Shi Lei laughed: "I already said I can do it, for this piece of land, I will also grow it. What do you think, Elder Sister Meijiao?"

Xu Meijiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said: "Of course there's no problem. You're so awesome, I'll definitely give it to you."

F * * k, this was the first time Xu Meijiao had used the word awesome.

In any case, as long as the village knows that this is a seed, no one will say anything about it. On the contrary, they will be even more happy, because after all, you are from our village. Xu Meijiao laughed: "So you don't need to worry about this place, this is a place within the village anyway, I'll be fine with what I say."

Shi Lei immediately nodded his head: "Then that's fine, as long as all of it is planted, I will let the villages come and pick it as they please. If there's anything they need, just say it, you can continue!"

Xu Meijiao's eyes lit up, and he laughed: Lei, you truly know how to behave, just your words alone, I'm afraid that everyone is extremely happy.

Shi Lei laughed bitterly: "So what if it is a village. I have already lived for more than ten years, although I am not very happy, but at the end of the day, I am still a family.

Xu Meijiao sighed: "Lei, you are much better than a lot of people who don't want to take advantage of you."

Shi Lei was startled, then he remembered who Elder Sister Meijiao was referring to.

Needless to say, it was definitely Zhang Shun and her group, all of these people, it was fine if they were trying to take advantage of him, but it was alright as Zhang Shun's clinic no longer had any business, and as for the others, Shi Lei remembered who they were, along with Shi Fugui, Liu Cuihua.

These people, whether Shi Lei would give them benefits or let them enjoy the cool under the spicy tree, would all depend on his mood!

Another period of time had passed, and just as expected, when they heard that Shi Lei was actually going to give these medicinal ingredients to the villagers, they immediately followed suit and jumped in joy.

Obviously, what Shi Lei had brought to them was no longer joy, but was all kinds of pleasant surprise!

The clinic from before had already treated so many people, and now, there was such a good benefit. Everyone was actually able to use these medicinal herbs selflessly. To anyone, this was something worth celebrating. After all, many people in the rural areas couldn't afford to buy medicinal herbs and tonics, but now, they actually had the chance to give their elders or patients at home the opportunity to get the medicine without using money. Moreover, there were many tonics as well, which was an incomparable temptation for anyone!

After all, everyone had truly seen that the medicinal herbs here had grown up really quickly. Although they did not know how Shi Lei had done it, anyone with a discerning eye would know that if not for Shi Lei, these medicinal herbs would not have grown so fast!

Shi Lei was truly a capable person, this child!

One month later, this piece of land, would completely be used by Shi Lei to grow medicinal herbs!

Most importantly, these medicinal herbs could be used by many people in the Qingshan Village.

Of course, Shi Lei had also said, there were some things that he needed to focus on nurturing, and told everyone not to mess around. The villagers of Qingshan Village naturally wouldn't have any objections. After all, everyone knowing that everyone being able to bask in the light was all because of Shi Lei's existence. Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to have the right to use these medicinal ingredients together!

As a result, no one would act rashly. After all, it was understandable that Shi Lei wanted to focus on cultivating some medicinal ingredients. Since he was a doctor, he might be able to use some of the ingredients himself. Naturally, no one would say anything, and even more so, no one would harbor any thoughts just because of Shi Lei's focus on cultivating some kind of medicinal ingredient.

After all, without Shi Lei, no one would have access to these medicinal herbs.

"Lei, if you continue growing these herbs, these herbs will definitely get better very quickly?" Xu Meijiao looked at this piece of land. Previously, it was completely filled with all kinds of medicinal herbs, but there were many that she couldn't recognize!

Shi Lei laughed: "Of course, these medicinal ingredients, under my nurturing, will grow very quickly."

The corner of Xu Meijiao's mouth twitched, and said: "Isn't this going too fast? This can simply be described as terrifying. If someone else wanted to cultivate them, they wouldn't even be able to do so for a year and a half. Within a year, you've grown so many medicinal ingredients."

