Super Luxury King System

Chapter 643 The Words Left to the Later Generations

"It's so dark!" After a little mocking, zhang xiao picked up the book and started reading it.

The previous one told Baer Dick about the four pictures he had guessed, and the latter wrote about what happened after the man burned down the town.

After the man burned down the town, he left with the only intact ship, came to this desert, built an underground city in the desert, and lived alone, knowing he was dead.

Because all the animals in the nearby desert had received the favor of that person, they had volunteered to guard the cemetery for that person. This was the underground city.

The man destroyed the ship before he died, leaving only some information and two boxes of research from the people in their small town.

Zhang xiao bai took a look at the other documents in the box and was slightly stunned. He picked up a piece of information and looked at it. With the speed that zhang xiao could see, it took him three hours to finish reading the information in the box.

"Mechanical arms? Mechanical legs? Elemental armor? Elemental energy?" Zhang xiaobai's eyes grew larger and bigger. When he finished reading the documents, his eyes earned more than a copper bell.

"I don't know who would be able to obtain these things that I left behind. Here, I would like to remind the people who got what I left behind. Our era has already come to an end. The people of our small city have survived through high technology. I originally thought that we could continue to display the glorious era of science and technology, but this era of the aboriginal race's The way we did it made us feel cold. We used technology products to destroy this era that had just started. I think the person who can get what I left behind should be someone from the same era or more."

"No matter how many years you're from now, I want to remind you that our small city is researching and developing personal combat capabilities. We invented robots, robotic arms, robotic legs, nano defense suits, nano combat uniforms, and other things that enhance personal combat power. There are also some things that we invented when we used to take detours in the past It's not a big deal if it's a drug or a genetic modification. I left them outside. This place is the result of the high-end scientific research in our small city."

"The energy of these things is the product of that era of ours. I don't know if you still have this era. I want to remind you that if you have the ambition to conquer the world, I can't stop you. Please don't hurt innocent people. If you don't have the ambition to conquer the world, please keep it safe. Don't let those people with evil intentions take them. If your era has already reached the advanced technology era, then these things can appear in the society. However, if your era didn't develop to this extent, these things will probably destroy your world. Please choose carefully!"

After reading this sentence, zhang xiao remained silent for a long time. He glanced at the pile of documents and then turned to the other two boxes.


Bang! Bang!

Zhang xiaobai opened the two boxes at the same time. The contents of the boxes lit up zhang xiaobai's eyes, and he slowly became indifferent.

Of the other two boxes, one contained nano defense suits, nano combat suits, mechanised armor, robotic arms and robotic legs, and the other was filled with energy.

Just taking one of these things out would drive everyone crazy. However, zhang xiao took a look at the information on the side and saw the words that the person had told the person next to him, and his heart was filled with mixed feelings.

After hesitating, a flash of light flashed in zhang xiaobai's mind. He thought of something he saw when he was flipping through the exchange list just now and hurriedly opened the exchange page to search for it.

"Change the storage dimension, one thousand technology points per cubic meter or one million points." Zhang xiaobai found what he wanted and hesitated for a moment before choosing to exchange it.

System: the host confirmed to exchange ten cubic meters of storage space? Ten cubic meters is currently the largest storage space.

Zhang xiaobai muttered to himself and said softly, "I'm sure. I'll use the points to redeem it."

System: exchange in... Exchange completed.

Zhang xiaobai's eyes flashed and he added an option to the storage dimension on the system page. Zhang xiaobai opened the storage dimension, and it was completely blank. He glanced at the three large boxes in front of him and pointed at the two boxes that were opened behind him, shouting softly, "Storage."


The contents of the two large boxes disappeared and there were more items in the storage dimension of the system.

Zhang xiaobai was surprised for a while and his lips curled up slightly. When he turned around and saw the documents on the pile of documents, his mood that had just improved became heavy again.

After carefully dividing up the information, he took the person's statement and the words he had told the people later on into his hands and put the rest of the information in the storage dimension.

Zhang xiaobai walked to the entrance of the passageway and turned around to take a look at the three empty boxes. He stuffed the documents into his backpack and took out three incendiary bombs from his backpack and threw them into three empty boxes.


When the flames ignited, the three boxes made of unknown materials actually started to burn. Zhang xiao's other hand had already taken out the grenades, but he took a look at the burning box and stuffed the grenades back into his backpack.

Standing at the entrance of the passageway, zhang xiao bai watched the three boxes burn to ashes. He turned around and walked into the passageway. He turned to look at ashes who was standing at the same spot and frowned slightly. After thinking for a while, he took out his grenades and wrapped the grenades together. He pulled out the insurance and threw them into the stone room, then turned around and left without looking back.

Boom, boom, boom!

A deafening roar sounded from the stone room.

At the same time as the grenade exploded, the night pearl in the stone room once again disappeared without a sound.

After passing through the passageway to the end of the death passageway, the lizards were still there to protect them.

Zhang xiaobai turned his head and looked at the big lizard in confusion. The big lizard signaled to his back.

Startled, zhang xiao bai asked in surprise, "You said you wanted to drive me there?"


The big lizard shook its head and slowly lay down.

"Thank you." Zhang xiaobai smiled and rode on the big lizard, hugging the little lizard in his arms.


With a hiss, the big lizard carried zhang xiaobai onto the path of death.

Along the way, the man-eating ant did not appear. Zhang xiaobai was teasing the little lizard while looking at the slow flow of water on both sides of the passage of death. He felt a little uncomfortable.

What's wrong with those small - town people? There was no mistake. Was there something wrong with those aboriginal tribes? Wrong! However, from the standpoint of the aboriginal tribes, was it wrong? I don't know!

Zhang xiaobai thought that the aboriginal tribes had done something wrong. Gradually, zhang xiaobai transformed the people of the small city and the aboriginal tribes into himself and the various countries. Zhang xiaobai suddenly shuddered and fiercely shook his head, throwing this hypothesis out of his mind, not daring to think about it anymore.

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