Super Luxury King System

Chapter 68 Escape


The stone wall at the entrance of the passageway slowly closed. Zhang xiaobai stepped back and entered the passageway, placing the coal ball right in the middle of the closed passageway entrance.

"What are you going to do? What? Don't kill me! No! Ah! In the cry of the coal ball, the stone wall closed in half and caught the coal ball.

Zhang xiaobai's arm sank as he took a closer look. The coal ball was so scared that it fainted and its head drooped on his arm.

Pulling out his hand, zhang xiaobai hid behind the coal ball.

"Ling boli, break the switch at the other two passageways."

"Yes, master."

Several guards from the spirit beast arena had just intended to sneak in through the other two passageways, but the stone wall had just opened a crack and stopped opening.

"Zhang xiao bai." A loud bang sounded and zhao tianfang came to the entrance, "If you dare to cause trouble here, you're dead!"

This burst of noise woke up the frightened coal ball and found that it was only trapped and not dead. The coal ball was ecstatic, "Haha, I'm not dead. I'm not dead."

"You're not dead right now. If zhao tian let someone attack you, you'll be the first to die." Zhang xiaobai coldly interrupted the coal ball.

The coal ball was shocked. It swung around and found that it was stuck tightly. It was impossible to get rid of it by itself, and zhang xiaobai was behind. He would not allow others to come forward to save him. If zhao tianfang ordered a strong attack at this time...

"Young master tianfang, don't mess around." There was a hint of crying in the coal ball's voice. Zhao tianfang's face was too ugly, and coal ball was very worried that he would order a strong attack at the next moment, "Young master tianfang, you're just a northeast tiger. You don't have to accompany me with my life!"

Coal ball and zhang xiaobai were probably not bad. Zhao tianfang indeed had the heart to order a strong attack. However, once the coal ball was spoken, zhao tianfang couldn't give an order to attack anyway. Once he issued this order, it would be cold to the hearts of all his subordinates.

Zhao tian vented his anger and glared at the coal ball with a livid face, shouting loudly, "Zhang xiao bai, I, zhao tianfang, will not let you off."

Zhao tianfang lowered his head and whispered to his subordinates, "Send someone to the three exits immediately."

"Young master zhao." A guard from the spirit beast arena rushed over, "At the exit outside the villa, young master wu liang and his men stood guard there. There seems to be an ambush at the exit."

"Wu liang." Zhao tianfang's expression changed. He remembered that wu liang had brought zhang xiaobai in the past two days, and his heart was filled with anger, but wu liang was an existence he didn't want to provoke.

After calming down, zhao tianfang turned to look at his subordinate. "Send someone over first and don't clash with wu liang. They should be using a false and realistic tactic. The possibility of wu liang isn't very high. Send someone to set up a conversation. On the other side, they are secretly ambushing people. It is very likely that they will go out from there and send more people there, number one." Go and have a look. There are people waiting for them in front. There is no possibility that they will go to the back."

At this moment, the spectators on the stands were pointing at zhao tianfang except for a few people who were close to the zhao family.

"This spirit beast arena is actually the zhao family's property."

"There's a beast arena in the north and zhan lan club in the south. The zhao family has a huge appetite!"

"Hmph, does the zhao family want to unite with all the major factions in the country?" I'm not afraid to die."

This was also the reason why the zhao family did not reveal the spirit beast arena to the public. As long as the existence of the spirit beast arena was not exposed to the public, some people would choose to turn a blind eye to it. However, if they found out that the spirit beast arena was the zhao family's property, this combination of the south and the north was too terrifying and those people would not allow such a thing to happen. Sheng, today, zhao tianfang had an impulse to reveal himself, which would bring the zhao family a completely unexpected impact.

Moreover, because the spirit beast arena could not be exposed, if zhang xiao ran away today, the zhao family would never use this reason to pursue zhang xiao.

Almost done, zhang xiao bai thought to himself, brother xu should have set up a disguise.

"Ling boli, invade the power supply system of the spirit beast arena, cut off the power, and at the same time, open the tunnel exit behind the mountain."

Following zhang xiao bai's order, the spirit beast arena instantly went into darkness.


"What happened?"

"Why are the lights off? What does your zhao family want?"

The stands were in a mess.

"Be honest. If someone comes over secretly, I will kill you first." Zhang xiaobai took the opportunity to scare the coal ball and turned around to silently touch it in the passageway.

"Don't come over, don't take the opportunity to come over! He'll kill me! Don't come any closer!" Behind him came the crazy cry of the coal ball. Zhang xiaobai smiled and ran towards the exit behind the mountain.


After receiving the message from zhang xiaobai, leng ao drove a box of goods to the back of the spirit beast arena mountain in a hurry.

When they reached the location, they found someone there. Leng ao quietly touched it and took a closer look, "It's them?!"

Leng ao frowned slightly and hesitated. Yeah.

He gritted his teeth and thought that zhang xiao and xu Zhengyang were still fighting hard in the spirit beast arena.

"Who?" A man noticed leng ao and exhaled softly.

The four men and two women in the camp stood up and were worthy of their attention for being able to touch the people who were not discovered by them five meters around them.

"Captain?" A girl recognized leng ao.


"It's really captain!"

The six of them came to leng ao one after another and looked at him with surprise.

Leng ao smiled gently, "I'm retired, not your captain anymore."

"No, you will always be our captain." The girl who recognized leng ao objected first.

"Yes, you will always be our captain." The others shouted in unison.

Leng ao glanced at everyone, "Alright, I hope you guys can help me."

"Captain, tell me."

Leng ao's face darkened, "Get out of here."

"Captain, why?"

"What happened?"

"Captain, we can help you!"


While leng ao was arguing with his team, a stone wall beside the stream suddenly vibrated, revealing a hole two meters wide.

Leng ao's expression changed as he looked solemnly at the six people in front of him, "I don't have time to explain myself to you right now. Get out of here immediately."


Leng ao pulled out a cold dagger from his waist and quickly took two steps to hide in the shadow beside the hole, looking around vigilantly.

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