In fact, what Xu Meijiao did not know was that, these medicinal ingredients, in the future, Shi Lei would not care about them anymore, and would allow them to grow normally.

As for the ginseng, goosebumps, deer antlers and the like, he would have to use his own internal energy to slowly cultivate them, because as long as he raised them a little longer and was older, he could use them by himself and then increase his internal energy!

Right now, many of the medicinal ingredients that were being cultivated with Inner Qi were around a year in age, and Shi Lei had only spent a month's time doing so, if Shi Lei were to use all of the Inner Energy that he had spent in this month cultivating with the same medicinal ingredients, he would definitely be able to reach the age of ten years immediately!

In the market, these so-called hundred year old herbs could actually be sold for a lot of money, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars!

In the future, not only would it be in terms of money, but it would also increase his internal energy. It could be said that this was Shi Lei's plan to kill two birds with one stone now.

"Oh right, Lei, why do you put so much emphasis on nurturing the other ingredients?" Xu Meijiao could not help but ask because he already knew that the herbs Shi Lei was cultivating were ginseng or some kind of precious medicinal ingredient, which was also called black deer antler. Of course, this was also a very smart method, to focus on cultivating some of his own ingredients, then sell them?

Shi Lei laughed: "What do you think?"

Xu Meijiao thought for a moment, then laughed: "It must be selling money, other than selling money, what's the use of these medicinal herbs? Our bodies are very good now, we don't need anything that can help us out."

Shi Lei could not help but laugh, and said: "There are other uses for it, but it's useless to tell you now."

Xu Meijiao snorted, and said: "I won't say it, you brat, there are so many clever ideas, I don't understand you anymore, but if you tell me, it will make me more curious, I don't like always being curious."

Shi Lei was at a loss whether to laugh or cry. Indeed, if someone had interacted with him for too long, they would definitely think that he himself was a complete fool, because even he himself wouldn't be able to understand why he would one day possess such a terrifying medical skill. Furthermore, he would even be able to cultivate so many medicinal ingredients.

This was simply too unbelievable. If not for his own personal experience, he would never have dreamed of such a thing!

After that, Shi Lei immersed himself completely in cultivating these medicinal herbs. Other than a few times when he would visit the clinic to see a doctor, he had also spent most of his time in this area.

There was no helping it, the longer he cultivated, the more Shi Lei paid attention to it. He did not want one day, the medicinal herbs that he painstakingly nurtured would be stolen by others.

At that time, he was really going to cry. Although he could see that the people in the village would not do this, he had to be on guard. Maybe if the people in the village next door knew about this, they would have ulterior motives.

This kind of thing was something that could not be determined with certainty. Therefore, later on, Shi Lei decided to build a small hut here, and then live here.

Xu Meijiao did not say anything either. After all, she knew the importance of these medicinal ingredients, and what Lei would focus on cultivating. If he really raised them up, it would be something worth a million.

Of course, she was still very curious about why Lei was able to cultivate so many precious medicinal ingredients at a speed that was ten times faster than others. Perhaps, she would never be able to understand this question?

But for some reason, Xu Meijiao was actually a little worried in her heart. She was a relatively mature person, and one with a lot of experience and experience.

Many things would never happen if you didn't want to experience them. When something happened, you would never be able to prepare for it, or rather, you never would have thought of it.

At this time, Xu Meijiao had the exact same feeling, and she wanted to find a time to remind Shi Lei of this. Unfortunately, it was too late in the end …

A group of people charged into the Qingshan Village. Furthermore, it was under the night sky and even Shi Lei had not come to his senses yet. At this time, Xu Meijiao had also planned to come and look for Shi Lei.

The first reaction he had was to feel a very terrifying sense of danger. That's right, it was very scary, he was no longer an ordinary person, he already possessed that kind of Inner Qi, any matter what, let alone a few people, he might even be able to handle a dozen or so people with ease, and then, beat them down.

However, today's group, had a bad premonition arise in their hearts the moment Shi Lei had laid eyes on them. And this kind of premonition, was extremely strong.


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