Super Luxury King System

Chapter 77 First Salute

"Wraith, it's only when there's no other way to snatch it that we think about it. After all, this isn't our territory and we can use force to intimidate them. But if we forcibly snatch it, it would easily cause public anger, right?" Zhang xiaobai frowned and looked at the ghost.

The ghost smiled gently, "I didn't say I'm going to snatch it! I guess what he has now is his first diamond mine. In the past, all he found is sold to someone else. We can find him to buy it!"

"Why don't you develop it yourself?" Big biao looked at the ghost in confusion.

The ghost turned to look at xu Zhengyang, "You have to ask captain about this. Captain is quite familiar with it."

"I'm guessing that I once mined a diamond mine, but because of the mechanical equipment problem, it caused the vein to collapse. That time, he had already accepted someone else's payment, and the other party was someone he couldn't afford to offend. If I hadn't known his debtor, and I had something to help him with, I would have helped him to deal with it. He has become a pile of bones, a snake bite ten years afraid of well rope, from then on, he no longer do diamond business." Xu Zhengyang was slightly relieved.

"Brother xu, do you also remember your gratitude?" Zhang xiaobai looked up at xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang nodded, "Before I retired from the army, I came to guo gang. I guess he even treated me warmly."

"Alright, let's go look for it tomorrow and guess. It's best to buy the diamond mine in his hands peacefully." Zhang xiaobai paused.

"When you go tomorrow, let him know that I'm on your side." The wraith opened their mouths to remind him.

The few of them looked at the ghost in confusion.

The ghost smiled gently, "A year ago, su bo once wanted to rob and guess the gold mine. He also guessed that he would launch a mission in the mercenary world to teach su bo a lesson so that he wouldn't dare to think of himself again. I took the mission and went to su bo's base camp. I tied him up in front of him and guessed that he was stupid at that time. From there, You tell him that I'm on your side. Even if he doesn't care about captain's kindness and doesn't sell the gold and steel mine to you, he doesn't dare to do anything to you. After all, he has to take the mine from him. It's not good to make a scene."

"I understand. You're a nuclear deterrent!" Zhang xiao bai patted the ghost's shoulder.

"Haha." Everyone laughed.

Only the big bull and the tyrannosaurus stared in disbelief as the tyrannosaurus pointed at the spirit, "You, you, you kidnapped sopoul from his camp? How is that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible." Xu Zhengyang smiled gently, "The ghost had once sneaked into the palace of country m and escaped unharmed. What's the point of sneaking into the base camp of su bo to kidnap him?"

Everyone was shocked as they stared at the ghost with their mouths wide open.

The ghost's face turned slightly red as he smiled shyly and lowered his head in embarrassment.


Zhang xiao grabbed the ghost's arm, his eyes filled with anticipation, "Ghost, can you teach me how to sneak?"

"And me!"

"I, I, I!"

"Bring me one!" Big bull and the others scrambled to raise their hands and looked eagerly at the ghost.

The ghost was stunned for a moment before he nodded gently.

"Anyway, I'm fine now. Why don't we start teaching now?" Big biao suggested loudly.

Zhang xiaobai was the first to raise his hand in agreement, "Agreed."


"Secondment + 1!"

So, the following day became the time of the ghost teacher's class.


Guo gang had a military camp in a secluded mountain depression. It was called a military camp. In fact, it was just a bungalow with a few low buildings surrounding a villa. Although the military camp was not very good looking, its military strength was not to be underestimated. There were dense sentries and sniper positions between the mountain walls, and ground-to-air missiles on the lower floors. There were heavy machine guns on the roof of the houses, and the bricks and stones on the walls of the houses and the low buildings might be unloaded to form a hidden castle. There were men with guns walking back and forth on the streets all the time. It seemed to be a rambling place, but the vigilance from time to time revealed the tight policy outside the barracks.

Boom, boom, boom!

A shabby jeep came from far away, and the guards and hidden snipers at the entrance of the barracks turned cold.


The jeep was parked at a sentry post a hundred meters away from the entrance of the barracks. This was what xu Zhengyang had said. In guo gang, any military camp within 100 meters was a restricted area. Anyone who entered the barracks without permission would be directly attacked. Moreover, there were mines within 100 meters. Only the entrance to the camp was a completely safe passage. Except for the people in the camp, outsiders wanted to enter the camp, so they could only go straight to the entrance of the camp.

Of course, mines were only for ordinary people, so it was still not enough for an expert to guard them.

In the sentry post parked the car, zhang xiaobai, xu Zhengyang two people get off to sentry post.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, hurry!" The six soldiers in the sentry post rushed out of the sentry post and aimed their guns at zhang and xiao bai, saying something that zhang did not understand.

Zhang xiaobai looked at xu Zhengyang speechlessly. Xu Zhengyang smiled and went forward to negotiate with the soldiers.

Damn it, what kind of language did he speak? Did he understand it or not? It would be great if he had a translator! Hmm? Translator?

Zhang xiaobai glanced at his watch, "Ling boli, can you translate?"

"Master, as long as the internet can do it, I can do it." Ling boli's ethereal voice rang in zhang xiaobai's mind.

Zhang xiaobai was delighted, "That's great. Help me translate in real time."

"Yes, master."

Zhang xiaobai stepped forward and stood beside xu Zhengyang.

"Don't you think you're asking too much? I guess you can ask more about the general?" Xu Zhengyang was teaching the sentry soldiers a lesson.

The face of the man who seemed to be the head of the six sentries changed.

Zhang xiaobai did not know what xu Zhengyang had said in front of him, which made it very difficult for the soldier not to lose his temper and not to let him pass.

"I won't make things difficult for you either. Inform habu that it's huaxia yang. He'll come to pick us up." Xu Zhengyang looked impatient.

The leader of the soldiers nodded in relief, "Wait a minute, wait a minute."

After saying that, he turned around and ran back to the sentry post.

"I've been expecting a lot of people to come and see him recently, so I'm guessing they're all trying to plot against the diamond mine in his hands. I think they're not too satisfied with the price that those people should give him. After all, they all know that he won't develop it himself. If he stays in his hands, it'll be a waste of manpower and resources. It's not good to make him angry. The soldiers don't know us. He didn't dare to let us in, and he couldn't directly contact the people around him. It was a bit difficult." Xu Zhengyang explained what had just happened.

"Who's that habu?" Zhang xiaobai nodded and looked at xu Zhengyang in confusion.

Xu Zhengyang was slightly taken aback, "You understand?"

"I understand, but I don't know how to say it." Zhang xiaobai shrugged.

Xu Zhengyang looked at zhang xiaobai in surprise and did not probe further, "Habu was a small messenger who also guessed that he knew me."

As he spoke, the sentry returned to the two of them after making a call.

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