Super Luxury King System

Chapter 797 As a Result

The corner of zhang xiao bai's eyes twitched and he was about to step forward when the ghost grabbed zhang xiao and shook his head at him.

Zhang xiaobai stopped in his tracks and stared at the dagger in flattop's hand. His entire body tensed up and he was ready to rush out at any time.

All the shadow players around him tensed up and sat down to prepare.

"Boss, in this lifetime, I won't attack you." A pained look flashed across his eyes as he pushed xu Zhengyang away, who was holding his hand. He was about to stab the dagger into his heart.

A wave of resistance was heard, and the dagger with its flat head aimed at its heart stopped above its heart. It clung to its clothes, but it could no longer be saved.

A drop of blood dripped from the dagger onto his clothes, and the flat head stared in shock at the hand holding the dagger's blade as he spoke in pain, "Boss, let me die. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, boss. I'm sorry!"

Xu Zhengyang removed his hand from the dagger and threw it to the side, his face expressionless, "I recruited you into the army. I recruited the detective company. I recruited the special forces. I recruited the dragon flame reserve team. I am also responsible for your mistakes."

"Boss!" Her eyes were instantly wet, and tears began to flow down her cheeks.

Xu Zhengyang stood up silently and walked to zhang xiaobai. He opened his mouth and was about to say something when zhang xiaobai shook his head and patted xu Zhengyang on the shoulder with a smile, "I understand."

He stepped in front of flattop and pulled him up from the ground. Zhang xiaobai stared straight into flattop's eyes.


Suddenly, zhang xiao bai clenched his fists and punched flat head's face hard. His flat head fell to the ground, but zhang xiao reached out to support him.

"Come out." Zhang xiaobai shouted.

A bathroom door was opened and Baer Dick and cobra came out.

When they saw the cobra, the higher-ups of the dragon spirits who had been picked out immediately understood why they had been detected.

After throwing the chip to the cobra, zhang xiaobai said softly, "They didn't inject the biological agents, they implanted the chip instead. It seems that some people in your holy church can't help but want to attack you."

The cobra's face was ashen as it caught the chip.

"Flattop, tell me, why did you do this?" Zhang xiaobai looked at the flat head calmly.

This question could be pointed to a lot, but flattop knew that there was only one point that zhang xiaobai pointed at. He took a deep breath and spoke in a low voice, "A year ago, on a mission, I was seriously injured and passed out. When I woke up, I was implanted with a chip. They told me that they were"

"Have you done anything wrong to the dragon spirit, to long yan, to huaxia?" Zhang xiao bai said indifferently.

Flattop's expression suddenly became excited, "I did not! I will always remember the oath I swore to my boss when I joined the army. I will never forget it!"

Zhang xiaobai's eyes hurt as he closed the real eye. The time for the real eye had already reached its limit.

"Write down everything you know about the extinction of the world, or about the people from the eastern sacred temple of the church." Zhang xiao bai stared straight into the eyes of flathead, "I don't blame you for being implanted in the chip. As long as you haven't done anything to harm huaxia and the brothers, you will still be my brother, zhang xiaobai."

"You will always be my soldier in xu Zhengyang!"

"You will always be my brother!"

"You will always..."

Xu Zhengyang, overlord, A Jiao, aqui, ghosts and others have opened their mouths to respond.

Flat head's eyes were wet again. Xu Zhengyang took a pen and paper from the shadow player's hand and handed it to flat head with a look of encouragement in his eyes.

Flattop nodded heavily and took the pen and paper and walked to the side.

"Flattop, you're betraying the great takara. You'll be punished the cruelest!" A higher-up dragon spirit who had been picked out shouted at him.

"I'll let you suffer the cruelest punishment now." Zhang xiao bai said coldly as he turned his head to glance at the shadow player standing beside the dragon spirit higher-ups who had been picked out and said coldly, "Brothers, the time has come to test your methods of punishment. I want to know everything they know. If they don't tell me, I don't want them to die, understand?"

"Understood!" The members of the shadow team responded in a loud voice. They dragged one of them out and dragged out all the higher-ups of the dragon spirits that zhang xiao had picked out.

"Young master bai, why don't you let them die? They..." Da kui looked at zhang xiaobai in confusion.

Zhang xiaobai smiled wickedly, "Although death is scary, it's even worse than death!"

All the higher-ups of the dragon spirits who had been dragged by the shadow team shivered in unison!

For a moment, there was only the rustle of writing with a flat head in the training hall.

"Xiao bai, I..."

"I can't blame you." Zhang xiaobai smiled and patted the tyrant's shoulder.

The tyrant laughed bitterly, "Don't comfort me."

"I really can't blame you." Zhang xiao bai spoke again, his eyes filled with deep meaning.

The overlord was slightly taken aback and his heart skipped a beat, his pupils suddenly dilated, "You... You mean..."

"Shh!" Zhang xiaobai raised his index finger in front of his lips and shook his head gently, "Later."

The overlord frowned slightly. He was a little confused. Big kui wanted to say something but was pulled by A Jiao.

Li wuyang, eldest young master, and the others looked at each other, feeling somewhat inexplicable. However, when they saw that zhang xiao did not say anything, they did not ask and waited quietly.

The ghost's expression was a little solemn as he glanced at zhang xiao from time to time. Xu Zhengyang's face was indeed filled with worry as his eyes occasionally glanced at the flat head that was writing something, his eyes filled with nervousness and anticipation.


The sound of footsteps sounded, and after writing, he came to zhang xiaobai and handed the paper to him.

Zhang xiaobai reached out and took the paper. He quickly glanced at it and raised his eyebrows. He held the paper in one hand and raised his other hand. His index finger reached out and pinched it twice.

A shadow player took out a cigarette from his pocket, placed it between zhang xiao's fingers and lit it for him.

"Thank you." Zhang xiaobai smiled at the shadow player as he looked carefully at the things written on flattop while smoking a cigarette.

Xu Zhengyang's heart ached deeply and then sank to the bottom of the valley.

The overlord and the others stared straight at zhang xiaobai, waiting for zhang xiaobai to announce the verdict on flattop. They knew whether flattop would be able to live, so they looked at zhang xiaobai, but they did not know that xu Zhengyang and the ghost already knew the result.

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