Super Luxury King System

Chapter 654 Building a Villa Inside the City Wall

After resting for the entire night, zhang xiaobai was woken up by wu liang early in the morning.

"Liang zi, you better give me a reason not to beat you up." Zhang xiao looked at wu liang angrily with two dark circles under his eyes.

Wu liang smiled awkwardly and said carefully, "Well... I just heard that you had Addie and meiqi warn those domestic huateng collaborators not to let them get involved in our family, so I wanted to come and thank you."

"Do you have to? What time did you sleep last night? Is that what you called me up early in the morning? Your brain is being squeezed by the door!" Zhang xiaobai snapped at wu liang and threw wu liang alone in the living room of the suite. He turned around and went back to his bedroom and fell asleep.

Wu liang looked at the bedroom door that zhang xiaobai had closed, and his heart was warm. He warned all the collaborators in the country that zhang xiaobai would have to bear a lot of pressure behind this matter, but he still did it without hesitation. Moreover, he did not tell him that wu liang felt that he would not go for this friendship no matter what. She could only keep it in her heart.

Zhang xiaobai slept until noon and washed his face to find xu Zhengyang and the others.

Everyone had lunch at the club and drove to the wu family villa under wu liang's leadership.

"Liang zi, is this your house?" Zhang xiao bai looked at a... Mountain in front of him in surprise.

On the top of the mountain, there were villas standing tall. The entire mountain was surrounded by walls made of marble. In front of them, a huge gate was opened. Zhang xiaobai and the others were standing at the gate.

"This is my home." Wu liang's eyes were showing off.

Zhang xiaobai looked at wu liang confusedly, "What's going on?"

"The liang zi family is an ancient wu family, and this is the ancestral land of the liang zi family. During the war that year, the liang zi family saved their ancestors here and guarded for reinforcements. Although liang zi's grandfather now lives in the central lan sea, this place has always been the ancestral land of the wu family." The wraith explained.

Cheesy smiled, "Young master liang, are you stopping here to let us have a look?"

"I don't mean that." Wu liang explained with a smile, but the expression on his face showed that this was the case.

Zhang bai lightly patted wu liang on the shoulder, "You're so cocky, aren't you? However, to be able to have such a castle-like territory on the border between the capital city and hb, you're considered to have a lot of money to show off."

"Hehe, let's go. I'll bring you in." Wu liang smiled and turned around to lead the way.

After they drove into the city wall, there was a green lawn behind them. A few villas that didn't match the city wall were standing not far away.

Zhang xiaobai got off the car in front of a three-storey villa and teased wu liang, "Liang zi, build a villa inside the city wall. Your house is empty."

Wu liang smiled, his eyes filled with memories, "I heard from grandfather that it wasn't a villa back then. Originally, this was a royal palace of a certain dynasty. Unfortunately, it was bombed during that war. Although some buildings were almost destroyed, other than the city wall, the rest were rebuilt."

"I'm sorry, I don't know." Zhang xiaobai looked at wu liang apologetically.

Wu liang shook his head and chuckled, "It's okay. This is my villa. I usually live here when I come to the ancestral land. There are several rooms inside. You can stay here. There are many people in the guest room, so it's not very quiet."

"Alright, you arrange it." Zhang xiaobai said calmly.

Everyone entered the villa and took a short break. They didn't go to the dining hall, so they had lunch in the villa. After dinner, wu liang took zhang xiaobai and the others to visit the ancestral land of wu family.

The villa that wu liang lived in was located near the center of the villa group. This position showed wu liang's position in the wu family. They walked out of the villa area along the main road and came to the back of the villa area. There was a small forest here.

"When we were young, we often went to this forest to compete to climb trees. When wu zhen was young, he was weak and often I carried him up..." As he walked, wu liang was telling interesting stories about his childhood, "Behind the forest was a pond. From the generation of my great-grandfather's great-grandfather, he had been keeping fish in it. My grandfather beat me up every time, but xiaozhen and I are still the same..."

Listening to wu liang's story, zhang xiaobai and the others all felt that wu liang's deep brotherly love for wu zhen was not worth it.

"Liang zi, don't you blame wu zhen for trying to snatch the throne from you?" Zhang xiaobai said softly.

Wu liang paused and smiled, "I told you not to be angry. Although I asked you to help me take this seat, I really don't blame xiao zhen. If it wasn't for some trivial matters in the family, I would have given this seat to xiao zhen, but... Some things aren't what I want to do."

"Since that's the case, you can just give it to xiao zhen. That's a good thing to say. I don't want to be the heir of the family." A discordant voice came from a distance.

Zhang xiao bai and the others turned around and saw several figures walking towards them from the forest.

After taking a look at him, zhang xiao bai frowned slightly.

There were a total of seven people coming. The three of them were behind the first four. The three people in front were three young men in suits. The one in the middle was wearing a pair of golden glasses with a sinister smile on his face. It was obvious that he was not a good person. This person was also the one who had just spoken.

A young man on the left was about twenty years old, dressed in a white suit with a complicated expression on his face. Ever since he appeared, he had been staring at wu liang, his eyes full of memories and a trace of guilt.

A young man on the right was about two meters tall and his explosive muscles were about to crack his suit. His eyes were full of provocation as he looked at zhang xiao and the others.

The four people behind the three youths were all men in black suits.

"Wu zheng, since when do you want to interrupt me?" Wu liang coldly stared at the young man with glasses standing in the middle.

Wu zheng's expression changed and his eyes narrowed slightly. A cold light flashed across his eyes as he glanced at zhang xiaobai and the others. The corners of his lips curled into a sinister smile. Just as he was about to speak, wu liang no longer looked at him, "Xiao zhen, you are the direct descendant of the wu family. You shouldn't be like a vassal. Wu zheng doesn't have the right to stand in front of you, do you understand?"

Wu zhen opened his mouth and turned to look at wu zheng without saying anything.

When zhang xiao bai saw this scene, a deep meaning flashed across his eyes. He stared at wu zhen carefully and a meaningful smile hung on his lips.

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