After Bai Bingyu pointed the way, Shi Lei followed her route and left.

"Shi Lei, thank you for helping me last time. Otherwise, I might have died." Bai Bingyu said shyly: "Zhang Xiang is so useless, at that time, you still used me as a shield."

Shi Lei started to get angry when he thought about it. This fellow had even gone to find that Liu Bingkun hoodlum to cause trouble for him and Chen Mei, then the chain reaction caused them to enter the prison. If it wasn't for the Mayor who helped him in the end, he probably would still be in prison!

Shi Lei's face became slightly gloomy, but he did not want to talk about such an unhappy thing, so he said: "In the future when you meet Zhang Xiang, you have to be more careful, he seems to be chasing after you. Un, I do not have any other intentions, and I do not like to talk about others, but Zhang Xiang is a person …"

Bai Bingyu suddenly said: "I know, he likes me, I can see that. But, Shi Lei, don't worry, I won't be with Zhang Xiang."

Shi Lei was startled.

Five minutes later, finally arrived at her house. Previously, Shi Lei only knew a little that had good studies and a good family, but he didn't expect it to be so good.

Although the prices of the houses in the town were not expensive, to be able to buy such a nice suite here would at least cost around a million. Of course, a million was nothing in the city, but in Shi Lei's eyes, it was already a pretty good price.

"Thank you, Shi Lei." The moment Bai Bingyu got out of the car, he revealed a mischievous smile and said, "If not for you, I wouldn't have been able to come back so quickly. I don't even know how to thank you."

It was unknown where Shi Lei got this idea from, but when he looked at Bai Bingyu's tender red lips, he couldn't help but subconsciously say: "Then kiss me."

After saying that, Shi Lei actually regretted it, but when he said it, it was like pouring water into a bucket, he could not take it back no matter what. In that moment, Shi Lei felt awkward.

However, what he did not expect was that after Bai Bingyu's face blanked out for a while, a flush suddenly flashed across his face, and she stood up on her tiptoes …

She really kissed his face!

"Big Scoundrel!"

After that, Bai Bingyu flew back like a little bird, leaving Shi Lei standing there in a daze. In the end, the rain started to get heavier and heavier, and Shi Lei finally reacted, his face showing a hint of ecstasy.

He suddenly thought back to the three words that Bai Bingyu had said before she went back. Big Scoundrel, it seemed to be filled with some sort of hazy emotion, causing his heart to be in turmoil as well.

After laughing idiotically for a while, Shi Lei then brought the motorcycle back to the village.

And upon his return, as expected, Xu Meijiao was not back yet, but Shi Lei also understood in his heart that Elder Sister Meijiao would definitely speak of a lot of things when he went to find her parents, and even if her parents would cook dinner for her, leaving her to eat or something, it would not be possible for them to return so early.

After that, Shi Lei went to his old house and took care of some junk. It had been a long time since someone stayed in this house, so there was a lot of dust, but since it was raining today, it was not easy to do it, and it was extremely humid. However, as a man, Shi Lei naturally did not care too much about it.

Probably only after finishing his meal did Xu Meijiao come over, and at this time, Shi Lei was already as tired as a pig.

Seeing how Shi Lei organized so well and brought out so many useless things, a tinge of joy appeared on Xu Meijiao's face. He walked over and clicked his tongue, "Lei, not bad.

Shi Lei laughed, and did not say much, but said: "I'll clean up later, I'll go get you some water, ok?"

"Don't, you haven't eaten, right? I brought something from my parents, you eat first." Xu Meijiao smiled and handed over the two bags in his hands.

Shi Lei couldn't help but feel warmth in his heart. At this moment, only the Elder Sister Meijiao could think of him, and she was so considerate. It had to be said that Shi Lei realized that his admiration for the Elder Sister Meijiao was even more severe now.

After eating, Xu Meijiao then said: "Wait a moment, go get me some water, we'll clean your house and stay tonight, then we'll see what we lack before buying again tomorrow."

"Alright, then I'll go get you some water." Therefore, Shi Lei took the water bucket and left. At this time, he did not feel the slightest bit tired at all.

At around 9 PM, he had tidied up quite a bit. There was a bed in the room, but it was very old. However, he could still sleep after tidying up a bit. It was just a single bed.

Shi Lei said: "Elder Sister Meijiao, I'll sleep on the floor first, you sleep on the bed."

Xu Meijiao rolled his eyes and said: "Why, are you still shy? Alright, sleep with me tonight, it's so cold on this rainy day, if you sleep now, even your body would be soaked in cold air, no one will know, so go get a new bed another day."

