Super Luxury King System

Chapter 79 Everyone's Thoughts

"Haha, it's a misunderstanding. Mr. Bai, don't mind." While she was in a hurry, lang waved his hand with a smile.

Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "I guess the general is magnanimous."

The topic changed, and zhang xiaobai explained why he was here, "I'm here today to buy the diamond mine in general's hands."

Without waiting to guess, tasha's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at zhang xiao with warning intent, speaking in a harsh chinese language, "Mr. Bai, diamond mines are not something you can play with."

"Oh, does general tasha mean that he is also interested in guessing the diamond mine in general's hands?" Zhang xiaobai smiled and looked at tasha.

"Yes!" Tasha replied coldly.

Zhang xiao bai turned around and guessed, "I also guessed that general, your diamond mine has not agreed to sell to general tasha yet, right?"

"Not yet." He also guessed that he would speak slowly.

Zhang xiaobai smiled faintly, "I'll pay twice as much as general tasha."

Tasha's expression changed as he coldly looked at zhang xiao bai, "Mr. Bai, guo gang is very messy."

"Yes! No one knows when they will close their eyes forever!" Zhang xiao bai changed his smile and looked at tasha coldly.


Tasha heavily patted the armrest of the seat.

The four macho men standing behind tasha took out their pistols one after another.

In a flash, xu Zhengyang, who was beside zhang xiaobai, jumped up.

Bang! Bang! Tsk! Tsk!

Xu Zhengyang ran behind tasha with two daggers in his legs. The guns in the hands of the four men in black fell into xu Zhengyang's hands.

Thud, thud, thud!

When he returned to zhang xiao bai's side and sat down, xu Zhengyang threw the four pistols onto the table and a cold light flashed in his eyes, "General tasha's men are not very friendly!"

"You." Tasha was shocked. He opened his mouth and closed it again. A bright gleam flashed across his eyes, and his eyes were spinning in confusion. He did not know what he was thinking.

She guessed that she was happy, but her face was slightly frowning, "General tasha, yang is my friend. Mr. Bai was brought here by yang. He is also my friend. It's not good for you to do something to my friend here, right?"

"Haha." Sopoul laughed and played the round, "I guess nothing happened to your friend. Let's just forget about it."

He glanced at su bo and turned to look at zhang xiaobai, "What do you think, Mr. Bai?"

"It doesn't matter." Zhang xiaobai smiled gently, "I wonder what the general thinks of my proposal?"

Sobel guessed without waiting and chuckled, "Mr. Bai, there's an old saying in huaxia called first come, first served. Don't you know Mr. Bai knows?"

"There's also a saying in huaxia called' those with high prices get it'." Zhang xiao bai retorted without flinching.

Su bo's expression changed slightly. He glanced at tasha and did not say anything.

Tasha turned his head to look and guessed, his tone a little unfriendly, "I guess. What do you say?"

"Yang is my friend. I will definitely give face to yang if his boss comes. However, general tasha is also an old acquaintance. How about this? I will sell it to whoever the two of you bid high." She also guessed that she was in a dilemma.

Tasha coldly glanced at zhang xiao bai and turned around to guess, "Your diamond mine is the largest diamond mine that guo just found. Do you think he can safely mine it all by himself?"

"This is my business. I don't need general tasha's concern." Zhang xiaobai smiled and looked at tasha.

Originally, tasha wanted zhang xiaobai to know the size of the diamond mine, and then retreat when faced with difficulties. He wanted to know that a small mine was easy to guard and the mining time was short, but a diamond mine with the biggest fruit was not easy to hold. Moreover, the mining time was long. In this chaotic country, anything could happen in a long time. However, she did not expect that zhang xiao bai would not be afraid.

"In that case, I hope Mr. Bai can protect this diamond mine." Tasha smiled sinisterly.

Zhang xiaobai revealed a meaningful smile, "I'm borrowing general tasha's auspicious words."

Su bo frowned and looked at tasha, his heart secretly seething with anger. Damn the congolese, greedy, ignorant, how much profit can you gain by taking down this diamond mine? Don't you know it yourself? Just thinking of paying less and getting a high return, she started to retreat when she saw that she was going to bid. She was focused on using force to solve the problem. Did you know that if we missed today, we would lose the chance to join forces to suppress her?

There was a gloomy smile on tasha's face, but his heart was filled with disdain for zhang xiaohe and even su bo.

Sopoul, you think I don't know what you're up to? Among the three great powers, you have always been in the weakest position. Last year, with the help of your master, you wanted to invade the territory that you could guess. In the end, a spirit had destroyed the entire plan and now you want to drag me along to suppress it. Why should I help you ascend to the throne? You think I don't know, and if you go beyond that, you'll get more support from the people behind you, and you'll endanger my position.

Thinking of this, tasha gave a sinister smile. I promised to cooperate with you and take a gold mine from you. After that, I deliberately lost my temper and started a conflict with this young master bai of huaxia. I wanted him to show off his strength and let his guesses live so that we wouldn't be scared. In this way, he wouldn't agree to our terms. And he is a person without a backer. Even if he wants to develop, there is no way. Unlike you, who are so threatening, so that I have the benefit, not to ruin my reputation, but also to ensure my status, three things at one time, why should I not do it?

Tasha thought very well, but what he did not know was that when he patted the handrail, he did send a hint to his subordinates that if zhang xiao and xu Zhengyang made a move against each other, they would show weakness. However, before his subordinates started to show weakness, xu Zhengyang had already dealt with them. In other words, in the end, it was what tasha wanted, but the process exceeded his expectations. Material.

If he knew that xu Zhengyang was really so strong, then his plan would not be so arbitrary. Unfortunately, he did not know that his subordinates would not tell him such a shameful thing, and of course, xu Zhengyang would not tell him. This also caused him to make a wrong judgment about zhang xiaobai and the others'strength.

"Since that's the case, then I don't have to stay here anymore." Tasha's face darkened as he stood up and glared fiercely at zhang xiao bai before he turned around and walked out of the villa.

"Tasha." Su bo shouted, but tasha ignored him and left the villa's living room with his people. However, what everyone did not see was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth as he walked out of the living room.

Su bo's heart was filled with hatred. He knew that one of his gold mines had been sent out for nothing, and his mind was racing. The gold mine went into tasha's mouth, and he didn't want it to come back. It was better to let it exert more value.

"I also guess. I hope you can consider my suggestion and tasha's." After leaving an ambiguous message, su bo stood up and left the villa with his people.

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