Xu Meijiao and Lee Xue were startled, then looked at Shi Lei, as though they suddenly understood something.

"Stinky brat, did you eat Cat's fish?!" Lee Xue could not help but say angrily.

Xu Meijiao also looked at Shi Lei with a face full of astonishment.

Shi Lei's old face immediately blushed. No wonder he suddenly had a stomachache. He had eaten the fish that had put the beans on, but it wouldn't be good for others to know that he had stolen something.

He didn't know what to say.

Although Shi Lei did not admit it, anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance.

"Xiao Xue, quickly go and prescribe some medicine for Lei." Xu Meijiao shook his head with a smile on his face.

"No, I'm not. Who told him to steal food, and even fight over it with Miaomiao." Lee Xue, on the other hand, had held back, obviously still resenting the fact that Shi Lei had taken advantage of him just now.

"Then, I haven't eaten since yesterday afternoon. When I returned home, I happened to see some food. Besides, I also called for it. If there's no one, then I …" Shi Lei's face was filled with awkwardness.

"Xiao Xue, hurry up and go. Didn't you want to become a genius doctor? To treat and save people is the virtue of medicine, if you don't save them when you see them die, how will you become a genius doctor? " Xu Meijiao could not help but ask.

"Hmph. I only saved you because of my cousin, otherwise I wouldn't have saved someone like you." As Lee Xue said this, he grabbed a few things from the drawer of the wooden shelf and placed them on the table after soaking them in water.

Shi Lei's face was full of awkwardness, he picked up the cup and quickly drank it all.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll catch you and poison you to death?" Seeing that Shi Lei did not even think about drinking it directly, Lee Xue could not help but ask.

"Elder Sister Meijiao won't harm me."

"It's me who saved you, okay?" Lee Xue was immediately furious, it was as if Xu Meijiao had saved him.

"Alright, the two of you stop bickering. Xiao Xue, you also know that this house belongs to Shi Lei." Xu Meijiao said, and then looked at Shi Lei: "Shi Lei, I'm sorry, but my cousin wanted to study medicine in the village and find me, then she had nowhere to start a clinic, so she used your house. You were taking the college entrance exam recently, so I wanted to tell you about it later."

"Elder Sister Meijiao is fine, but I might not be able to go to university now." Shi Lei said with a wry smile.

"Didn't you pass the exam?"

Shi Lei laughed bitterly but quickly said: "I want to learn how to be like the Elder Sister Meijiao and do things for the villagers. I also believe that the peasants can get ahead of themselves, they don't have to study at a university to have a way out."

If she told Xu Meijiao that she did not have money, she would definitely think of another way. It could be said that the reason why Shi Lei had been able to study until now, with Chen Mei's help in school, was because Xu Meijiao had helped her.

"That's a bit like the saying of humans. So what if you're in the countryside? I don't believe that there's no way out in the countryside. Furthermore, the way out isn't to earn money. I came to the village to break this concept." Lee Xue said.

Shi Lei was startled, he did not think that Lee Xue looked like a villager, but more like someone from the city.

"Shi Lei is my cousin Lee Xue, and I want to open a clinic in the village. Since you want to return to the countryside to develop, I will definitely support you, but I believe that you have no experience in growing these plants, so I think it would be better for you to help Xiao Xue manage the clinic. That way, I can be at ease.

"Cousin, ask him to help me. Did he learn any medical skills? That won't do."

"Elder Sister Meijiao, I …" Shi Lei was also a little confused, she really did not know what to do now, but Lee Xue had clearly misunderstood him.

"No need for further words, this matter is decided." Shi Lei said directly, but she felt that this was actually a good idea. Shi Lei had no one to rely on, and since Lee Xue had just arrived, he could not take care of him sometimes, so it was just right for the two of them to help each other out.

"For the sake of your house, I'll take you there, but you have to listen to me." Seeing that his cousin had already decided, Lee Xue knew that it would be useless to say anything more, and could only compromise.

"That's right, come over for lunch at noon. I still have some other things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Xu Meijiao smiled and turned to leave.

And in the house right now, after Xu Meijiao left, Shi Lei felt even more awkward. He hadn't even gotten rid of girls, nor did he know how to get along with them.

"Lee Xue, it was really a misunderstanding just now."

"Hmph, don't think that I'll forgive you just because my cousin helped you. Also, you're not allowed to bring this up in the future. Since cousin asked you to help me, you have to listen to me." Lee Xue suddenly smiled, didn't he want to punish Shi Lei? He was his superior right now, so wouldn't that be easy?

"But I'm not familiar with medicine!" Shi Lei could not help but ask.

"Then you have to learn. I'll tell you now, according to the government's subsidy, each person can get 500 yuan each month. Since I'm the one making the decision here, if you do well, I'll reward you.

"…" Shi Lei was speechless.

"Since you tacitly agree without saying anything, the clinic hasn't opened yet. I'll teach you some common herbs now." Lee Xue said with a smile.

"Un, alright. I will definitely learn well."

Lee Xue came to the counter, took out a thick book, and threw it over to Shi Lei immediately: "You still need me to personally teach you, compare the books with yourself and then compare the medicinal ingredients, and take out all the medicinal ingredients from the small box. I'll give you an entire morning, if you don't finish cooking it, don't eat anymore."

Shi Lei turned to look, and his face immediately filled with black lines. Was that a small box? It was obviously a large rice jar. "That much?"

"Why? Can't I? "Then don't eat at noon."

Shi Lei's face was filled with black lines, "Are you avenging a personal grudge by doing this in public?"

"That's right, it's up to you whether you do it or not." Lee Xue's face was full of pride.

Shi Lei was speechless, it could be said that he had no choice but to lower his head when he was under the roof, and what he did before was indeed wrong.

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