Super Luxury King System

Chapter 832 Locked on the Sun Star

Black corona city institute in the sky.


A research lab in the center of the institute let out a heavy thud, followed by cheers, "It's locked!"


"We succeeded, we locked it!"


The dean of the research institute, who looked elegant and dressed in a purple technology work suit, punched the operating platform again and shouted with excitement, "Quickly report to senator tataka."

"Yes!" A researcher respectfully replied and quickly ran out of the research room.


After a while, the door of the research room kicked hard and the electronic door opened.

The member who had spoken to the dean in the president's office came in with excitement. Behind him was a burly man dressed in a black corona star military uniform.

"Principal lu ma, is it true? You locked onto the solar system's sun star?" Councilman tataka's eyes were as big as brass bells as he stared straight into the headmaster's eyes without blinking.

Dean lu ma nodded heavily, "Yes, councilman tataka, general lucie, we have locked onto the sun star."

"Very good, build the wormhole immediately!" Senator tataka patted president ruma on the shoulder.

Director lu ma looked as if she was confident that she would win, "This is simple. As long as I lock onto the target planet, within three months, I will be able to construct the wormhole. Our black corona's wormhole technology is the most powerful in the universe!"

"General lucie." Senator tataka nodded and turned to look at the man in uniform, "Immediately integrate your troops. Once the wormhole is successfully constructed, your corps will attack directly as the vanguard army!"

"Yes!" General lucie knelt on one knee and took the order respectfully.

After the signal of the underground warship of Bella country was blocked by zhang xiaobai, the black corona's people tried their best to determine the coordinates of the solar system. After positioning the coordinates of the solar system, they needed to select a planet as their base. If they were to directly launch the corps into space, they would consume a lot of energy.

After the discussion between the council and the research institute, everyone decided to use the sun star as their base. After being detected, the sun star was the most energetic planet in the solar system, and it was the easiest planet to locate. Therefore, the research institute had fully positioned the sun star. Now that they had finally located it, they were waiting for the construction of the wormhole.

Tataka arranged for lu ma and lu xi to leave the research institute and walk towards the parliament.

"Tataka, why are you like this?" The already sexy and well-dressed woman stood at the entrance of the main hall of parliament and frowned at the arrogant tataka.

"Oh, dear Ruth, I have a flame in my heart that will burn the black corona. Will you put it out for me?" Tataka looked up and down at ruth's protruding body.

Hearing that, Ruth frowned and stared at tataka.

"Ruth, don't look at me like that. I'm the third councilman and you're the fifth councilman. You should respect me at least." Tataka reached out and wrapped his arms around Ruth's waist. With a strong push, he pressed his sexy body against his body.

Ruth did not resist. He just looked straight into tataka's eyes. Everyone who knew Ruth well knew that Ruth, who looked sexy and elegant, was like a noble lady. She was extremely passionate in her heart. She had raised quite a number of male favourites in a few houses and always took the queen's stance. She always took the female position. Position.

Many people in the parliament wanted to press her down and ride around freely, but if they wanted to do what they wanted to do with her, they could only let her be on top. This was unacceptable to the members of the black corona council, who knew their nobility, because on black corona, who meant who was in charge, and those below could only submit. And let the upper echelons play with it.

Tataka had always wanted to keep ruth under him, but he had never had a chance. But now, he saw an opportunity, and he was sure that Ruth would never reject it.

"Ruth, I hope you're mine tonight. I hope you can enjoy it under me." Tataka looked at Ruth with a wicked smile.

Ruth's heart skipped a beat, and a glint flashed in his eyes as he spoke in disbelief, "The location is successful?"

"Of course, three months from now, our black corona corps will be galloping in the solar system and will integrate the earth into the galactic territory of my black corona star." Tataka looked down at Ruth's arrogance and said with a wicked smile, "I wonder if senator Ruth would like to enjoy this joy with me?"

"Of course." Ruth changed his dignified face and a charming smile appeared on his face, "It's my pleasure."

Tataka's eyes flashed with a fiery light. He held Ruth's waist and walked straight to his house. Ruth obediently leaned on tataka's shoulder.

This scene shocked the black corona star who saw the two of them and they secretly discussed how the night queen would submit to tataka.

The black corona star had always wanted to take the earth down because of the technological prowess that the earth displayed in the previous era, they were extremely excited. There was an unwritten rule in the parliament that if anyone could integrate the earth into the galactic territory of the black corona star, he would be the president of the black corona star's parliament.

The news of Ruth's surrender to tataka slowly spread throughout the black corona parliament. The representatives knew that tataka had already located the galactic coordinates of the sun star. Some were envious, some were jealous, and some were unwilling.

Most people thought that tataka was in a bad luck because the academy was controlled by members of parliament in turn. Mario, the fourth member of the hand research institute, was the angriest one.

The black corona star became extremely busy. Take the earth as quickly as possible.

The warships whizzed around the black corona star, and the black corona's landing and landing grounds were all ready warships. Tataka often held Ruth's waist and swaggered around the parliament, the landing grounds, and the army, as if he had captured the earth.

On the contrary, the sound of smashing things often came from Mario's residence. The servant of Mario would be inexplicably executed if he was not careful, causing the people in Mario's residential area to panic.

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