unwilling to give up, it turned around and re-entered the passageway again. When all the sand snakes returned to the passageway, everyone heaved a sigh of relief and all of them revealed a happy smile.

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