Super Luxury King System

Chapter 783 Old Friend

At the foot of the mountain of the wu family's courtyard, a land rover was parked by the roadside. An old man with white hair and a good demeanor was standing beside the car, holding a sword with a sheath in one hand and a cell phone in the other.

"Little hunter, don't fly to the capital. You fly to Donghua, and I'll wait for you there."

After informing the hunter, eunuch wu hung up the phone and got into the land rover in front of him.

Wu liang, who was in charge of the situation, started the car and spoke as he drove, "Sixth great grandfather, who are we going to find in Donghua?"

"An old friend who has known each other for over a hundred years. Back then, we fought a life and death battle with the terminator world together. Only two of us survived that battle. The ancient martial arts world called us the god slayer and double fiend!" Lord wu liu's eyes seemed to be wandering as if he was recalling something.

Wu liang was stunned and asked in surprise, "That old senior is still alive?"


The sixth patriarch slapped wu liang on the back of his head and pretended to be angry, "Nonsense."

"Hehe, sixth great grandfather, that's not what I meant. It's just that senior seems to be older than you, right?" Wu liang laughed.

Grand lord wu nodded, "Elder brother bai is three years older than me, but he's much more capable than me. The last time I came back from devil's city, I called him once. He's quite interested in xiao bai and even said that he wanted me to bring him here to meet him. This time, xiao bai asked for help, so why don't we just bring him along?"

"Xiao bai doesn't usually ask for help, especially when it comes to dealing with enemies. Once he asks for help, it proves that the other party is indeed an opponent he can't defeat. Looks like this kid is going to need a whole lot of help this time!" Wu liang frowned slightly.

Don't think too much about it. You're really not as good as xiao bai in this aspect. You guys just have to keep an eye on these matters in the country, especially regarding the hua teng corporation. Don't let anyone disturb the hua teng corporation, as long as xiao bai doesn't have to worry about his future. He's out fighting for our huaxia base, or even for the sake of humans. "We can't help him much, but we can't let him worry about his family." Wu liuye reminded him softly.

Wu liang nodded heavily. The last time he came back from the devil's city, the three old men told wu liang a lot of things about the past. They also let wu liang know that the destruction of the world was not a recently emerged organization. If he traced it back, it could even be traced back to the three old masters when they were young. It was nearly a hundred years ago.

The purpose of the world destruction had also been clarified. It was assimilation and destruction. They wanted to create a god, fake a deity named takla that could come down, and then make everyone believe in this deity. If someone did not believe it, they would be ruthlessly wiped out by the world. And now, society did not allow this kind of thing to happen. They will destroy the whole world and rebuild the world order!

Fortunately, there had always been some nameless heroes fighting against the world in various ways!

The world terminator had originally developed in huaxia, but it was still very secretive at the beginning, and gradually became more and more arrogant. Old master wu and a few other talented young people took the lead and organized a great siege to fight against the world termination. After that, only two of them survived, and only one of the terminators was a branch. All but the researchers were killed.

The researcher was brought back by old master wu and handed over to the powerful people at that time. Unfortunately, an invasion war broke out in a few years. In the war, the researcher escaped, and now the world was destroyed.

Wu liang drove wu liuye all the way to a mountain forest in Donghua.

At the end of the road, they stopped at the mountainside.

One old and one green two people climbed all the way to the top of the mountain, a green bamboo forest appeared in front of them.

"Sixth great grandfather, why is there a bamboo forest here?" Wu liang asked in surprise.

The whole mountain was relaxed, and a bamboo forest suddenly appeared.

"Hehe, it was my brother who planted it. He loved bamboo all his life, and his name was changed to white bamboo." Lord wu liu smiled gently.

Cut! Cut! Cut!

The two of them walked into the bamboo forest and in a short while, there was a sound of firewood chopping.

The two of them followed the voice and walked forward for about ten minutes. Suddenly, their eyes brightened. In the middle of the bamboo forest, there was a space around 100 meters. In the middle of the bamboo house, there was a bamboo house. In front of the bamboo house, there was a set of bamboo table seats. There was a pile of wood piled up on the side. An old man with white hair was using more than three feet. Long knives cut wood.



With a swing of the big knife, a gust of wind sounded, and the raised wooden section opened.

Wu liang looked at the old man who was chopping firewood in surprise. He couldn't believe that such an old man's body was still so strong. However, when he looked at lord wu liu beside him, his expression gradually eased.

Instead of greeting the old man, the sixth patriarch took out his long sword and handed the scabbard to wu liang.

The old man acted as if he didn't see the sixth great master wu and once again set up a piece of wood to chop.


A wave of sword sounds sounded, and at the same time, wu liuye's long sword trembled and stabbed straight at the old man's throat.

Wu liang widened his eyes and stared at her without blinking.

The old man, who was chopping firewood, put the wood in a leisurely manner. Just as he was about to speak of chopping and chopping, wu liuye's sword had reached the beginning of the old man's neck by ten centimeters.



A cold light flashed, and the old man turned his wrist.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

At this moment, the sword light and sword light lit up frequently. Wu liang was dazzled by the sight. He could only see two blurry figures moving around. The silver light flickered and he couldn't see the fight scene clearly.

She pursed her lips gloomily and her eyes widened. She tried her best to get a better look, but she gave up after a few seconds. She looked around in a bored manner.

In front of the bamboo house, apart from the coffee table and chairs, there was only a pile of wood, a water tank, a home-made stove, a simple home-made stove, and nothing else.


With a buzzing sound, the sixth patriarch and the old man stopped in their tracks. Wu liang quickly fixed his eyes on it. The old man's sword was pressed against the sixth patriarch's neck, and the sixth patriarch's sword was swung to one side.

"Elder brother bai, the sword is not old yet!" The sixth patriarch sighed.

The old man retracted his broadsword and a smile appeared on his expressionless face as he spoke softly, "You're still so useless."

Six grand lord wu was slightly stunned, and then two old men laughed out loud at the same time.


Two old men over 100 years old held the sword and sword in their hands and hugged each other tightly.

After laughing, the two separated. The old man glanced at wu liang and chuckled, "This is not the younger generation you are talking about, is it? It's not good!"

Lord wu liu smiled gently, "No, this is my xuansun wu liang."

Wu liang took two steps forward and cupped his fists in salute, "Wu liang of the wu family met old master bai."

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