Shi Lei was quiet for a moment, then suddenly said softly: "Elder Sister Meijiao, you are very good."

Xu Meijiao was startled, then burst out laughing.

Shi Lei scratched his head. He knew that he would have to live with Elder Sister Meijiao for a long time in the future.

"What are you thinking?" Xu Meijiao walked over and patted Shi Lei's head.

"I'm thinking that I might as well not marry anymore and live with Elder Sister Meijiao for the rest of my life." Shi Lei said in a serious tone, he was indeed being a little serious.

Seeing such a solemn expression on Shi Lei's face, Xu Meijiao was also stunned for a moment. His eyes reddened again as he scolded: "What nonsense are you spouting? If you don't want to marry your wife, how are you going to carry on the family line? How are you going to account to your dead parents?"

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment, and then he could not help but smile bitterly. That's right, this was also the problem.

Suddenly, Shi Lei looked at Elder Sister Meijiao and choked on his saliva.

As if he had thought of something, Xu Meijiao's body trembled and his face flushed red: "You, you should quickly go shower and sleep. I just went to bring some daily necessities over, you can heat up the water to wash yourself. I'll go and see what I can use. I'll take it from Liu Qiang first.

Then he ran away.

Looking at Elder Sister Meijiao's flustered figure, Shi Lei suddenly became excited, if he, himself, was going to have children with Elder Sister Meijiao, it would be good, but he did not know if Elder Sister Meijiao was willing to do so. Shi Lei suddenly wanted to try, he even wanted to ask the Elder Sister Meijiao later.

To have children with the Elder Sister Meijiao must be very fortunate, right? How could he know that there was one other thing that was even more blissful! Only, he hadn't fully tasted it yet.

In the next few days, Shi Lei and Xu Meijiao built a new nest here. Furthermore, everyone in the village knew that Xu Meijiao and Liu Qiang had gotten divorced.

In truth, anyone could tell that Liu Qiang and Xu Meijiao would not last long.

As a result, it became popular in the village. When people asked, they would say, 'Is it hard for a man who has lost his husband and his parents to stick together?'

In other words, the current Shi Lei and Xu Meijiao, had even inexplicably received a lot of sympathy?

However, Shi Lei had never been bothered with these words, he had received supercilious looks before, so he was not too surprised, but if someone said Xu Meijiao, he would definitely be on edge, and it was fortunate that no one in the village dared to speak nonsense, so he did not know what was going on.

However, these were not things that Shi Lei could do with his own will. He had one more thing to do right now.

"I feel more or less comfortable." Inside Yi Yunlan's home, Yi Yunlan was sitting on the sofa. Shi Lei had just given him a set of massages, which also made Yi Yunlan's ruddy complexion look to be filled with an indescribable temptation.

Actually, every time Yi Yunlan touched her, she would have an inexplicable impulse. She knew that it had been too long since she had experienced this, and sometimes, even when Shi Lei touched her, she wouldn't be able to control herself. Fortunately, she was a woman who had seen great storms and waves. Furthermore, she had a high position, so she knew a lot of things and how to restrain them.

"In about a week." Shi Lei said: "As long as it doesn't hurt, there will be a change."

Of course, Yi Yunlan knew that she was the main character. As for the changes that occurred around her, no one was more clear about it than her, and no one was more clear about it than her.

"Thank you so much." Yi Yunlan couldn't help but hurry. If she didn't run into this Great Boy, she would probably still be suffering from her sickness and sickness.

Shi Lei laughed, and said: "This is nothing, as long as you don't forget what I've told you before, it's fine."

Yi Yunlan arrogantly replied: "Don't worry, I've already settled it for you. Wait for me."

After that, Yi Yunlan went upstairs. Roughly two minutes later, she came back down again, only that she still had a document in her hand. She placed it in front of Shi Lei.

"These are all the items that you want. All the items from the permit are here. You can go and open them now." Yi Yunlan laughed.

She was a Mayor, so doing such a thing was as easy as pie to her. There was no need at all for her to waste any effort on it.

During this period of time, she could also tell that this Boy really did have the ability to treat her illness. As for her, after receiving such great benefits, she had to at least express something.

Shi Lei was ecstatic, and said: "Thank you, Mayor Yi."

"Alright, I'm not an outsider either. From now on, just call me Elder Sister Yi. Remember, don't call me Auntie Yi!" Yi Yunlan glared at Shi Lei. Previously, Shi Lei had called her Aunt a few times.

Shi Lei laughed, but as he thought of something, his expression darkened.

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